It is noteworthy that Pastors want to counsel people about their family life when 40 % of pastors marriages are 'on the rocks'. It has also been said that pastors show more interest in their ministries than their families. You have pastors who abuse their spouses whether verbally, sexually, emotionally, physically as well as neglect. Does such a pastor have the spiritual or moral right to speak about family life? Let us talk about this.

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Comment by Senior Evangelist Godfrey Kisela on March 7, 2009 at 6:14am
Who are we to judge our brothers when we are all imperfect. Maybe Pastors should be single like Paul the Apostle so that they can concentrate on doing God's work without worrying about spouses and kids. Then again the world will falsely accuse them of being homosexual, lesbians and whatever. Let's mind our own business and focus on the prize, even Jesus-Christ.
Comment by Apostle Anthony Yarde on March 6, 2009 at 1:04pm
A leader must be accountable and must be hold accountable for the way he live at home and church.I’ve learnt over the years there is no accountability without transparency.
Comment by Apostle Anthony Yarde on March 5, 2009 at 9:44pm
In my opinion the propblem is that too many pastors are public successes but private failures. What good is it if I I gain the praise of the world but the one I sleep next to despises me. Neglecting the spouse is too often the crime of Ministers.In regards to abuse, all abuse is wrong and I pray for the families of those stuck in abusive situations. The Pastor need help and it would be wise for Him or her to seek the help needed along with the family.
Comment by Micah RaSun-Vann on March 5, 2009 at 8:34pm
Oh Hallelujah! Glory to God! Apostle Deborah.

And as my husband use to say: "Now let the devil say amen! cause we know he's listening"
Comment by Apostle Deborah Anderson on March 5, 2009 at 8:21pm
I certainly agree with Micah's commenting, "Now you've involved others in your sin by putting them in the postion of having to cover and justify your behavior or at the very least play dumb like they didn't know. Worse you've caused a weak soul to stumble because they thought you were perfect." There has been a devasting iimpact upon families due to so many Pastor's spousal abuse which has caused many to stumble. However, this issue has also caused many to come to the reality that "I must have a personal relationship with God" alone. As devasting as the impact is upon the families, marriages, churches, media, nations, the Lord will build His house. The answer to the questioned posed on whether or not that man/woman should continue to teach in an area he/she is not submitted or committed to themselves is obvious - No. This is an area of the order that was removed when the church became a man's name, a man's praise, a man's glory, man's church. Back in the day, a Pastor found in sin would be sat down - human or not.
Comment by Micah RaSun-Vann on March 5, 2009 at 3:28pm
Thank you for sharing about your Pastor and that's what I mean by being honest. With that type of honesty you dont cause people to stumble. Pastors are human, imperfect being and that is understood. Your pastor is a good example of what I mean and I believe he can teach authentically about the family having first admitted his own struggles. It's the ones who are guilty and are hiding behind their titles and then teaching people in that authorative tone the rightness of how a man should conduct himself at home and then is later discovered to be abuser. - That's Deception and Hypocrisy. No They Should Not Teach.

Now you've involved others in your sin by putting them in the postion of having to cover and justify your behavior or at the very least play dumb like they didn't know. Worse you've caused a weak soul to stumble because they thought you were perfect.

Whoever your pastor is God Richly Bless He and First Lady.
Comment by Spirit on March 5, 2009 at 3:00pm
Micah, i agree that honesty is the best policy. but the majority of the time it's not the Pastor and his wife hiding their problems, people just don;t want to see it. they tend to put a Pastor on a very high seat. I am under a Pastor that does not hide his struggles. his sermons are usually him talking back to himself, which i respect. he and his wife will get up in front of the church and ask the entire church to touch and pray for them. it is about being honest. living a transparent life. sometimes when people understand a Pastor and his wife struggle, it will give them a better understanding of life. because scripture says we WILL have trials and temptations. i am just starting my journey with my husband into his ministry and i already see how people are setting me up. No, I have the same behavior issues with my children as you do. i pray God allows me to keep it real for the rest of my life as I do Kingdom work.

You stay blessed, stay encouraged, and keep Seeking the Kingdom.

Comment by Spirit on March 5, 2009 at 2:55pm
I am sure this is a touchy subject, and my opinion is coming from a ministers wife of 6 months. A pastor is a man that has been called by Our Father to preach the Gospel. They have not been given any super powers, they will bleed when cut, catch a cold, have a bad day. But it depends on their relationship with God as to how they handle these issues. Pastors are still human beings. They have the same struggles that we have. That's why it is important to keep them covered with prayer. now i am by far not a scholar or the bible. but scripture will talk about the powerful men of the Bible and how they fell from Grace. so it appears this is a problem dating back to the OT. we should not judge a man of God. God will hold them accountable for the sheep they are over. and if the time comes where God removes "His" annointing from them, then God will remove it.

So to answer the question in my opinion, there is no perfect man on the face of the earth. We have to understand Pastors do not live perfect lives. Satan attacks them at all times. When God says a man is done who has abused their position, He will make it known. But if we hear of a Pastor having marital problems, I think as children of God, we should pray and pray with love for that Pastor and their families.

thanks for the blog.

Comment by Micah RaSun-Vann on March 5, 2009 at 2:46pm
As a former pastor's wife I say emphatically NO!. The marriage between a pastor and his wife firstly should model the marriage between Christ and the Church. If it doesn't, just be honest and not cause others to stumble.

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