The spirits of lust, temptation, seduction, adultery and perversion seem to cause many to marvel that out of all the places to find them embedded and deeply entrenched, they are more than prevalent in Christ's Church, and they have been the cause of many divorces, embarassments, ministry conflicts and dissolutions, and the disillusionment of many parishoners and believers.. Where else would a "she-devil' or the "strange woman" go to acquire her commanded quota of "trophies" of the anointing,purpose, destiny,and eternal life of God's "sons" if not the local tabernacle, sanctuary,temple or "whatever" kind of "worship center", God's people are assembling in!. WHERE ELSE is she going to find the "glory", the divine favor, and the dunamis power of God in operation? The devil knows that it was these things that brought him down, and his life's mission is to reclaim or dismantle as many as he can! Seducing or cavorting with the men who are found in strip clubs, bars, casinos, or parties is not a challenge, and their souls are of little value to him, because he already possesses them. But now ,to win the trophy of a "set man", an "Apostle", "prophet", "pastor", "teacher", Evangelist", minstrel, psalmist,or Bishop, or even one who has such a destiny and expected end, is good for a "raise", promotion, or "bonus" or two from their "employer", none other than satan, himself. Since the earth began,and the enmity and opposition was set in motion, the demonic spirit of seductuon and enchantmen of the brethren has always been in high gear, beginning with Adam's seduction in the garden, and it has been the downfall, destruction, and disqualifier of many phenomenal men, and men of God. These "shedevils' are assigned to EVERY man, or man of God who is established to accomplish much in the advancement of the kingdom, and she really could care less about them as "men", or about their needs, wants, futures, careers, health ,or life, because she was "sent" to conquer the anointing and bring it to her "master, and she's threatened with unimgainable suffering and punishment if she doesn't succeed, so failure is not an option for her, not at any cost!". "SHE" is customized for every individual man, and she will come in the most desirable and perfect "package", manifesting as his "dream woman" and with flattering and "accomodating" lips, but if they could view this creature in the spirit, they would be in fear, and their knees would be knocking like "tambourines! Externally, she's a supersized "happy meal", because her hips and lips will be just right, her hair and breasts will make him weak, and her "back field in motion" will compel him to walk away from what was once his "good thing", and a "blessing" to him, and to even turn his back on his own seed, to follow and devote himself to the strong delusion of "HER". Theres a movie that's circulated from time to time, about such a creature, who frequented this particular bar, and on the outside, she "stopped traffic", and she used her appearance and allure to seduce the men who made the mistake to "look upon" her too long, and to allow their lust to be stirred and magnified as she zeroed in on their interest, and their weaknesses were uncovered to her. (the devil has a form of "dscernment too.) She didn't randomly select her victims, because she was sent to destroy a particular thing or area in each of their lives. In one, she lured him into adultery, gave him a disease and told him to go explain that to his wife, and she was so delighted, she couldn't contain her joy. In another , she discerned his well hidden bisexuality, and transformed into a perverse homosexual while "mating" with him and destroyed him. The one she had been specifically dispatched to destroy, was a young man who had a calling on his life, and she had been stalking him for years, to abort his destiny, and she even knew his name. She had patiently waited for years, until the right time and the oportunity, as she tracked him across the country. This young man had led a very sheltered life, and was kept close to home by his gr. mother who knew his destiny, and who had beeen battling the devil for him for a long, long time. "SHE" waited until he was visiting a relative away from her care and watchful eye, and went in for the kill, by appealing to his naivete, vulnerability, and ego. Being somewhat plain, and never imagining that such a stunning "creature" would desire him, he rebelled against all of the warnings,even though he was told that this chick actually "cast no reflection" in a mirror! What was really intriguing ,was the fact that he tried to hold on to his standards of rightousness, not knowing who he was really engaged in a "romantic tango" with, but she wasj ust as determined to not fail in her assignment, and she was relentless in her cunningness. SHE had a single-eyed vision towards havivg his soul and anointng, and she finally penetrated the "prayer shield" of his grand mother, just by dipping her "finger" in a glass of alcohol and, seducing him to lick it off. JUST ONE MINUTE DROP OF ANYTHING FROM THE DEVIL IS ALL THAT HE NEEDS TO GAIN ENTRY AND ACCESS TO YOUR SOUL! l Like most stories, his had a good ending for him, because his granny actively, and aggressively engaged in spiritual war-fare for his soul, but there were a few more casualties.

