In a world apart from God, most of us live our life to please others and live our life according to other people expectations. We all want to please our mothers, fathers, children and friends. We often seek their advice and their counsel when we make choices concerning our life. Even when we make mistakes , we first ask them , before asking God on how to fix our problems. Its a wonder why God gets so angry with us,because he knows that he is the answer to all our prayers and troubles. I often wonder why people go to their friends, co-workers, mother, father and even their children for advice. Because these people have problems of their own to solve, so it does not make any since to me to ask these people for advice. When we are having problems in our life, we all should go to Gods appointed people. (Pastors, Preachers, Nuns or Elders) When we can not reach these people, then there is the Bible and other books on relationships,career­s, managing your money and other things. We should know as humans, we all make mistakes and no one can live your life for you but you. In the end only God knows what is really best for you and even when we think something is good for us, we still make mistakes. That's why when seeking advice,we should first ask God, then seek his appointed people for advice and help. God made us all different for different reasons. That's why there are people doing different things for God to save and to help his people in need. Seek him, let him guide you, trust him then let him provide for you, love him so you have the ability to love others and have faith in him so not matter what you want in life, it can become yours, be what God intended you to be and not what others expect you to be. Allow God to open the doors and use your strength , your faith, your love and lack of fear to walk into the doors he has provided for you. Only you can take advantage of a blessing or live your life, so stop letting others live your life for you and let Jesus be your guide!

Have a blessed day,


Psalm 16:07-16:08

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand . I will not be shaken.

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Comment by Tara Robinson on January 27, 2009 at 6:23pm
i agree with you my brother i for one learned a long time ago to consult god concerning every good and bad situation of my life and you know what it works yes people it does if you trust him and not others or your self it pays to listen to gods advice then any man would tell you. Amen God bless.

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