Erasing or abolishing or crucifying of the old Covenant Bible Ordinances of Darkness by God. Coloss 2: 10-23.

Erasing or abolishing or crucifying of the old Covenant Bible Ordinances of Darkness. Coloss 2: 10-23.

Erasing or abolishing or crucifying of old Covenant Bible Ordinances of darkness is done in a soul and not from the Bible (detailed and Revised).

Erasing or abolishing or crucifying of old Covenant Bible Ordinances by God in your soul exposes the carnal visible rulers and principalities of the Old handwritten Bible Word of darkness and reveals the invisible God of heaven revealed in our understanding by the New way of teaching the Bible scriptures in the wisdom and knowledge of God by the Holy Spirit to become the New covenant Bible. 1 John 2:7-8, Col 2, Isaiah 45: 7-8.

The erasing or abolishing of the dark carnally interpreted old Covenant Bible Ordinances or the carnal Law or the Bible written in Black and White, the letter is done in the souls that have received the new interpretation of the very Bible by the Holy Spirit interpreting the very old handwritten Bible ordinances in the light of knowledge and wisdom of God. But the letter or old handwritten Bible ordinances/ old Bible covenant is not abolished from or out of the Bible or in the Bible but in the soul that receives the new teaching of the same Bible word by the Holy Spirit. Heb 10: 1-9. Coloss 2:10-23, Heb 7:12-15

Erasing of the old Covenant Bible ordinances of darkness in the soul is done by God by writing the new covenant Bible ordinances by the hand of the Holy Spirit in the very old Bible and in that soul undergoing the change. Ez 36:18-25, Jer 34, 2 Corinth 3: 1-6. 1 John 2:7-8, Isaiah 29.

II CORITH 3:14-18; 1 JOHN 5: 7-8; 11 CORITH 5: 16-21.HEB 7:12-28, 8, 9, 10; ISAIAH 45: 1-8. All scriptures are by KJV Version. The old Covenant Bible word of God, called the handwritten code (THE LAW), also called THE LETTER COVENANT is from heaven but does not give eternal life. This old handwritten Bible Word was ordained to be the earthly kingdom high priest (MOSES) that can be Read and is a copy of the Holy Ghost New Covenant Bible word (Christ) of God who is the high priest of the kingdom of heaven that can be also Read. John 6:29-44. 2 Corinth 3:13-15. The entire Bible handwritten in Black and white from Genesis to the end of the Book of Revelation, letter law covenant BIBLE (Moses) was ordained to build an earthly kingdom by carnally testifying God's Word -the Bible. This is a kingdom of the children of FLESH or CARNALITY born by a carnal Bible commandment of darkness. Heb 7:12-19; Isaiah 45:7-8; 1 John 2:7-8.

The Bible in letter (Earthly Old Covenant Bible Word) teaches VISIBLE shadows and COPIES of heavenly INVISIBLE things taught by the Heavenly New Covenant Bible Word making it very hard for the carnal mind/soul to see (understand) the heavenly INVISIBLE things taught by the New Covenant Bible Word which are taught and explained by the help of the Holy Spirit.

To understand the explanation of the Bible by the Holy Spirit, your soul must be filled with the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit of God to enable you see (understand) the heavenly things. The Holy Spirit explaining the entire Bible Word written in black and white in LETTER in His wisdom and knowledge changes the old handwritten CARNAL OR HUMAN LAW of bondage and death into the Holy Spirit LAW of liberty and eternal life called the New Covenant Bible which can only be READ by the SONS of God born again by His Wisdom and knowledge. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6.

Previously they were born by handwritten CARNAL Bible Word but were born according to the teaching of the Bible in human (carnal) wisdom and knowledge. Gal 4: 21, Gal 4:19-31. They must be born again by the New Covenant Bible Word (Sarah) taught by the Holy Spirit who teaches heavenly INVISIBLE things in God’s wisdom and knowledge to reveal the heavenly kingdom and the heavenly Jerusalem king, the Godhead.

The entire old covenant Bible to this day 2009 onwards that teach visible things which are copies of invisible heavenly things must be abolished (erased) in an individual’s heart (understanding) by the help of the Holy Spirit teaching the very Old Bible in God’s wisdom and knowledge to become the New Covenant Bible Word to replace the old covenant Bible in that soul. This shifting of the soul from the old Covenant Bible to the New Covenant Bible is ONLY done by God in individual souls. And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him (on Bible Word), the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; Isaiah 11:2

No historical or present prophets or apostles, no flying angels or walking human angels, no miracle performers or magicians or the cleverest human being can transform, translate or resurrect a dead soul from the dead Old Covenant Bible of the handwritten Bible in letter that kills souls to the resurrected New Covenant Bible that gives eternal life to the soul. No bishop, No pastor, no clergy of any denomination or sect can perform this greatest miracle except God. Neither did jesus christ who came 2000 years ago could and can do this except ONLY God through the New Covenant Bible. 2 Corinth 3:5-6; Coloss 2:11-23. Coloss 3.

