What Prayer Isn’t.
Prayer is not us informing God of anything. He knows all including our thoughts even before we form them. He is not surprised about anything nor is He shocked about anything.
Prayer is not a systematic ritual to get God to do something, Knowing He only moves by His compassion and our faith that we trust His word that “It Is So and So It Is".
Prayer is not bargaining with God. We have nothing to negotiate with; we have nothing of value to offer God, only our lives as living sacrifices He will receive. Our obedience is demanded and anything less than complete obedience is sin.
Prayer is not pointless repetitions of excess of words that become automatic. It is not a prayer wheel in a stream or in the wind. God is not impressed by our many words or our intellect. One word from His massive intellect could evaporate this universe.
Prayer is not an arrogant Thee and Thou prayer prayed to impress those around. Even though God does not mind a sincere Thee and Thou from a humble heart. How many prayers have we heard that were nothing more than a sermon to those around. These kinds of prayers only reach as far as the ceiling then to the ground.

What Is Prayer?
Prayer is a cry of the heart. It is a reach from the lowest spot to the highest heaven, from the depths of despair to the most amazing height. It is a child calling to their father. It is a lover calling to their love. It is a place of great intimacy with sweet incense, a sweet communion with the Father. It is a love feast, a banquet of joy. It is a glory in a quiet place of intimacy, a pinnacle in a loud place. It is a standing firm in faith, a strengthening of the weak. It is a cry of despair turned to heavenly hope. It is a repentance and blessed forgiveness. It is a weeping for a night with blessed joy that rises with the sun. Prayer does not change God but it changes us. Prayer teaches us, comforts us, empowers us, humbles us, corrects us, fills us with faith, fills us with compassion, fills us with love and fills us with Jesus. Prayer is a refuge and a shelter, a rock and a fortress for our souls. Praying for others is at the root of Christian belief, as Jesus himself prayed for others. In (Matthew 6:10-14), Jesus asks God for others' needs "our daily bread," "forgiveness of our trespasses, and to "deliver us from evil."

Let us all be mindful “Jesus looked outside himself and his concerns to see life from others' perspectives and asked God to meet their needs. Openness to others' needs is the key to interceding for them. "Again prayer does not change God but it changes us".

Father teach us to pray what is on your heart and mind!

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Comment by cherry on September 10, 2009 at 9:50pm
Awesome my sister!!!!!! Our prayer should be sincere and as you said a cry from the heart-the Lord is not impressed with our vain repetitions
Comment by Apostle Anthony Yarde on August 2, 2009 at 4:24pm
This is powerful and we all need this word.This kind of praying you are teaching is deep cry out of relationship more so then words.
Comment by Michelle Crawford on August 2, 2009 at 8:27am
AMEN! Father teach us to pray what's on your heart through your Holy Spirit in us! Prayer is our way of communicating with our ABBA Father constantly... Imagine this for a moment, as a child growing up we had the presence of our natural Father/Parent, however as we became adult and move out and away, there physical presence is no longer there...so we use the telephone, email, post to keep in touch and stay connected...prayer is like that. Without prayer my life would be 'dry' and disconnected. Thank you

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