passion for Christ, compassion for their people, love for His church, and a fervent hope for revival for all the people of this Nation!

I believe as this takes place we will see the precious "Black Gold" deposited by the Lord in this country over 300 years ago ignite the cities of America with the passionate flames of revival as this world has never seen! The beginning of this century saw the flames of" Pentecostal revival" break out in Los Angeles at a place called Azusa Street in meetings led by humble, anointed "black leaders", and from this Azusa Street Revival was birthed the great Pentecostal Denominations we know today, as well as the Charismatic Renewal! I believe it is in God's heart to see the end of this century burn with the flames of an even greater "Pentecostal revival" as the "Black Gold" of this nation catches fire for God. Just as at the beginning of this century the "Black Gold" ignited the whole church in revival fire so we are poised now for the torch of God's passion to ignite the "Black Gold" again!

As the black forefathers of our nation planted and sowed with tears and suffering the fields of white in this land centuries ago, and our black "mother's" wept over their own children of which they were bereaved, and loved and nurtured the children, not their own, entrusted to their care, let's pray that their heirs will reap in joy the spiritual fields that are even now "white unto harvest", and nurture and bring forth in mighty revival the children who are spiritual heirs to the Kingdom of God in this nation of ours.

Our Posture in This Hour

Let us continue to receive with great joy and passion the Lord's gracious outpouring of renewal, yet at the same time let us assume a posture of humility and repentance for our arrogance, pride, and fear and recognize that as a nation we were built on the foundations of both "black and white". As the church in this nation we will see revival only as we accept that we as "black and white" brothers and sisters are "joint heirs to the promises of God" one "new man in Christ" and indeed are co-laborers in the fields of harvest together as equals in the Kingdom of God!

Visit Pastor Tony Cavener for More Prophetic Insight

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