God retains all the authority over all the souls to give or refuse to give eternal life to souls through the New Covenant Bible Word of the Holy Spirit. All of us are used as vessels of service of dishonor or honor by God through either the old covenant Bible or New Covenant Bible. The Old Covenant Bible is for the spiritually carnal blind souls to read but the New Covenant Bible Word can only be read and understood by the souls that have been healed from spiritual carnal blindness and therefore are saved from the slavery of carnal teachings of the handwritten Bible by the Holy Spirit miracle. This can only be possible when the recipient souls accept to exchange the carnal blind sight for Holy Spirit sound sight. Mark 4:10 -14, Luke 12:1-35. Gal 1:12-16.

The entire handwritten Bible in letter from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation when is testified in carnal knowledge and wisdom (flesh) is an incarnated God (Christ, the anointed Bible) in flesh and is called the Old carnal Bible Word MADE flesh. John 1:11-18.

The WHOLE Old handwritten Bible as a commandment is called the carnal or old commandment if presented in the carnal or human wisdom and knowledge as opposed to the Holy Spirit taught commandment (Bible) of light when presented in the wisdom and knowledge of God by the Holy Spirit in the indwelt souls of His sons.

But the very old handwritten Bible Word as a Covenant that bears children is called AGAR that gives birth to children of flesh or carnal children who read and interpret the Bible in carnal or human knowledge and wisdom. The carnal children of covenant Agar teach the Bible using earthly visible copies which are veils or shadows of the heavenly invisible things. The carnal teaching of the Bible is opposed to the teaching of the very Bible in a new way that reveals invisible things of the heaven by the inspirational teaching of Bible by the Holy Spirit in the sons of God born by the revealed wisdom of New Covenant Bible who is allegorically Sarah. Gal 4:21-24; 2 Corinth 3:5-6,13 -15, Heb 10:1-9.

Children of Agar are born naturally or in an ordinary way of flesh of carnal knowledge and wisdom as opposed to the sons of promise of New Covenant Sarah that are born as result of God’s Spirit inspiring them to read the Bible in the Wisdom and knowledge of the Spirit of God. Gal 4:21-24. The New Covenant Bible Word teaches that, the Old Bible Handwritten Word, the letter is a dead Bible and is the ONLY VEILED savior, as the lamb that was “slain (crucified)” at the foundation of world and is the ONLY SEALED PROPHETIC BIBLE BOOK that takes away the sins of the world and has power to resurrect HIMSELF in the “last days” to eternal life as the New Covenant Bible that reveals the invisible things of heaven and gives eternal life to souls that resurrect with Him. Heb 1

When the Bible was, is, will be incarnated in human wisdom and knowledge, the Word takes on the nature of man and is become a dead word, the letter that kills souls by presenting the earthly visible veiling copies of heavenly invisible things and therefore is become an ever veiling and ministering Word among the earthly walking human beings that have dead souls to this day 2008 and onwards.

Coloss 3:1-2 Comparing these two versions:If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth………NKJV

Col 3:1-2If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.KJV

What a great difference between these two versions!

This is in conformity with this letter that was written to me by a brother:

Thank you for that homely message on why we are not under the law anymore but under the grace. The Spirit in Paul did indeed say that if the glory of the old covenant was glorious how much more is the glory of that which remains (of the New Covenant Bible). 2 Corinth 3 5-11. He took the law (handwritten Bible Word) out of the way. HE nailed the law to the tree and we are indeed righteous in Christ (New Covenant Bible Word). Moses (the old handwritten Bible Word) even said that the only way to keep the law was by mercy (By the grace of God given through the New Covenant Bible Word) Ex 20:6. Gal 3, Coloss 2: 10-23, Gal 5:11-15, Coloss 3
I also teach grace and if you will go to the church website then you will see that - If you like what you see there then feel free to join our mailing list. Blessings on you Pastor! The very old handwritten Bible, the Bible word handwritten in black and white in ink from Book Genesis to the Book of Revelation as a High priest is called Moses who is READ up this day 2008 and is still leading the carnal followers of the Bible Word towards the promised New Covenant Bible or New High priest that is also READ called Christ or Joshua of the kingdom of God that is taught by the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinth 3:13-15.

The New Bible reveals invisible things of heaven taught by the Spirit of God in the wisdom and knowledge of God. By revealing the heavenly invisible things, the New Bible taught by the Holy Spirit in the knowledge and wisdom of God exposes and abolishes the veiling earthly visible things presented by old the handwritten Bible that is taught in human wisdom and knowledge. The old handwritten Bible that presents veiling earthly visible things SEEN BY the human natural eye presents earthly visible things which are copies that veil or seal invisible heavenly things taught by the Holy Spirit when He interprets the Bible in a New Way to reveal Heavenly things.

