AnointedWorks sd Presents: M. Handy of The Promise In the study of "Rejection"

Ephesians 2:10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Anointed Works sd Presents:


The Elemental Roots of Rejection.

I kept choosing elements of rejection and not knowing why.
Situations, relationships and circumstances of rejection...

The pain was forever grazing in the pastures of my ignorance and I allowed it free reign because I didn’t know subconsciously, that I was choosing the same patterns, the same elements.

Within these patterns, these elements, my soul was seeking out an answer for the cause of my pain. Unfortunately, I sought answers from the people who usually did the rejecting and they didn’t have the answer. They were just the out-picture of the same sad love song that kept playing… over and over and…

Deeply wounded and embittered, I would carry my tote bags of shame, guilt and low self esteem into the next situation.
I kept wondering Why, if I’m giving you everything, why wont you love me?
The unanswered question cart wheeled like some out of control cheerleader until...
FINALLY, the answer broke through like the sun on a rainy day...

In the words of First Lady, Cheryl Jones, “Don’t let someone make you an option. BE A Priority!
A part of me had received Christ and His promise... that he would never leave me nor forsake me.
I saw ‘this promise’ in action when certain men and women of God refused to reflect the image that I had of myself. Instead they planted their feet and stood their ground. They prayed their prayers patiently until I beheld a new image of myself. Continuously, they articulated my identity with the Word of God; in such a way that even in my limited ability to understand truth, I was assimilated into a new creature!
I cannot lie, the old beliefs did not want to give up. It took the same level of pain that had gotten me here to get me out. And the never ending cycle made me cry out for God to help me!

I remember being so empty for love only to realize that it wasn’t at sea level… It was at the top of this mountain, that I had to climb.
Prayers of many gave me an undeviating foot hold.
Rung after tireless rung I climbed past caverns of self doubt, worry and fear. Crevices of depression, suicide, worthless-ness and introverted withdrawal. Escapades of the freakiest kind, sharp precipices of low self esteem and raging inner battles that had me cry out!
It is in this do-or-die state that one achieves their goal of the mountain top climb. Because either you will succumb to what you’ve always rehearsed or you will allow it’s force to propel you forward into the lesson learned.
You cannot do this without God. You cannot even recognize or process the cycles of how we learn a thing, without God! He is very real, very serious and very in love with our soul.

If you don’t go through the rejection process you will never learn for yourself that you are worth knowing.
Perhaps the person who did the rejecting, didn’t have the depth, vision or ambition to get to know you.
You are worth exploring. Take a good look at yourself and find out who you are and what you want or you’ll just give mindless energy and potential away to someone who will never do you like God will do you.

Pray to God.
Submit yourself to His answers.
Read your bible and ask for understanding.
Tithe your ten percent to be maintained.
Give offerings for your increase.
And most of all, Know That GOD Loves YOU.

This is M. Handy

Reaching For Mountain-Top Love...
• Posted by M. Handy/The Promise on October 19, 2009 at 6:25am
• Send Message View M. Handy/The Promise's blog

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Comment by Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. on November 9, 2009 at 11:57am
Praise God! I am glad you were blessed.
Comment by Minnie S. Cameron on November 7, 2009 at 8:33pm
Thank God for the honesty of this message. God himself is bringing transparency and realness to the Body of Christ first! "For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God." We cannot give what we don't have. Romans 8:19

because He lives, i am
Comment by Dr. Brenice Aliyah Fireangel on October 21, 2009 at 8:42am
Sister Sandra,
Again, you have brought the best!
Thank you for sharing sister Handy's most astute, testimony. As a matter of fact, just yesterday I had the same discussion with a client, regarding self-worth. We must care more about what our Father , in heaven, thinks of us. Humans are fallible and fickle, but our Father, in heaven is Just and Fair.

Bless you!


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