Do people really have a servants heart for the people of God like they say they do??

We are here on this earth for the purpose of edifying the body of Christ...We are God's hands and feet..We are His mouth piece here in the earth realm for the body...Why is it that some people who are professing to be servants of God make themselves unapproachable or make someone feel that they may be too high for anyone to feel comfortable enough to come to them?


Or why is it that people have to come to us???!!! Jesus went into the highways and streets to minister to the peoples needs. Why do some feel they are too good to do the real work. We have gotten so caught with "church" as usual...the preaching to the choir, the prophesying to the people inside that we have lost track of the ones outside. The unrighteous. The lost. The hungry for change.


Let us be hungry for the souls of men to be restored and reconciled back to the Father through Christ Jesus.


Love you all and be blest in Jesus name.

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We are never so high that we can't be brought down by GOD. The word tells us that "He putteth up one , and sitteth down another." We are all vessels of the Lord. But, GOD can choose to use another vessel, that has humbled herself/'himself in his eyesight. To be unapproachable is vain. How can you witness, cousel or even preach the Gospel to others if there is nothing personable about you? These types of people must have forgotten WHERE they were when they found GOD. We all have been in someone elses shoes. I used to love in former years to dance until the sun came up. More than I care to remember. I didn't stop dancing --I just changed partners! We must be able to relate to others and have them to relate to us.
Jesus was often times misunderstood for being in the presence of sinners. But He said, that he came to save that which was lost. In order to do that he had to go where they were. There is a dying world of people , and we need to come out of the comfort zone. Many will not come to church. But, they will watch those of us who say we know him. Represent!!!
Hallelujah! Amen for the word...This is so true! The Spirit of humility must reside in our foundation! Man, people sometimes forget where they do come from...It shouldn't be remember to condemn but to serve as a testimony to you where God has brought you from..and also live the scripture "take heed lest you fall">>>Amen! God bless you Pastor!
I wanted to comment again on this. I recently visited a sister church in Aliceville,Al where we had service and then we did foot wash. We reenacted Jesus and the disciples. We washed everyones feet and then all the women and men in ministry washed each other. This was a wonderful experience for us. As we washed, dried, and annointed the feet of the membership we prayed a prayer of life and peace to them. It was truly a humbling experience. While it was joyous to me some did not participate (ministers) but held the towels. This was ok but i feel they should have taken a greater part in the footwash. It was evident when we finished we got hugs and embraces from the members of the church. It made them feel that we are accesible.That we genuinely care. I have always been one to extend myself to others. Bringing a view of walking in the light to others is very important to me as I know it is to you. God Bless! Pastor Teloria


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