In the midst of the debauchery and perversion in Sodom and Gomorrah, even two"men" tried to pollute the lives and purposes of the "men" who found refuge with Lot. Samson is the most excelllent demonstration of this truth, in that, as much as Samson thought and wanted to believe that Delilah was so taken with him, that he was just that "fine", and that she was that"thirsty" for what he had to offer as a man, that was NEVER the case. She was fixated on, and doggedly determined to gain the knowledge of his power and anointing because that was the real "trophy" she desired. It is hard for a man's ego to receive such truth, but it is what it is, and it won't change because they struggle with believing it. King Lemuel's Mother thoroughly warned him about "HER" and exhorted him to conduct himself like a king, and to ignore and avoid such women. There's a reason she was and is known as the STANGE WOMAN, and it is because she is foreign to your purpose, destiny, and your God, and she's as ancient as the dirt! The king's Mother warned him "Give not thy strength (anointing/power) unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings"!! The Bible says "For the lips of a srange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than butter"! But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword. Her feet go down to death, her steps take hold on hell"! ...Her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. Remove thy way FAR from her , and come not nigh the door of her house, lest thou GIVE THINE HONOR unto others THE DEVIL HAS NO POWER TO "TAKE" ANYTHING FROM YOU, MAN OF GOD!", and thy years unto the cruel, lest strangers be filled with thy wealth!" That they may keep thee from the "STRANGE Woman", which FLATTERETH with her words...I discerned a young man with no understanding...and he went the way to her house, in the twilight and the dark and,behold, there met him a woman with the attire of a whore, and subtil of heart....So she "caught" him (like prey) and KISSED him, and with a bold face, said to him "I have "peace/PIECE offerings" with me, this day have I paid my vows, therefore I came forth to meet thee diligently (purposefully) to seek thy face, and I HAVE FOUND THEE.

I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry with carved works , and with fine linen of Egypt. (She had prepared a seductive environment, and he was about to lay down on the "sheets" of bondage and paganism) . I have perfumed my bed ( a great form of sensual seduction)h myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. COME LET US TAKE OUR FILL OF LOVE UNTIL THE MORNING: LET US SOLACE OURSELVES WITH LOVE"! for the goodman is not at home', he is on a long journey.( deception, and "no one will know" ). "WITH HER MUCH FAIR SPEECH, SHE CAUSED HIM TO YIELD, ( she didn't even have to touch, or caress the man!), WITH THE FLATTERY OF HER LIPS SHE FORCED HIM"! ( SHE DID NOT FORCE HIM TO FORNICATE WITH HER, BECAUSE EVERY MAN AND WOMAN HAS A CHOICE, AND A CONSCIENCE.) HE GOETH AFTER HER STRAIGHTWAY AS AN OX TO THE SLAUGHTER, OR AS A FOOL TO THE CORRECTION OF THE STOCKS. LET NOT THINE HEART DECLINE TO HER WAYS, GO NOT ASTRAY IN HER PATHS," FOR SHE HAS CAST DOWN MANY WOUNDED" YEA, MANY "STRONG MEN" HAVE BEEN SLAIN BY HER." Herein lies thorough warning, because whores have always existed as far back as Eli's time, when they hung around the "temple" doors, (WHICH THEY STILL DO), hoping to "lie" with a servant of God, and they managed to captivate Eli's sons, and cost them their lives in the end. One can only wonder if a few rumps/romps in the sheets with "HER" was worth such a great price. Is it ever worth the path of destruction and irreversible damage it casues, for far more than the two involved? There are "strange men' assigned to the household o faith to seduce, entice, and cancel the assignments of God's daughters as well, and in this hour there's a prolifieration of them in all forms, sizes, races, creeds and denominations and these strange men have also been assigned to the "brethren" ,as well, to lure them into homosexual acts, and seem to be stacking up "trophies" amongst their ranks,hand over fist! My, my, if dirty sheets could talk! This thing is not a gender at all, but "spiritual wickedness in high places" to enforce the "spiritual hits" put out on every true servant of God's head"! ONE OFTHE HEBREW DEFINITIONS FOR "STRANGE" IN THIS CONTEXT IS "STINK", AND IT CAN'T BE MADE MUCH PLAINER THAN THAT! There's a solution though, and it is even older than dirt, and it's called the way of rightousness, and committing one's self to the Lord, lest we fall, maintaining a place of submission, and brokeness on the altar ,avoiding any "one on ones" with female parishioners for any reason , cleaving to thine own wife, and letting it be known that you are not intersted, and don't appreciate such behaviour in the house. Raise a firm standard against whorishness and seduction, and inappropiate sensuality, sexuality, in dress, presentaion or attitude, and make it clear that there will absolutely not be any toleration of it. Let it be known, though that this "strange woman" or "She" can only do what she's given space and permisssion to do! Ladies, flatter your own man, and "honey up" your own lips! Make such a lasting and "real" impression on him, until he laughs in the face of "SHE" ,should she make the mistake of crossing the wrong boundaries! There are many ways to work your "Holy Ghost"! YOU make your own bedroom such an aphrodisiac, until there's no other bedroom he'd rather be in! You have the power to regulate neutralize, and eliminate the strange woman, and if you don't know how, pray earnestly for divine wisdom and divine strategy. No strange woman should be ensnaring your Boaz, or kinsmen redeemer! As a church, the intercessors and the congregants can prevent her entry, or banish her from your midst throught the effectual, fervent prayers of the rightous. If all else fails, every now and again, they have to be given the "right foot" of fellowship, which to some may be "strange", but it's not nearly as ''strange" as"SHE" is, and the utter mayhem she causes when she's not handled! Share

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Comment by prophetess m. brignac on August 18, 2009 at 10:31pm
The Lord will facilitate al Macedonia cries,and we will lift this one up nbefore Him for His endorsement and provision. Thank you for your appredciation for the Lord's ministry.
Comment by God's number 1 leading lady on August 18, 2009 at 2:49pm

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