According to the Scriptures, there are two Chrstian rites of baptism, the "first", which has caused a great deal of controversy, and division, that ended in the doctrinal basis of a whole denomination, which was "water baptism", and the "second", being even more controversial and a point of contention amongst those of the Christian faith , the "baptism of the Holy Spirit", with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and other 'charismatic" manifestations. Regarding the issue of water baptism, there are several points of view, denominationally, that vary from the candidate only needing to be "sprinkled", or "dipped" in water, to the more traditional and common ritual of total Immersion, which symbolizes the burial and resurrection of Christ. There are some who believe that if one is not baptized in the "Name of Jesus", then you haven't been properly baptized, while the majority of Christ's Church baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.The first baptism was commanded by Christ, Who, Himself, had been baptized by His very own first cousin, John the Baptist. "Go ye therefore , and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to obvserve all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." This first baptism also symbolized cleansing,as in the case of Saul's transition to Paul, when once his sight was restored, he was admonished in this manner "And now why tarriest thou? Arise , and be baptized, and WASH AWAY THY SINS, calling on the Name of the Lord." This first water batism, was a precursor for the next, and now, they are often received at the same time. It is an,unforgettably awesome sight, to witness a former sinner coming up out of the depths of the "watery grave", zealous,obviously overshadowed by God's glory, and worshipping Him in tongues!

The "second"baptism" made it's debut at Pentecost, "When THAT DAY was FULLY come, the Bible says that they were ALL WITH ONE ACCORD in one place, and "suddenly" there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them 'cloven tongues" LIKE AS OF FIRE, and it "sat" upon each of them. And they were ALL filled with the HOLY GHOST and began to speak with OTHER TONGUES, as the SPIRIT GAVE THEM UTTERANCE"! The assignment of this particular blog is not to debate the "yeas" or "nays" of the authenticity or reality of this experience, because anyone who has had the indescribale experience of being "imbued" knows that it justifies, and proves itself, and it is only mentioned in the progression of the context to reach my ultmate point, and not for Pharisaiacal debate.. The life, and ministry changing manifestation which took place on the day of Pentecost, was no more than the coming to pass of what the Prophet, Joel, declared, many, mnay years before, when he made this prophetic decree "And it shall come to pass, afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon ALL FLESH...." This "infilling" is not a "neccesity for salvation, but it certainly increases the dunamis and exousia power in one's life, and more effectively leads and guides us into all truth! This baptism is so phenomenal that it had the power to baptize and set on fire" a mere fetus,yet in his Mother's womb, that being John the baptist. There's a great possibility that Paul and Silas were praying in'another language" when the prison doors that had them bound, were torn from their hinges by an earthquake. It is highly unikely that they were praying ordinary prayers, because their circumstances dictated supernaturl prayers, which is the job of the Holy Spirit.

So, what is this "third" baptism, I'm sure you want to know? It is the "baptism" of "people"! This "third" baptism will take you "under", and keep you under util you drown, if you wait for your enemies to bring you back up before your life slips away. This is that "baptism" of the "other" fire that stablizes our faith, and trims and prunes your character, and when you come back up from the "spiritual grave" that people have submurged you in, you're stronger, wiser, better, and so much better, and there's not much, in the way of the "valleys of suffering" that move you. The "baptsm of people" can be another infilling, of being stretched in the fruit of the Spirit, and a totally purged character, but you can't allow the weight of your enemies keeping you submerged beyond viability, and survival ,until come back up "brain damaged/dead" , because your divine oxygen" (pneuma breath of life) wswdepleted in your spiritual submergence, and you're in need of a spiritual "respirator", or a lobotomy! This baptism, is the one that delivers you from the illlegal power of other people's opinions and thoughts towards you, and it refocuses you in the purpose of the first and second baptism, which came to identify us with the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ, the greater power and authority over the enemy, and to cast him out of your life, and subsequently that of others. The first two were optional, but this one is inevitable and guaranteed to "take you to the water", of persecution, strife, vexation, and despair, with or without your permisssion. Out of the three, it is this latter baptism that causes you to appreciate and reverence the former two, because they remind you that your life is hid in Christ, and it's no longer you that liveth, but Christ, Who liveth in you..This third baptism was what Moses experienced when he came dwon from Mt' Siani to find is own sister and brother maligning his name. It is the third fire that Job was baptized in, through the mockery, self rightousness, and illegal judgement of Bildad, Eliphaz, and Zophar, his "friends"! It was what David was brought down in, many times by his ownf amiliar friends, whom he broke bread with, This was the baptism of the Apostle Paul, who was "troubled on every side, distressed, and persecuted, always bearing about in his ody the dying of the Lord, Jesus. The God Who has always made a way of escape for His people, has given us a solution for this unendorsed,grievous, and illegal baptism, too. He has declared us "flame retardant", by supplying us with the weapons of our warfare, and to be suited up in the whole armour of God, He has given us the power that's in His Matchless Name, and His "blood, which extinguishes any fire. Finally, He has left us the wisdom that "When the enemy comes in like a flood (or towering inferno of strife, and confoundment) He raises up a standard, and what we must do is activate the "sprinkler system", of the washing of the Word, and to "DROP","ROLL"and PRAY like the hounds of hell are too close for comfort, so near we can smell the devil's putrid breath!

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Comment by prophetess m. brignac on August 25, 2009 at 10:12pm
It's rhetorical, and meraphorical, not doctrinal. Thanks for your interest.

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