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Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on March 21, 2009 at 6:50am
Pastors MUST Be Content
A man or woman of God MUST be content in order to serve God with integrity. There may be times when the Lord will place you in situations that you will have to suffer loss or be thrust in harms way for the Gospels sake. I love the fact that Paul was ready to be offered up for God’s service. He was beaten, stoned, starved, shipwrecked, and lied on for the sake of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul could NOT be bought, or compromised in any way because of his devotion to God’s will. Materialistic preachers are the most likely to become false prophets. Why? Because they can be bought with the lure of MORE! A materialistic person ALWAYS wants MORE. If you remember Paul warned Timothy and Titus against Elders and Bishops that are materialistic.

Phil 4:12 (NAS) I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.

Phil 4:12-13 (Jer) I know how to be poor and I know how to be rich too. I have been through my initiation and now I am ready for anything anywhere: full stomach or empty stomach, poverty or plenty. There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength.

Paul was a soldier of Jesus Christ, a good soldier that wasn’t corrupted by the world and the lure of wealth. If you are so consumed with making yourself comfortable and wealthy, how can you truly go to hard places for the work of the Lord? Imagine the Lord speaks to you and compels you to go to a Third World Country and preach the Gospel? Do you think you will be living in the lap of luxury in Haiti or Somalia? I have been to many of these places and I can tell you the Prosperity Message doesn’t work in a place where just having a roof over your head makes you blessed. God needs men and woman that can adjust to being with OR without. That is why Paul said “If you have food and clothing BE content!”.
Will We Follow if Jesus Asks Us to Enter Poverty For a Season?
Mark 10:21-27,31 (Jer) Jesus looked steadily at him and loved him, and he said, "There is one thing you lack. Go and sell everything you own and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." But his face fell at these words and he went away sad, for he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!" The disciples were astounded by these words, but Jesus insisted, "My children," he said to them, "how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." They were more astonished than ever. "In that case," they said to one another, "who can be saved?" Jesus gazed at them. "For men," he said, "it is impossible, but not for God: because everything is possible for God... Many who are first will be last, and the last first."

Is it likely, with all of his contacts and experience, that this man would not have remained poor for long? And yet he was unwilling to obey Christ with all these advantages, even temporarily. The rich young ruler could have been the 13th disciple literally! Jesus offered a chance to hang with Him! He turned it down because he loved his STUFF! So often people forsake Jesus because of STUFF! Stuff like money, fame, and influence. I am not trying to say rich people can’t serve Jesus, but what I am saying is so often the rich make money their God. Money is a powerful thing; money can buy fame and influence. Money can buy friends and love…not REAL friends and love but a great counterfeit of the two. Money is the God of this World’s source of power. That is why the Bible states, “Man cannot serve TWO masters, God or Mammon (money), you will love one or hate the other.” What is YOUR God?

Check out my Web Page!
Comment by Adrienne Williams on March 19, 2009 at 10:03pm
Greetings To All,

Please join us for this special corporate prayer call in preparation for the upcoming Prophetic Teleconference being held March 23-27, 2009.

Prayer Session
Sun., March 22, 2009
10 p.m. (EST)
Dial: (269) 320-8200
Access: 693355#

Our main prayer points will be as follows:

1) Prayer for all speakers & their families.
2) Prayer for a prophetic release.
3) Dismantle any demonic activity that may have been set in place concerning anybody or anything affiliated with conference.
4) Consecration of the line.

The prayer session will begin promptly at 10 p.m. (EST). For those who wish to enter the line a few minutes early, that will be fine. We just ask that you take that time while you are waiting to prepare your heart & spirit for the prayer time.

I realize that this week may truly be a sacrifice for some of you but we ask that you please PRESS YOUR WAY! You are on the brink of a breakthrough!

(Please note: For those who will be dialing in and participating in the conference next week, we will be issuing a certificate of participation from Prophetic Institute International for those who desire to receive one. My only request is that make every effort to dial in & join us at least 3 out of the 5 nights.)

Blessings be unto each of you!
Prophet Adrienne Williams
Comment by Adrienne Williams on March 18, 2009 at 8:17am
Men of God,

A Time of Empowerment
A Time of Discussion
A Time to Share the Word of God

Dial in to TONIGHT for the monthly "Sons of Thunder - Destined & Determined" teleconference fellowship.