The New Bible that reveals heavenly invisible things can only be explained and interpreted by the Holy Spirit in a soul that is indwelt by God. Rev.5.The sealed Bible when revealed in us reveals the kingdom of God in us by abolishing the carnal kingdoms of idol gods imposed on the church by the sealing, carnally taught old handwritten Bible ordinances that teaches veiling earthly visible things. The revelation of the true invisible God revealed from heaven in souls is done by the teaching of New covenant Bible that teaches invisible things of heaven by the Holy Spirit in the Bible and in souls indwelt by God. The revelation of the kingdom of God in us destroys the powers of the veiling earthly visible rulers and principalities presented in the handwritten Bible that prevent us to understand the invisible things of the kingdom of God whilst we read the scriptures carnally.

To save the carnal souls from serving the visible earthly principalities and rulers of darkness presented by the old handwritten Bible ordinances of darkness, the Holy God explains the Bible in His knowledge and wisdom which erases the handwritten Bible carnal ordinances of bondage from the souls’ veiled understanding. This new explanation of the Bible ordinances by the Holy Spirit saves souls from the blindfolding or veiling earthly things that are copies of heavenly things that are presented by the handwritten Bible or are ministered carnally against us to give rule to the carnal earthly visible principalities, rulers and dominions. Col 2:10-23.

The erasing of handwritten ordinances in an individual’s soul ushers in the new way of teaching of the very old handwritten carnal SCRIPTURES in the wisdom and knowledge of God by His Spirit in a soul. Heb 7: 12-15. The new teaching leads to the erasing of the old carnal way of understanding and ministering of the scriptures and is replaced by the new ordinances ministered by the Holy Spirit in the Wisdom and knowledge of God. The new ordinances reveals the INVISIBLE Christ, the new high priest who is Christ that is come in a volume of the Book, who is the entire Bible that is READ, interpreted and is explained by God’s Holy Spirit in a soul. This new priesthood ends the old priesthood of Moses… ends the priesthood of the ENTIRE handwritten Bible that presents the patterns of earthly visible veiling copies that veil the true invisible things of heaven revealed in the New entire Bible taught by the Spirit of God when in a soul. Note that this does not erase or abolish the old covenant ordinances physically out of Bible but is done spiritually in an individual who receives the grace of God that teach by the new ordinances ministered by the Holy Spirit. The Old Covenant Bible ordinances of darkness present an earthly VISIBLE figure or copy that seals the Heavenly invisible Christ of the New Covenant Bible. Heb Chapters: 7, 8, 9, 10.

The New Bible word explained and interpreted by the Holy Spirit as the mother, she is called Sarah or covenant Sarah that bears sons of God as a result of the teaching of the Bible Word by the Holy Spirit when He is in them. Gal 4: 21-24.

The New Bible Word explained and interpreted by the Holy Spirit as a commandment is called the Holy Spirit Commandment but as High Priest is Called Christ Jesus or Joshua. Heb 7:12-15, Gal 4: 21-24, 2 Corinth 3:13-15. By the enabling of the Holy Spirit in a soul, the inspired soul ends the reading the handwritten Bible carnally and begins reading the very handwritten Bible, the Bible word handwritten in LETTER in a new way being guided by wisdom and knowledge of the Holy Spirit. The souls of the followers of the revealed New Bible taught by God Himself in the new way enter into the NEW covenant with God through the promised New Covenant Bible; each person at his own time according to the saving grace of God. 2 Peter 1:10 -11 by KJV Bible.

I wish you Blessings from the entire New Covenant Bible Word that is taught by God!

Pastor Patrick Bwayo.godofallnations@yahoo.comBox 1255 Mbale, Uganda. Tel 256-782-612426

Appeal for unity in the Spirit to fund and preach the Gospel of our Lord: James 1:18-21.

Greetings and love from me and the family of God now sitting on the right hand of God in heavenly places.
I am praying for the unity of the sons and daughters God to be caused by the knowledge of God revealed through the New Covenant Bible taught by His Spirit. My brethren pray for unity to fund the gospel because the carnal devil and his sons are fighting hard that there be no unity but fear in the mighty army of God to topple his carnal earthly given kingdom.And if there is unity amongst the brethren we will see the fruits of the Holy Spirit operate in and among them and not the carnal fruits of men.The works of the flesh are these in Gal 5:16-21

I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident (PLAIN), which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. NKJV

If you are in unity with the Spirit of God and with the brethren, you will bear the following fruits and you will cease to bear the above fruits of the flesh (of carnal knowledge and understanding). If you continue bearing fruits of the flesh, you will never enter the KINGDOM OF GOD THAT IS REVEALED AND PREACHED TO YOU BY THE NEW COVENANT BIBLE. 2 Peter 2:10-11 (KJV):Gal 5: 22-26

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

Today is your day to invest your soul's love in the kingdom of God. Do not harden your hearts. Serve God in the New Covenant He has showed you. Ps 25:14 KJV

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