ALERT, RED ALERT, Our Nation and Our Right to continue to worship at stake

Dear Pastors & friends in Christ Jesus,
Please be advised you have just two Sundays to get this message to your congregations. Islam is attacking and if successful Koranic Sharia law will spell the end of all churches here in the United States and it's coming from Baroc Huessian Obama. Baroc is practicing a form of Jihad called Takiya which is the ability to denounce Islam and lie about being a Muslim in a Nation that is at war with Islam. Baroc wrote in one of his books that if elected President of the United States he would be sworn in on the Koran. Thus implementing Sharia Law and placing the office of Presidency of the United States under the direction of the local Amman of his local Mosque. How can any man that considers himself a Christian that, 1) supports abortion and 2) creates a law in Illinois that mandates that if a child survives the abortion to kill the child. In GOD's EYES if you support such a man the blood of those innocent children is on your heads and hands also. Please Pray for our brothers and sisters in Iran as this week the Islamic government of Iran announced the death sentence of over 1 million Christian and Jews in Iran through the mandates of sharia law Sura 38 vs 8-9 that declares all those who are not of Islam are to be Killed. How about the 600,00 black muslims that were killed in Sudan this year by the mandate of the Saudi government because they do not want BLACK Muslims in their ranks. You have 2 weeks to get this message out Pastors. May the Lord give you Holy Boldness to speak the truth concerning these issues. If you need to learn more about this read Sam Solomon's book The Mosque Exposed published by ANM in Crozet Virginia.

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Comment by TimePriest on October 22, 2008 at 1:28am
All you Pastors better go look up the United States Patriot Act FBI Memo. It lists hate groups to be targeted as potentail terrriost.

This list includes Christians and guess what Muslums is not on that list. Any body knows our goverment doesn't pass anything into law unless they plan on using it sooner than later.

Again Pastors you are not just held to take the tiths and offerings but to care for you flock you have been placed over. Play dumb if you want to I bet you TBN them an't.

Don't forget to tell you folks to go to google video and watch zietgeist part 3 of 3 just to give you all a heads up
this video has been online for over a year now so when you guys who haven't seen it you are a lot behind.
The time can be redeemed many folks won't listen like Noah Cousins.
Its Time
Comment by TimePriest on October 22, 2008 at 1:22am
In the last days one shall rise up from the east and the world will fall asleep in what they will think is just another day ending. The next day Surprise Anti Christ.

666 represents man as you scholors know. Nepolian, Hitler, you fill in the rest

Its Time

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