Wed., March 18 @ 10 p.m. (EST)
Dial: (616) 597-8000
Access: 764127#
Facilitator: Apostle Centry Prince ( of South Carolina)/i>/b>

Comment by Adrienne Williams on March 17, 2009 at 5:15pm
Greetings To All,

I am grateful to those who joined us for the School of Prophets call last night. The teaching was absolutely awesome! For those who were unable to attend, you may listen to the recorded message at your leisure at the following number:

Conference Call Playback Number
Dial: (269) 320-8299
Access: 693355#

I inadvertently gave you all the wrong date for our next regular session. Our next regular School of the Prophets session will be on Mon., April 6, 2009 (1st Monday in April) at 10 p.m. (EST). HOWEVER, I encourage as many of you as possible to attend our upcoming Prophetic Teleconference that will be taking place on next week. You don't want to miss this!!!! Visit the site for more details.

We are still taking prayer requests for those who may need specific prayer. Please send me a note through the site or to and include your requests.

Lastly, if you have not visited our "Blog Posts" & "Forum" sections lately, I encourage you to do so. There are some absolutely awesome posts there including the following:

"The Curse of Unauthorized Covenants"
"Caution! Some Things Are Not As They Seem"
"Are There Modern Day Apostles & Christian Prophets Today?"
and much more!!!!

Again, I am grateful to God and to each of you for your participation here. Because the School of the Prophets line is growing so rapidly, my prayer request to each of you is that you pray in agreement that God would make the provisions for me to obtain a toll-free (800) line to allow even more callers to join us in these teaching sessions.

Blessings be unto each of you!
Prophet Adrienne Williams

Visit School of the Prophets at:
Comment by Adrienne Williams on March 15, 2009 at 12:52pm
Greetings men and women of God,

Our next Prophetic Institute School of the Prophets Session will be held as follows:

Monday, March 16, 2009 at 10 p.m. (EST)
Dial: (269) 320-8200
Access Code: 693355

This teaching call is held every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month at 10 p.m. (EST) and is offered as an additional FREE learning tool to assist those called to prophetic ministry.

Dial in from the comfort of your own home! You are welcome to invite others to dial in.

Please note that it is not necessary to identify yourself on the line when you dial in if you choose not to do so. You are welcome to dial in and just listen.

For the Kingdom's sake,
Prophet Adrienne Williams
United Nations International Ministries
Prophetic Institute International
Ministry Contact No. (641) 715-3900 Ext. 63016#
Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on March 13, 2009 at 10:05pm
Mat 6:19-21 (TEB) "Do not save riches for yourselves here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and robbers break in and steal. Instead, save riches for yourselves in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and robbers cannot break in and steal. For your heart will always be where your riches are."

It is easy enough to "explain away" one or two verses to come to the conclusion we want. But what you are about to read is more than one or two verses: Scriptural teaching about money is clear, consistent, and radical. It is plain and clear that our focus as believers should be on The Lord and His work and not becoming rich. If the Lord blesses you to be rich, then it is His will for you to be rich. Too often preachers have lied and misrepresented the Bible and the Lord by teaching ALL should be rich. If riches was the indication that one is blessed, then Donald Trump and Bill Gates are the most blessed men in America!
Be Content with Your Needs Being Met…. Beware Of Materialism!
Heb 13:5 (RSV) "Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have."

Contentment is very rarely preached now days, the primary message today is centered on receiving a blessing. Giving is preached with the purpose of receiving! We are taught to treat God like a Cosmic ATM machine that is at our beck and call. Kenneth Hagin had a book titled, “How to Write Your Ticket with God”. We are so busy trying to BE GOD; we forget that God is in control! The Bible says that God will supply ALL of our NEEDS according to HIS RICHES in Glory! Key word is NEEDS, we don’t call the shots in this life HE DOES! God is a personal God that wants to KNOW us, we need to seek His face and NOT His hands. God wants our hearts on Him and his plans and purpose, not the other way around.

Ps 37:7,16 (NAS) Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way... Better is the little of the righteous than the abundance of many wicked.

One of the lies of Prosperity Preaching is that ABUNDANCE means monetary wealth. The favor of God is not measured by the size of ones bank account. If this were true then Donald Trump and Bill Gates have more favor than anyone. This doesn’t mean a Christian cannot attain wealth, but wealth is NOT the indicator of an abundant or blessed life.

