High and lifted by Your wings up to see what I could not before…there on the distant horizon, my life so failed, so corrupt. But Here now at my feet the dreams that seemed so far off are shaping my view as I turn around I see now my future is here now with You. Bright and warm in the Presence of You.
In this Day of Turning I realize what I didn’t before. You were always there shining, encouraging me to face You Fully. I KNEW You always had my back until the day I pushed You away. And now I understand and I see. I am not ashamed to let You see me. The me I was always ashamed for You to see. Here I am now. No fig Leaves covering my nakedness. No Psuedo-humility masking my prickly pride. No Pride to protect my apparent immaturity. No more excuses for my self-inflicted problems. . . here I am again. Yet This time Broken by Love. Let me forever stay broken so the perfume of my heart will keep You near.

May God never let me forget this blissful humility, this vulnerability that I could only know under the protection of Your Love. Soo Broken am I when I recall the fleeting journey I have traveled. The running of trying to find safety. The Loving only in the moment. The Loosely wearing “commitment” to others’ ideals. And The Refusing to be broken. …But You, You broke me and ever so gently crushing my life in the embrace of Your arms. You, Jesus, my Jesus, You broke me with Your Love.

Today, we turn from our ways and look into the face of the One who loves us more than anyone else I know.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28,29.


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