2010 The Word Of The Lord......."Pipe Lines Drawn & Destiny Made Clear"--Pt. 1

Greetings Family!

Yes it has been a long time so it seems, but God is the only one that sits on High and directs the affairs of the upright! My emails have been coming in so quick since being back on BPN, people wanting to hear either what God is saying or what this year will bring. For this reason, I was told to wait, and release when He gives the time to do so, thus now I can. However, as many of you already know, I come never in my name, speak not with any personal agenda, but only utter what God says and the way He says to utter it, and now I shall do this in that manner……
Hear ye the Word of the Lord and the clarity to prepare for what is to come…..

“ O, how the mighty have fallen, and I am not done! For as I have told you in years pass, say yet again what I have already made known. It shall be the best of times and the worst of times, but I shall GIVE them the strategies needed in this hour to walk “STRAIGHT” down the center. I am not saying anything NEW that My people have not already heard, but because of their itching ears they await some different response, but there is NONE!

Have I not told them that this was a time of judgment, blessing, restoration, repentance, self-accountability, advances, promotions, demotions, exposures, rewards weighing upon their obedience and or the lack thereof, elevations into dimensions not yet heard nor seen in your generation. Matriarchal and Patriarchal Mantles of ancient times being released in the earth for such a time as this, Mantles left un-attained, un-claimed are being given to the faithful and the trust worthy in this hour, so has it been happening, and so shall it continue……

Sandy, take this opportunity to make this word clear to My people, serve not this word in the manner of old, but with a new wisdom and clarity not yet seen nor heard from your lips, but boldly attack the forces without hesitation, and he that has an ear will hear, and he that seek to find fault, let each man work our his own salvation, but release all that I say, in the manner already instructed.—Bite not your tongue, bite it not!

For this shall be a year of what was told to you just a few years ago, APOSTOLIC LAUNCH Begins in 2010 and beyond! 2009 was in the realm of the Spirit 2008, The Year of New Beginnings, and I have not changed what I spoke. 2009 was a year that provoked an end but yet a beginning! Many entered the natural calendar year of 2009 thinking that they would birth ministries, only to watch so many fall to the ground. Many entered 2009 with the expectation that all would be restored, only to become more discouraged and disgruntled. Many fell to the way side, thinking that I God had let them down, and that My Prophets lied to them. Many gave up on Me, declaring that their lives were wasted, and that faith in Me was over rated, and many were lost to their past sins, but I am come this day, to bring a clarity to My people in this hour! I am not a God that I should lie, neither am I the Son of Man that I should repent, have I not said it, and shall I not do all that I said I would do? Yes, I can, and Yes I will!

For I work not by the natural calendars that you live by, nor do I work in the time constraints of ANY ones will, I am God, and My people have forgotten this basic principal. I am the ULTIMATE STRATEGIST, NOT YOU, I AM THE MASTER CHEST PLAYER, MAINTAINING ALL OF ETERNITY, not them. Thus, who is man that I should be mindful, and how dare the creation tell the Creator what or how should a matter be or become, when they are not even worthy to stand before in their names alone, but can only come and be heard through the blood of My Son? Thus, it is My people and My collective Church that has become arrogant, self-righteous in their thinking, walking with illegal authority not given from Me, but an authority that they themselves has provided for themselves; making themselves judges and even gods over others, showing mercy only to a selective few, and contributing that which is sent of Me to an enemy’s hand. But in this hour I shall make the distinction between the true and the false, I shall scatter My sheep and call them unto Myself, and I shall them, and I shall heal them, and I shall raised them for the work ahead.
2009 was the year of ending (referring to 2008 being the year of completion), but it was also a year of new beginnings. How can there be a beginning where there were never any finalization's?

Many carried over unfinished business, issues and even sins, but thought that I would look over that, and give them their blessing, but did not, and I shall not until their flesh has died in those areas that hindered them. Yes, they thought that My prophets lied, blamed them instead of blaming themselves, attempting to make their exits justified, but I am God and see the hidden motives of the Heart, and I saw it all. Many leaders were so busy killing each other, but thought they were doing Me a favor, now they are desolate, trying to understand what happened, and how things took a sudden change, it was because, I am God, and I know the way a man shall go, so who erected you as God? The reigns of this world are in My hand, not yours! What authority given to you, I gave you that, but how dare you think that you can out rank or over step MY Will in this world? 2009 was the year where I visited my people to bring internal healing and closures from external years of pain, hurt, and then SET them in a place of their NEW beginnings. However, they didn’t allow Me to do so, their self-righteous attitudes and judgmental ways toward others hindered their OWN KINGDOM advancement, now they sit in confusion trying to figure out the how, the who, and the why……..

Pt.2will post in an hour!

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