Think Alois Bell should lose her job!!!!!


Think Alois Bell should lose her job!!!!!

Maybe you should lose your job. You are a pathetic example of a christian. Somehow this whole situation reeks of racism. Almost instant Karma at work as evidenced by the posts left by others here.

Location: Everytown
Members: 5
Latest Activity: Feb 3, 2013

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Comment by Pastor Bell is no Christian on February 1, 2013 at 5:17pm

Alois Bell is a bad person. Not just a bad preacher, but a bad person.

Comment by Misty C on February 1, 2013 at 11:08am

It's official.... The ABC Preachers site has taken down her page. ROTFL!!!

Comment by smlj on January 31, 2013 at 6:53pm

Alois Bell should lose her job. The bible says an eye for an eye. She caused two people to lose their jobs, therefore she should lose hers. She should also lose her ministry. This woman shouldn't be permitted a public forum to spread her ignorance, her hate, and her egotistical, self-righteous message.

She probably doesn't even believe in slavery. She probably wouldn't even sell her daughter into prostitution. She probably eats shrimp. This woman thinks she can preach the word of god? Who fulfills us in all things, as long as the message comes from a man. 

This woman got uppity. She forgot her place in god's world. She thought she was better than a servant, and more important than decency.

And, did I see the situation reeks of racism up there? What an idiot. You, sir, are racist... pulling out that old card when someone is called out for the things they do.

I don't care if Alois Bell is black or white. Deplorable, selfish people come in all races and sizes. No one knew what color she was when we saw the receipt initially.

Comment by Misty C on January 31, 2013 at 4:45pm

I think it's pretty pathetic that she abused her position in life to commit theft of services. What a horrible woman this so called "pastor" is!!!! She deserves to lose her job and then be publicly flogged!


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