Luke 11: 21-22} When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor n which the man trusted and divides up the spoils.

Are you fully armed today? Are you fully armed every day? God has given us some weapons to destroy the enemy at every turn. Why aren't we using them? Why aren't we becoming more and more anointed and effective in destroying Satan's plans? Why aren't we being healed? Why aren't we being set free? Many times it is because we don't take the time to ''suit up." Nothing the devil likes better than to keep us so busy with other things that we don't take the time to put on the whole armor of God, take the time to pray, or even pick up His word to read it and study it to rightly divide. The Word and our prayers not only bring healing and deliverance, it kills our flesh. When something is dead, Satan can't have any effect on it. You cannot kill or destroy something that is already dead. This is the place God desires us to come be dead to the flesh and alive in the spirit.

Satan doesn't harass every single Christian in the same way. He pays more attention to those who are the greatest threat to him and his kingdom. Those are the ones who are completely sold out to God and totally ''suited up'' daily. These are the ones who refuse to start their day without going to God first. These are the ones who put on the whole armor of God every day. These are the ones who pray unceasingly and apply the blood to every area of their lives. Yes, these are the ones who know how to use the weapons of destruction against Satan and are effective in doing so. Why? Because no matter what the world's report is, they are aggressive with the Word of God and continue to stand on it because they know who they are in Christ and they know they have the victory.

Satan will not bother with passive and lazy Christians. They get very little attention from Satan because he knows that they are limited, their light has gone out and the world is more important to them than God is. They have stopped their walk at salvation. Everything that this type of Christian does is going to be wood, hay and stubble and destined to be destroyed when tested by fire. (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). There is nothing I like better than to irritate the enemy so that one day I can hear "Well done good and faithful servant." How about you?

We need to be supported by prayer, our own prayers and the prayers of others. If we don't, if we are not covered, we are at risk because we do not have enough power in our lives. Prayer is very important, that's why the word says to pray unceasingly. It would be wise for us to get a number of people supporting us in prayer, especially those with the gifts of intercession. What a glorious gift to have! To be a prayer warrior! When we pray we are taking territory away from Satan, it will give us protection, frustrate Satan at every turn and won't allow his attacks to get through. The same is true of studying the Word and getting so filled with it that nothing evil can get through. None of us can live without being harassed by Satan. But one truth in fact is that we can have victory through every onslaught. God sees us through each one when we do our part. God's deliverance is activated through prayer, the pleading of the blood and using His word aggressively to cut off the enemy's head. At my church we are starting some new, yet something powerful. Once a month we are going to get together and pray for one on one. God is doing something very powerful in our church. We have been very sensitive to the move of His Spirit this year and have obeyed and are doing what He is putting on our hearts to do. God has been speaking to my heart about having saturated prayer for one another. Look out devil, here we come! God's army is rising up! No more laying back and allowing him to trample our borders. Satan is defeated and under our feet and it's time we keep him there. Yes, Satan has power, but the One in us has greater power!

God desires to take us to a higher level of victory. One where whatever comes our way we will not be shaken and we will laugh in the enemy's face at all his attempts. He desires us to be at a place where we will have violent faith in His word and nothing will deter us. We need to follow the example of Jesus....speak out "IT IS Written!" Whenever any thought comes at us...cast it down to the obedience and authority of Christ in Jesus name. Give it no thought..whatsoever!!! Nip it in the bud right off. Command your body and emotions to line up with the word in Jesus name! Too many Christians today are being led by their emotions more than the Spirit of God. Use God's word with power and faith in every negative situation that tries to come your way. Stop listening to Satan's lies and rebuke him when he tries to push your buttons. It's time to be who God made us to be...overcomers! Victorious in every way and every situation. In Christ we can do all things! Let us seek God and His word as never before. Refuse to be moved by anything that does not line up with His word. But most of all, and here is the key to true victory, believe with all your heart that His word is truth and it will come to pass in every area of your lives. Violent faith...that is where God is bringing us. Are you ready? Are you truly ready? If not, then get ready. God bless y
ou. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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