God has chosen Africans as His vessels that will take the gospel to the rest of the world at this end time. The African women are going to pioneer this mandate because of the position women occupies generally in destiny, due to their seeds .(Rev.12:13 -17).
The African women are to prepare their children right from the womb by making use of their apostolic and prophetic mantle as women through the mysteries behind their womb. The womb of a woman is a place where destinies can be made or destroyed. (Gen.25:23). The spiritual life of every woman while pregnant affects the baby in womb positively or negatively. Therefore women are expected to understand that womanhood is a call and motherhood is a ministry. And that women are supposed to reposition themselves in destiny according to the plan and purpose of God for creating them women. Not to continue in the mistake of Eve who did not understand the immeasurable potentials in her as a woman.
The African women are chosen by God to see that women round the globe fulfills their purpose of existence as women in their various nations. As they will start the move by preparing the African children who will go to take the gospel to the rest of the world at this end time, So that seeds who will usher in the second coming of Christ can readily be made available. Seeds that will be vision and mission focused for God without compromise.
However the African women have not come to knowing about this great commission that God has given to them as His end time pioneers. And until the African come to embrace their prophetic mantle, God`s end time move will remain unfulfilled.
However, in Nigeria where this move is starting from we are having over 5,000 women that have started on the move. And we have children already on ground as vessels that so focused for God. We still need this move to move to other countries in Africa and the globe. Apostle Uchechi Jane Elechi

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praise the Lord...god bless you woman of God!
Queen, how are you doing. Please keep praying for African women across the globe to fulfill their prophetic mandate. God bless you. Apostle Uchechi J Elechi
Do you know where a Country called Haiti is in the world Map? I would like hear more from you. Tell me who you are what are stand for ? I am Pastor Lusma from Haiti
Pastor Lusma, are you still at Haiti? It is nice hearing from you. God bless you. Apostle Uchechi Elechi


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