Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work for beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT

Discerning times, purpose and seasons is critical. Everything that God has created has an ordained purpose and understanding purpose plays a huge part in knowing how our function. God’s work and how He does things is not chaotic. Everything God does has order. He has anticipated every thing and has ordered and orchestrated all things according to His purpose. Timing is everything when it comes down to the work of the Lord.
We may know our calling but it does not mean that it is time to walk in it. We may know our purpose for being but it does not mean we are prepared to fulfill what the Lord has purposed to do in us. We may have had a God given vision or dream but is it time for it to manifest. The vision could be yet for a season. Joseph’s vision of his brothers bowing before him took years before it manifested.
The prophets of old were shown things by the Lord that are just now coming to pass. Jesus, the Son of God himself submitted himself to the parentage of Joseph and Mary until the appointed time of his ministry. The bible states that after the time he was found in the temple with the teachers and leaders, Jesus returned to Nazareth and was obedient to them and it also states that Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and favor with God and all the people.
Many are called but few will allow God to take them through the process to grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man so that in the appointed time they will be the chosen vessel well suited and prepared for the work of God in due season. Many are gifted to get there but few have the substance to endure. Many have great vision but few have the character to see it through to fulfillment.
Be still and prepare. The prepared never miss opportunity. It is the unprepared that miss it. Others may be going on ahead of you but do not become anxious. It is their time now. You may feel that you are better qualified and capable. The truth is; you are.
The Lord called you but that was only part of it. The Lord shared with you a vision but He did not show you the whole thing. The Lord spoke to your heart but the word He spoke to your heart was a seed and every seed has a season to come to full fruit. We know in part but when that which is in part matures; we will know it and the world will know it. The Lord has made you beautiful for your time and season. When that time comes you will have no equal and you will be celebrated in your season. Amen!

Apostle S. Louis Johnson

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