Prov 23:4-5 (NIV) Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.

Wealth as transitory and can leave faster than it was acquired. Notice the scripture says “Cast a glance at riches…” The message of Prosperity is consumed with the concept of attaining riches. The preachers often convince the hearers that IF you give to THEM God will give to YOU! That is the essence of Prosperity preaching. Back in the 60’s there was a preacher named “Rev. Ike”, he was the Godfather of this preaching and teaching. He used to promise people that they would have “Good Luck” if they gave money to him. Rev. Ike was very obvious and wasn’t very scriptural in his delivery. But today’s false prophets are more skilled in twisting the Word of God.

As time moved on the Prosperity Preachers became much craftier at using scripture to justify their larceny. Oral Roberts coined the phrase, Sowing Seed, He suggested that money is seed to be sown into ministries (his in particular) in order to REAP a harvest. The scripture is very clear when it speaks of SEED and HARVEST, Jesus was speaking of the WORD as the seed, and the harvest is LOST SOULS! The devil has taken the emphasis off of souls and placed it on MONEY! I have seen offerings in churches last longer than altar calls.
Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on March 13, 2009 at 8:13am
Pastors Take Precautions!
Proactive/protective steps to avoid sin:
1. Do you have an accountability partner or group and do you meet with them regularly and honestly? (This is critically important for pastors who do any serious counseling at all.)
2. Do you leave the office door open or the window in it uncovered?
3. Do you keep your desk between you and your counselee? Physical distance between you and the counselee is very important for her security and comfort, and for enabling you to resist any improper contact. Close personal proximity is not necessary for healing.
4. Avoid even casual physical contacts. We recommend not even shaking hands with counselees of the opposite sex. You can make them feel safe, comfortable, and welcome without physical contact.
5. Ideally, men should counsel with men, women should counsel with women. This is not always possible. Teaming up with a trusted and professional partner who can assist the male pastor when meeting female counselees, is a good idea. If the counselee is unwilling to meet with the pastor along with his designated partner, it may be time to refer.
6. Never assume a self-concept of sexual invincibility. Given the wrong circumstances, every pastor is vulnerable to temptation, sin and the abuse of power.
Comment by Seer/Pastor Chvonne Simmons on March 10, 2009 at 8:22pm
Prophetic Spiritual Warfare Conference
April 2-3, 2009

Calling all Apostles, Prophets, and Seers….
Let’s unite to destroy the strongholds over this city and state
II Corinthians 10:4”For the weapons of or warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;..”

Thursday night 7pm
Apostle Loretta Hamilton
Disciples on a Mission for God Ministry
North Charleston, South Carolina
Friday morning 10am Friday afternoon 2pm
Seer/Pastor Chvonne Simmons Apostle Tracey Foreman Charlotte NC
Tomayo Deliverance Ministries Prophetess Vivian Sneed Atlanta GA
Charleston, South Carolina Prophetess Rebecca Hickson SC
Friday night 7pm
Apostle Tonita Patterson
It is Written Ministries Fayetteville NC

Venue: Hampton Inn & Suites (843) 573-1200
678 Citadel Haven Drive Charleston SC
Contact : Prophetess Lopez (704) 605 -9448 or (843)830-9325
Comment by Adrienne Williams on March 10, 2009 at 5:22pm

For those who may be led to do so, you are invited to join Sis. Tamara & Prophetess Walker TONIGHT (Tues., March 10) for the 3rd Watch Prayer Session at 12:30 a.m. (EST)

Tues., March 10 @ 12:30 a.m. (EST)
Dial: (269) 320-8200
Access: 693355#

This hour is one of the most crucial night watches so please feel free to invite others to dial in and touch and agree.

Blessings be unto each you!
Comment by Pastor Vanessa R. Byrd on March 8, 2009 at 7:51pm

New Book Release by Pastor Vanessa R. Byrd

21 Days of Devotionals & Prayers

You must purpose in your heart that you can do anything you desire with God as your forerunner. Allow Him to pave the way for you to conquer every situation that may face you today

Father, I thank you that my brothers and my sisters have decided to look beyond their situations and see the greater picture. I thank you for the boldness that has risen within them to recognize that they do not have to succumb to the tactics of the enemy.

Order Your Copy Today for only $15.00
Order at

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