
Texas Members

This group is for Black Preaching Network Members throughout the state of Texas. Some members in this group will be a part of your local chapter, but here we can plan statewide events and fellowships.

Members: 250
Latest Activity: Sep 29, 2019

Discussion Forum

What is your vision?

Started by Evangelist Lorie Mayfield Mar 20, 2012. 0 Replies

Need free air time for your ministry?

Started by Psalmist, Alana Sanders. Last reply by LoneWolfe Radio Feb 28, 2012. 1 Reply

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Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on March 21, 2011 at 11:51am
Love and the Garden - Lesson 11 of "The Love Walk," a video teaching series by Bishop Derrick Day

For more articles, video, and audio teaching, please visit

iTunes Audio Podcast:

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Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on March 16, 2011 at 10:48am
Love and Grace - Lesson 10 of "The Love Walk," a video teaching series by Bishop Derrick Day

For more articles, video, and audio teaching, please visit

iTunes Audio Podcast:

iTunes Video Podcast:
Comment by RAPHAEL HAPPY MICHAEL ISRAEL on March 15, 2011 at 7:45am

Greetings to all.

I'm currently ministering in Nigeria advocating about the time of Africa's promised healing.

The prophecy in Isaiah 19:18-22 concerning the healing of the motherland and her restoration is fulfilled. Shall we join hands to see AFRICA healed and restored as GOD has kept His part of the covenant?

I wrote a 200 pages book about this fact and may send  by e-mail an extract to anyone wishing to know more about.

I'm also planing to visit the USA in MAY in the  perspective of a worldwide tour, I will be blessed sharing with any assembly and group that will invite me .

Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on March 9, 2011 at 11:20pm

Brothers and Sisters,


The book, "satan, Let Me Refresh Your Memory" by Derrick and Angela Day is now available on AmazonBarnes & Noble, and Smashwords as an e-book for the low price of $2.99. Download your copy today. Also, would you please consider writing a review for us. The best reviews we will use as liner notes on the print edition (coming soon). Thank you for your time and consideration. God Bless and Keep You!



Bishop Derrick Day
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on February 28, 2011 at 11:05am
Love is Spiritual Fruit, Lesson 8 of "The Love Walk," a video teaching series by Bishop Derrick Day

For more articles, video, and audio teaching, please visit

iTunes Audio Podcast:

iTunes Video Podcast:
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on February 23, 2011 at 11:42am

Here is the teaching outline  from "Love Is God's Law," Lesson 3 of "The Love Walk." This teaching will help the believer to understand that love is at the center of Kingdom citizenship and that it is the source of all Kingdom power. Click on the icon above to open or download. Visit for more teaching resources!

Comment by Richmond punch on February 22, 2011 at 8:56pm
I play violin. See Looking 4 opportunities in Houston this week, Feb. 25-26, and March 12. Also all worldwide and year round. I am on youtube, twitter, facebook, linkedin. Thanks for your time! Violin like never before. Add me here also! I played for Manpower, The Potter's House, Howard University and many others.
Comment by Richmond punch on February 22, 2011 at 8:52pm

iTunes sell music
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on February 22, 2011 at 2:10pm
Loving God, Self, and Others, Lesson 7 of "The Love Walk," a video teaching series by Bishop Derrick Day

For more articles, video, and audio teaching, please visit

iTunes Audio Podcast:

iTunes Video Podcast:
Comment by Bishop Derrick Day on February 18, 2011 at 4:49pm

Check Your Interface!


The proper interface is important for two entities to share information. For example, if you have a computer that lacks an 802.11 or 3G interface, you cannot access the internet wirelessly.


Every human being is equipped with what is commonly known as a conscience. Another term for this is “moral compass.” I like to think of it as a “wireless interface” or a radio receiver. Likewise, your internal receiver is always tuned – without change – to that frequency. I like to call it, “W-G-O-D!”


One of the failures of Christian evangelism is that its practitioners are little more than fire-insurance salesmen. Folks obtain salvation as a means to avoiding eternal hell but little more. The ultimate failure of religion is that it promises a pleasant afterlife without dealing with the present issues of the here-and-now.


Every other major religion of the world views Jesus as a great man. Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and others all call Jesus a “prophet” or a “holy man.” However, one of the characteristics of a “good,” “holy,” or “prophetic” man would have to be honesty. Consider the words of Jesus in John 10: 7-9:


7Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. 8All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. 9I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

Here, Jesus identifies Himself as an interface, calling Himself a door. It is interesting that He refers to Himself as a door, because a door is an interface to either another room in a building or a point of entry or exit to the building. Understand, though that without a hinge, a door is merely another type of wall. What made Jesus a door was the cross; the cross is the hinge!


As if that weren’t enough, Jesus puts the punctuation mark on His assertion in John 14:6:


6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Jesus is not merely saying He is an interface; rather, He is the interface.


It is essential to understand interfaces because they often represent the gateway to something we are trying to achieve or receive.


Which begs the question, what is Jesus the interface to? Well, He clearly stated He is the door to salvation and the way, or interface, to the Father.


“But,” as they say in the infomercials, “wait, there’s more.”


Jesus said in John 10:10 that He “…is come that they (His followers) might have life and have it more abundantly.”


In other words, Jesus is the gateway not only to eternal life but to abundant life! This abundant life is only possible through the interface to proper relationship with the Creator; that is, God. And it is through this relationship that we find our purpose, receive our divine assignment, and fulfill our destiny.


Mankind cannot fully comprehend its purpose without a revelation springing forth from the mind of the Creator. And this type of revelation only comes from a holistic relationship with God through Jesus Christ.


So, if you are a disciple of Christ and you are not experiencing the abundant life promised you by the Word of God, or if you are among those who do not know Him but want to experience life to the full, check your interface!


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