To God Be The Glory! Pt1

First & foremost I would like to give Honor to my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. I would secondly like to Thank You for taking time out to read this blog. I just wanted to share a few things with the Body Of Christ that God has layed on my heart concerning giving Him Glory. Now we as Christians know that in All we do we should be giving God Glory. But the fact of the matter is there is alot of men & women of God (Blessed, Saved, Called, Anointed, Apointed etc.) that are forgetting or have forgotten about God. God has Blessed them, there homes, there families, & there Ministries but somewhere along the way they have got rapped up in the Blessing & the Calling & have forgotten about the Blesser & the One who Called them in the first place. And since God has layed this on my heart. Me being a servant of the Lord I felt it was my duty to speak briefly on this matter in Love. Not to beat anyone up or judge anyone but in hopes that if you have fallen into this category that you will repent today & begin to give God the Glory in All that you do from now on. Because it is important that you do. Now the first scripture I want to touch on is Ephesians 2:8-9 & it reads 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith & that not of yourselves it is the Gift of God 9 not of works lest anyone should boast. Notice in verse 8 it says for by grace you have been saved through faith & that not of yourselves but it is the Gift of God. Now right there in that verse alone explains alot. By the grace of God we have been saved through faith & yet not of ourselves (notice not of ourselves) it is a Gift of God. Now us getting saved comes before God begins to truly use us in Ministry, or gives us Spiritual Gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:11) So if it is the Gift of God for us just to be saved & then it goes on to say not of our works lest anyone should boast. How is it then that some of us boast & become prideful in our present state when in our latter state when we didn't know God we were brought near by the Blood of Christ. (Ephesians 2:13) Mind you not of ourselves & not of our works but through the Gift of God. The word (gift) means something given voluntarily without payment in return. Something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient or without it's being earned. So if we didn't pay for Salvation or on top of that didn't even earn Salvation & we had to be saved before we were truly used. How is it then that we boast in our present accomplishments.

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