In light of all the media hype regarding the criminal activity and the incorrigibleness of this present generation, there seem to be few who've taken the time to consider the ultimate roots of accountability and the spiritual "gene' that has engineered them. Biblcally, the Father was the very nucleus of the family structure, and he added identity, definition and affirmation to everything and everyone who came into his home. It was often the tradition for the father to "name" his children, and in the absence of a couple of generations of "fathers", who's ,now,"naming" our sons and protecting our daughters, and what names are they calling them? It was the "Father's" obligation to provide the resources for the well-being of his family, and especially his children, and it was he, who was expected to provide wise counsel, and instruction for the young of his house-hold. In the absence of a father in the homes of our "right now" sons and daughters, who, then, is instructing "schooling" them or "putting them up on "game"? The family dynamics that revolved around "covenants", and divine "soul ties" that were healthy, nourishing, and productive, which originated in God, were strategically formed to be the absolute best solution for the mystery and challenge of effective "parenting", that would produce and reproduce generations of respectful, respectable,honest, earnest, humble, motivated, well adjusted, unencumbered, productive, and God fearing sons and daughters, who would ,in turn, reproduce the same, but somewhere in between generations, a "defective gene", of abandonment, irresponsibility, slothfulness, triflingness, and "gypsy-ism" filtered into God's perfect plan for His generations, and now we have an angry, enraged, confused, rejected, misguided, unidentified generation, who have a right to be enraged, and to be supplied with answers, and not excuses.!

The Father was expected to be one of the first resources, and experiences of love for his children, so that they would be equipped with an internal barometer that would help them determine what real love was and what it wasn't. It was this same "Daddy love" that taught a son how to desire to have and love his "wife", and not a circus of "baby's mamas, or "old ladies", or to wind up on "YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER" doing a ridiculous "victory" dance, and how to love, provide for, and nurture his children when he became a father. The same was true for the "girl child" who was born in to the family, that she would be able to gauge and measure what she should look for ,and accept in a husband and a father for her children, so when this very detrimental "mortar" that held it all together went missing from the equation, we were left with a bewildered, unidentified, misidentified, wreckless, and deeply emotionally unavailable and troubled generation who "love" nothing and nobody,and who respect even less. It was the father's duty to hand down wisdom, and knowledge, and share whatever life's secrets or survival skills available to his progeny, in hopes that they would go forth and conquer their giants, and possess even more land. Instead, we have a generation of "robbers", "takers", "assaulters", "murderers", "thieves",and "hustlas", who buy the "streets" a "gift" of another dead body for "Father's Day", because that's who raise and provide for them! It was the father's presence that brought stability, order, and obedience to the home, and the children had a tangible "force" or presence in their lives that they "feared", which made them think twice,and very carefully about any violations. It was the Father who blessed his sons, and spoke over their lives, and prophesied over them, their destinies, and greatness, and latter purposes, but now, they are co-signed and intiated into "false families" that offer false legacies and inheritances, of illegal "empires" and prison sentences.

This "unfathered" generation is one with a "blood lust" because it's the only thing that satisfies their outrage over being unidentified, unclaimed, and abandoned by those who should've been their first "instructors", protectors, and heroes. How do you explain to a son or daughter the concept of not being there for you, because "I had to do me?" How do they reconcile their Dad "fathering" someone else, but not caring enough to father their own seed? Is the notion that such an unfathered son would, in outrage, try to bring pain on someone else that far-fetched, or that that daughter would become the neighborhood "jump off" because her "father" was never there to break it down for her, and to affirm that she was "better than that"? Who's really responsible for the "bodies", 25 and uder stacked in the graveyards, and those serving time in the penal system, suffering from the disease of "fatherlessness"? Where did this "virus" originate", and who "infected" them with it? They certainly didn't give it to themselves, and no, their "condition" doesn't excuse them from their wrongs, by any means, but "fatherlessness' is no different from "HIV", and the results are the same, and so is the source, irresponsibility; and poor , selfish choices..

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