When being asked to speak at an event, especially when out of the country, simply do a 'Google' search of the requesting person(s) or church. I recently was used of the Holy Spirit to assist a fellow Prophetess with the identification of an online scam. Out of respect for others, regardless of who they serve, I will represent God and not disclose their name or their ministry name. BUT please know when someone requests you to speak they should not be asking you to pay for ANYTHING. Come on...most of us are church folk from old and we do know Honorarium. No one should be requesting that you order a work permit and they should not be only communicating with you via email, you should be able to speak to them and receive pertinent information from them, that way Spirit can intercede in any of those opportune areas (for we know in part and prophesy in part (1 Cor. 13:9).
I will say that many people from England are hitting up these sites, so beware and let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus...Just google their email address, or organization name and while sometimes there are individuals led to destroy the character of innocence, allow Spirit to rule, guide and have its being within you. I love you with the love of 1 Corinthians 12-14.

I will leave it there for now.

Prophetess Iris

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Comment by Ms.Nicole Scott, Evangelist on November 21, 2010 at 6:59pm
This is so sad; but, true. I pray anyone who is seeking to invite any "man or woman" of God to their ministry that they exercise not only Godly wisdom but some good ole' common sense. We have many imposters of the faith among us and one must be "wise as a serpent yet harmless as a dove" (Matthew 10:16). Prophetess Iris thank you for posting this message.

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