
Texas Members

This group is for Black Preaching Network Members throughout the state of Texas. Some members in this group will be a part of your local chapter, but here we can plan statewide events and fellowships.

Members: 250
Latest Activity: Sep 29, 2019

Discussion Forum

What is your vision?

Started by Evangelist Lorie Mayfield Mar 20, 2012. 0 Replies

Need free air time for your ministry?

Started by Psalmist, Alana Sanders. Last reply by LoneWolfe Radio Feb 28, 2012. 1 Reply

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Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on September 9, 2011 at 12:38am

Breathe...On Purpose!

Have you ever given thought to that breath you just took? Or the next one you anticipate taking? Every breath you take is precious because it is that one breath that separates your existence from the temporal to the eternal. Each breath you take delivers vital oxygen to your cellular structure and removes carbon dioxide and other less-than-beneficial gasses from your body.

God showed me that, for most of my life, I had been breathing autonomously; even accidentally!

The Breath of life is illustrated in Genesis 2:7:

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

When God breathed the breath of life into man, He imparted Ruach (Hebrew) — the spirit nature — into man. This Ruach was intended to be the part of the man that communicates with God’s Spirit, the Pneuma (Greek).

Now, theological scholars may rake me over the coals over my mixing of Hebrew and Greek, but stay with me…

God does EVERYTHING intentionally! There are no accidents; no “Plan B.” Moreover, He created us to live life purposefully and intentionally. God created us with a specific purpose in mind but we have to tap into His will, culture, and intent for that purpose to be fully revealed.

That said, if He was so deliberate with the breath of life, we, too, should be deliberate with our breathing.

Since this revelation, I make a conscious effort to breathe intentionally. I take time during each day to breathe deeply — drawing in as deep a breath as I can take, holding it briefly, and exhaling. This manifests two blessings: first, being aware of each breath teaches me to be a good steward of the breath God has given me and, second, the deep breathing invigorates and energized me and reminds me that God has paid for my healing by the stripes of Jesus (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24).

Don’t get it twisted, though! I’m not talking about some new-age foolishness; I’m talking about being conscious and aware of one of the most fundamental, essential gifts God has given us. I’m talking about Christ-centered spiritual and physical refreshing.

I pray this will help you in both your walk of faith and the quality of your natural life!

© 2011 – Derrick Day (

Comment by K Manjau on August 23, 2011 at 12:57pm
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on August 21, 2011 at 2:27am

Anyone who thinks God “took out” Pastor Zachery Tims “because of his sin,” probably ought to be looking over their own shoulder. You see, God is not a murderer (check out Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — who did Jesus kill?). Everyone will give an account of their lives: those who are in Christ will do so before the Judgment Seat of Christ, and those who are outside of Him will do so before the Great White Throne Judgment. I am absolutely tired of these self-righteous “christians” who are quick to pass judgment on someone when they, too, walk around with the sin that so easily besets them.

Instead of throwing stones, we should be collectively mourning the loss of a General of the faith and praying for the four young children surviving Pastor Tims. We should also collectively “pump our brakes,” rather than jumping to conclusions about what led or contributed to his demise.

© 2011 – Bishop Derrick Day (

Comment by CHRISTIE IVORY on August 19, 2011 at 2:33pm
Bizworxinc. GRANT WRITING SEMINAR coming to Dallas,Saturday Sept 10th.  Come learn step by step procedures of effective grant writing techniques.  Receive copies of grants and budgets that have funded and a list of foundations that fund faith based organizations and church.  Call 214-236-5998 or email  Seating is limited.
Comment by Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown on August 18, 2011 at 2:13pm

Christian Living: 10 Ways to Tell You Are Slipping Backward

On last night I ended a discussion with a former
church member by telling her that backsliding was
not limited to going to the bar or sleeping with
her boyfriend.

Backsliding really occurrs anytime you are not
growing deeper in your walk with God. Anytime you
find yourself coasting thru life rather than
maintaining battle ready condition.

Fact is, we are on a battle ship in Christian Life
not a cruise ship of human existence. When I saw
this article showing some key areas we can look at
to decide if we are slipping back into a position
of complacency in our Christian Living, I was
immediately reminded of last nights conversation.

I was especially .....

Read The Rest Of The Article



In Him,
JMb <>br/>
Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown
The Internet's Favorite Pastor
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Comment by K Manjau on August 17, 2011 at 1:26am
Comment by Divinity Clergy Wear on August 15, 2011 at 12:36pm


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Comment by Apostle D Tyler Brown on August 14, 2011 at 2:52pm
Inaugural Issue

Apostolic Travail Prophetic Studies: Inaugural Issue

Find out more on MagCloud

Comment by Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown on August 9, 2011 at 1:53am
[ifeelgod] Internet Ministry: 8 Types Of Video That Work For Ministry - 

You have likely seen and read my various posts about the benefits of using social media for online ministry, components like; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ can all be utilized to build closer relationships and build interest in your ministry message.

Yet, I am often asked by pastors and ministry leaders what types of posts should they make to their social media outreaches. In fact, the types of technology that can be used and shared on these social platforms is often overlooked.

One of the easiest ways to create great and compelling content for social media is to include online video throughout your web landscape - from blogs to social networks and beyond.


Join Us For A No Cost Webinar On Internet Ministry


Web videos help to aid in the social and relationship building process. They are widely viewed by the online community because they bring a visual component to content. The truth is that the internet is a graphical medium, people are attracted by what they see much more so than what they read.

As a result it seems only natural to embrace web video, as it provides audio and visual components to create a more human experience.

Read The Complete Article Here:
Comment by Bishop Robert Durgan on August 3, 2011 at 4:36pm
All About Christ Network of Churches and Ministries is looking for those leaders who have been called to lead other pastors if you are ready we are looking for Bishop's, Overseers, and Area Coordinators to join our services provider network to serve the local pastor or ministry leader call Bishop Robert Durgan today at (909)242-0163

Members (248)


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