Does God bring new people in our lives for a specific reason?

Does God bring new people in our lives for a specific reason?

By: Gabrielle

June 15, 2010

Dear Melissa-

I was up at 2:00 am this morning, thinking about the question that you posed via Face book. “Does God bring new people in our lives for a specific reason?” There are a variety of reasons God can bring people into our lives. One can never really know for sure the purpose to which someone else will serve until it actually happens, and we can see that result manifesting in our lives. Based on the second half of your letter I sense that this question is posed in the romantic sense, so I will do my best not to give you an ambiguous answer such as: “it is, what it is”, or “that’s the way the cookie crumbles” I hate answers like that. :-)

Please know that my response is simply my personal opinion, and what ever decisions you come to should be in conjunction with prayer, consulting your church leader, doctor, therapist, grandmother, or who ever is the qualified individual in your life.

God sends people into your life for a reason, and in most cases it is in response to meet a need you have expressed inwardly or outwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, provide you with guidance, inspiration, or a new perspective. Often times we recognize these “new people” and try to figure out what God is trying to do through them. We attempt to do things our own way, with our own people, and God doesn’t need “back-up”. He can do it all on his own. I know how you feel believing God for a husband because I am too. I have worked in business awhile now, and when things don’t seem to go according to plan I have the tendency to try to re-group, outline a plan, and take the necessary action to get the job done. My God is always speaking to me, and every time I do that He quickly reminds me of the first scripture I learned growing up: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

My advice would be to just relax. You are unique, and the “God-sent” man will recognize you regardless of what you do. Often times you don’t have to do anything. God influences the people we will come into contact with, and how we come into contact. God does help with finding a suitable partner. In fact, as they say in the marriage ceremony, "What God has brought together, let no man separate."

Instead focus on your relationship with God because the only thing we do that matters is what we do for God. The desire for marriage is a fair request, but the consequences of living in this crazy world can prevent people from reaching that goal. For instance, you can pursue someone romantically, but that individual may choose to ignore you, a crisis or illness could hinder you, or that person may decide to leave you. The only real answer to your question is: Yes, God brings people into our lives for specific reasons. No, we can not change the outcome because God has the control- and the classic answer to all questions “Not our will be done, but Gods will.”


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