We are entering into the tenth month of the year where the season begins to change. The weather begins to cool down and the transition to prepare for the Fall season begins to take place. This is the month of “shifting”. Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunder storms, and floods. Foreclosures, lay-offs, buy-outs, acquisitions and bankruptcies, are all signs of a major transition taking place that has the potential to turn our lives upside down.

Today, many of your personal lives are in this same state; you are right in the middle of a transition. You have been through hell just to get to this place of transition. In the book of the Genesis, Jacob had a spiritual encounter that literally changed his life. The bible says that after he had taken his family and servants over the ford of the Jabok, and sent over his belongings, he was left alone. Jacob wrestled with a Man, all night long. Jacob was determined not to give-up. When the Man saw that He could not prevail, He touched the socket of his hip. Jacob’s hip was out of joint. Although, full of pain, Jacob continued to fight. When the morning came, the Man said, “Let me go”. Jacob responded, “I will not let You go unless you bless me”. It was at this time that Jacob’s name was changed to Israel and God blessed him at his point of transition.

I want to speak to those who have been fighting since January just to bring stability to your life. You have been fighting just get your family over the ford of Jabok. Everything has been a fight. You have fought so long until you are spiritually wounded. Your spirit is tired of fighting. This fight has literally taken the life out of you. Your spiritual hip is out of socket and you are now walking with a limp. Your prayer life has a limp, your fast life has a limp, your finances have a limp, your marriage has a limp, your businesses have a limp and your relationships have a limp. Everything in your life is wounded and now you have a decision to make. Do you let go or keep fighting? So many of you are at a point of quitting, but the Holy Ghost stopped by to tell you that you are about to limp your way to a blessing.

What you must understand is that battle is spiritual. God is using your brokenness to transition you into your blessing. You have been left alone to fight this battle by yourself. You have kept your struggle away from your kids, and away from your family. Those so-called friends have now found others to victimize and use. You don’t have anywhere to go or anyone to turn to, but don’t let go. The morning is coming and the battle is about to end. Through every tear, every broken heart, and every disappointment, you were proving yourself to God. This is your hour of transition and God is getting ready to “SHIFT” you to the next dimension in your life. Jacob was determined not to let the Angel go unless He blessed him. I am speaking to the Jacob in you today, hold on until God blesses you. You may be too weak to fight, but just hold on. You may not have the strength to swing, but hold on. If you just hold on to God and don’t let go, He will shift your life overnight. Somebody better grab that right now! A shift is about to happen. God is about to change your name from VICTIM to VICTOR! The bible says that Jacob was blessed right where he was. See, you thought you had to move, you thought you had to change cities, you thought you had to physically move in order to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, but I hear the Holy Spirit saying that He is going to bless you right where you are. Everybody around you can see your struggle, God is saying now everyone will see your blessing. You struggled openly and now He is going to bless you openly. Somebody should be shouting right now! I feel this word for myself this evening.

This is your season for transition. Don’t lose hope now. I know things have been tough. I know you thought you would be further along by now. I know you had your faith on some things and they haven’t come to pass yet. But, hold on, help is on the way! This is your finest hour. You cried your last tear, yesterday. It ain’t over until God says that it’s over. God is opening doors right now, that no man can shut. He is already dealing with your supervisor about your promotion. He has already dispatched angels to go before you to present that new business idea to your future partners. Even in this economic drought where multi-million dollar companies are folding, God is saying that those who love Him, those who trust Him will experience supernatural favor in their businesses, on their jobs and in their families. The wealth of the wicked is laid-up for the just. What is happening now to many of the big companies is a direct correlation to their under-handed deals, misrepresented profits and cut-throat operations. They have been getting rich off of the backs of working class people for years, now it is God’s time to show-up on behalf of His people. This isn’t a surprise to God. He knew this day was coming. He is using this situation to reveal to you that He is Jehovah-Jireh, your provider! He is bigger than the stock-market, bigger than the DOW and the S&P; He is bigger than Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. His name is above every name. It’s above debt, lay-off, foreclosure, repossession, lack, and poverty. It’s time for you to realize you serve a God who is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that you can ask or think. There is nothing too hard for God!

I come to encourage you today, keep limping. Just because you have a limp doesn’t mean that you have to quit. A disability doesn’t mean you’re disabled. You have the power of God on the inside of you. Whether you have to limp, crawl, or drag yourself, don’t quit because a new day is coming. It only takes one word from God to shift your entire life. It only takes one move of God to take your family from not enough to more than enough. It only takes one business deal to take your company from the red, to a Fortune 500 company. It only takes one article to put me in Essence, Black Enterprise and Ebony magazine (smile). Today you have to make a stance, either you are going to trust God or accept the lie that the enemy is whispering in your ear. Hard times have a way of separating faith from fake. Who are you?

I love you and I am praying for you.

Pastor Y

Order your copy of my new book: Surviving the Struggle, Having a Faith that Won’t Quit. It will bless your life, promise!

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