As women, often referred to as the 'fairer", or, quite mistakenly, the "weaker" sex. We have been trained and conditioned to "use what we've got, to get what we want", by the world's standards and influences , and even encouraged to and "schooled" on it, by the elder females within our environment, if these are the only principles they've ever known and survived by. Unfortunately, this has been translated into a conceptualization of maintaining and "prospering" by the merchandising of their secret treasures, using a, sometimes, subtle "barter" system, and living way beneath their posture and position as the lovely, royal, and fearfully made creatures of delight they were fashioned and intended to be , because they are correct, and "on the money" regarding their worth and value, but dead wrong to, their detriment, regarding their given purpose and real source of "power". We, as ladies, have managed to paint ourselves into a corner, and are now viewed as one-dimensional (MAYBE TWO, IF YOU CAN "COOK, TOO) packages of "flesh on display" for the pleasure of whomever offers the most persuasive dialogue,"compensation", or trinkets. Perhaps, there was a time when they were that helpless and desperate, just to keep living, breathing, and providing for their children, and they felt there was no other option but to engage in, and master the "game", and obviously, "there is therefore, now, no condemnation to them that are IN Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, but the problem remains, that some of us have this methodology of manipulation, cunningness, greed, and larceny so deeply ingrained in us, that we've forgotten how to "shut it down", or decided, purposely, to let it roll on,once we come into salvation, and we utilize the same "skills" to have our way in our places of worship, marriages, and other aspects of our lives.

Women, by design, are highly influential, and "power" gifted creatures,as evidenced, in the beginning when Eve demonstrated this fascinating truth in the garden, and this is where we get the old adage that "Behind every successful man, there's a good woman". If this is a point of contention for you, remember Bill and Hillary Clinton, and who was the actual mastermind and influence in the White House. Women have natural, innate skills of seduction, enticement, sensuality, and that certain "thing" that will compel a weak, undisciplined man to empty out his 401k, and his checking and savings account, get a double mortgage, hijack his kid's college fund, do everything he swore to his Mama that he'd never do, and smile while he's doing it. A wise,or skilled woman, can coax, pout, bribe, or entice her way into just about anything she puts her mind to, and it's not because we are so mystically engineered, or because we are "power rangers", have real "super powers", or because "kryptonite" flows through our veins, but because God designed it that way, when he fashioned us from a "rib" from Adam's side. Your "rib" is a "bone", and your bones are the strongest parts of your body,and therefore they influence all that you actually do, and how well you do it, and without your bones, if they are damaged or brittle, you will crumble to the floor in a heap of rags, and flesh like the "scarecrow' in the "Wizard of Oz"!. Unfortunately this profound "power' called "woman", has been abused and caused great destruction from creation, until this present time, because that kind of "dunamis" in the hands of an un yielded, unsubdued, and undelivered individual, is a massive explosion waiting to happen. This is the same power that Jezebel used to turn Elijah from a mighty, fearless, "company of warlocks-whipping", miracle worker, into a scared, neurotic little man who sought shelter in a cave,from "one" woman, whose knees had to, inevitably, bow to the Onlywise God,just like his. Men of God, brothers, if you don't already know, a woman scorned,irate, or ticked off, is one you need to clear the room for, because when the "woman power" is unleashed, unfiltered, and ungoverned, "it's going down", heads are going to roll, just like John the Baptist's, when he made the grave error of rebuking Herodia, who used her female "powers of persuasion" to coerce the king into murdering this innocent man, guilty of only obeying God, because she didn't like being called out on her sin! This is that same "power" of a woman that seduced Samson, with all diligence and importunity, to reveal a secret that no one other than his own mother should have known. This is that same power that convinced Abraham to make one of his wives handmaidens his "baby's mama", against his better judgement, because his wife told him to! I guess that the patriarch, Abraham hadn't learned that women are fickle and hormonal, and just because they said and meant something this "morning", doesn't mean that that's what she wants done by night fall! He really should've asked somebody! This is that same power that tried, unsuccessfully, to cause Joseph to jeopardise his life, future and the future of his nation of people, to drink from the cup of sensual "pleasures', from the wife of another man, who happened to be his "boss", and who held his life in his hands. It's that same "woman power" that tried to provoke Job to curse God and die! Yes, we have been blessed with a power that is incomparable, but also with a command to be submitted unto God, our mates, and leadership within the household of faith, and to present it to God for the sanctification, thereof.

The greatest demonstration this great power is not in our physical "fierceness" or beauty, allure or appeal, but rather , the simplicity of our "CONVERSATION"! H ow profound is it for the scripture to declare "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, IF ANY OBEY NOT the WORD, they may also WITHOUT THE WORD be won BY THE "CONVERSATION" OF THE WIVES; while they behold your 'chaste conversation coupled with fear." 1 Peter 3:1-2. A woman's greatest ,most effective, and most profound "power" is that of her "CONVERSATION" (LIFESTYLE, AND MANNER) That's correct, Sis, it's not your "lips", "hips", or "fingertips", but the measure of Christ in you, as a way of life, in and out of the sanctuary, that will compel your "kinsman redeemer" to go to the cross, and the altar of salvation, when he resists the actual Word, itself! Now, THAT'S "power"! That's more power than Malcom X executed over half of Brooklyn, and if you will use the Christ that you have, to get what you want ( the salvation, brokenness, and surrender of that treacherous man, and obnoxious kids), your silence, and demonstration of God's power will co-sign your efforts, back you up,and assure you the victory! Ironically, within the context of this scripture, your "conversation" is not what you "say, but what you "do"! A direct remix of it is "Shut up, nagging, harassing, begging, and brow beating him, and just live out your walk with God with such zeal, joy, peace and assurance, that he has no choice, but to eventually, take notice, and admit that God is real in your life." Bombarding him with the Word, is not the solution, but being a "Living Epistle" is! Quoting scripture every time he engages you in conversation, even he just asked you if the mail came, is not going to draw that brother, but demonstrating the unconditional love of God, and rejoicing in all things, no matter how awful and painful, will not return unto you void! The Bible is precise in it's instruction, because it specifies a "chaste" ( pure) lifestyle, and that means that you can not speak no language but "tongues" in the sanctuary, and out curse him at the house!. That means, that he's not supposed to walk up on you gossiping, maligning, and bad mouthing people on the phone with your "prayer buddy" or in his living room. This means that you can't have a "secret" bottle of "sherry" for "medicinal" purposes that you seem to need to replenish every week, and you can't be in agreement with him to claim non-existent kids on your income tax returns, or lie to get food stamps! you can't be in the heart of all the "beef' in the neighborhood, your family,and the church, and expect your mate to respect, take seriously, or take "heed" to your conversation,if you are ornery and as mean as a hungry pit bull, towards him and the kids!

Yes, you have great, phenomenal, sister girl, mother of the earth, child rearing, keeping it all together for everyone, bounce back, won't be defeated, can take a licking, determined "power", but it has to be channeled into the correct areas,consecrated, understood, rerouted, nurtured, blessed and released. Your greatest "woman power" is sharing it with the man God blesses you with, and being willing to "bring it down or under subjection" so that you , as a Biblically "wise" woman, "build your house"! You don't have to prove your strength, and the fact that you're "still here", is proof enough, but you do need to get, and keep a grip, on all that dunamis lying dormant in you. Knowing that you have great power, to bring down kingdoms, and choosing to not use it, unless God says so, is the most profound power of all, but having a "tight" conversation, annihilates powers and principalities, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places, and it draws lost men to the altar of repentance and sacrifice, asking "What must I do to be saved, because I want to be saved, just like my wife"!

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