One of the most venomous and lethal spirotual assassins in the spirit realm, and in the world, at large, is jealousy,, and it's cousins; envy, and covetousness. It is these very spirits that incite such violent rahge, and larceny in the hearts of men, that ,often, commands them to "murder" it's victim, literally, or spiritually. Jealousy gone "wild" or untempered escalates and spreads in one's soul, as it feeds off of every negative influence and murmuring the devil can interject and persuade it's host of. It feeds, and keeps at the forefront of one's memories past outrages, wrongs, rejections, bitterness, and resentment, and channels or projects it onto the current target of it's insecurities, imaginations, and malice, until a whole "five act play",complete with intermission, surrounding the one the host is jealous of is formed, and it escalates into pure hatred, even though the individual(s) are usually unaware, and innocent of committing any offense. When jealousy mutates into "hatred", the degree of danger, and the potential for harm expands, and becomes unpredictable, because there are demonic forces riding the "host's" mind, back, and shoulders, constantly planting perverted information, lies, and provocative accusations, until that host is consumed by the lying tongue of the devil, and he becomes polluted and corrupt by these spiteful malevolent, insinuations and impartations.. The Bible reveals that there's absolutely "nothing new" under the sun, and that includes "haters" as well, with Lucifer being the "father", and prototype of them all. It was the foolishness of pride, envy, and "haterism" that gave Lucifer the false courage to challenge an awesomely Holy, and Fearsome God, and that same "haterism" got him a pink slip from the best "job", with the most lucrative "benerfits" in the history of "employment"! Once satan "set it off", jealousy hit the ground running and never looked back, taking no prisoners along the way, not then, and certainly, not now. Cain followed suit with a more vicious manifestation of "haterism", as he allowed his own triflingness and lack of integrity to allow him to murder his innocent brother without a seond thought, much like the "haters" we live amongst in this 21st century, not only in the world, but they're alive and "shouting" in the house ofthe Lord, as well! "The "haters" of the Lord should have submitted themselves unto Him: but their time should have endured forever." Psalms 81:15

The thing that makes you marvel over a "hater" is the fact that whatever it is that you have, that they want, whether it's your Guci handbag, Manoalos, house in the "burbs, "fine" husband, "hot" wife, honor roll children, anointing, favor with the people of God, many open doors to preach,or even your relationship with God, is usually just as available to THEM as it is to YOU, but they're too slothful,lazy, unmotivated and ornery to put forth the effort required to obtain it, or to submit to the process that will qualify them for the blessings they're gnashing their teeth over, in your life.! You know that "posse" of haters who growl and throw shade whenever a new person joins the Church full of zeal, focused, on "Holy Ghost" fire, demonstrating the character and love of Christ, gifted, able and willing to serve, filled with inspired ideas that will bless the whole ministry, and welcomed and embraced by the Sr. Pastors and leaders and put to work, and then "they" start acting out, sleighting,throwing off, trying to sabotage, set up, slander, derail, discourage , abd drive away these people whom God, sovereignly sent to bless all! At some point in your journey with Christ you SHALL be "haterized", because that's the nature of the beast, and until the "beast" is completely"slain",and the "flesh" of men is thoroughly crucified, this pattern will be found, in abundance and unfortunately, in the sanctuary of the True and the Living God! Jealousy and haterism are ruthless and have no boundaries or loyalty to anybody, and because their origin is so deeply rooted in one of the most ancient, and greatest adversaries of the Lord and His people, it does not come to "play with you" or just to make you "upset', hatred kills or murders it's victims all day long. Cain murdered his own brother, and that same irreverance for blood soul ties and civenants has grown out of cintrol today, when it omes to jealousy, ,because it is a demonic power and principality, and thgey have no moiral code of ethics, ir allegience to anybody! Joseph fell prey to the sanme manifestation through his "close kin", for no more than pure jealousy and resentment, because when one embraces these demonic forces, a perverted realignment of values takes place, and consciousness and conviction are siphoned out as another "trophy" for the devil! In the world "haterism" has provoked way too many of our children to take the lives of way too many of our other children, over some sneakers, a gold chains, cell phone, money, "gear", "boyfriends/girlfriends, or sucess! In the "Church", many a vision has been choked, strangled and aborted, by some Pastor or "peer leader" who was intimidated and threatened buy the fruit of his/her own tree, that they nurtured, equipped, and trained, supposedly ,to be "sent out", as God blessed, anointed and sanctioned one of these sons/daughters of the house to be released, and to work the will of Him who sent them. David experienced such extreme haterism from his "spiritual father", Saul, and it grew from Saul being resentful, to full blown hatred, so much so, that Saul tried to asassinate the innocent protege' on more than one occasion, even though the bioy adored him, would've died for him, and refused to disrespect "who" he was, no matter what he did to him. It's sad to say, but true anyhow, that this syndrome is still common in the household of faith, and all of it's victims don't survive. Many have "swallowed down" their anointing and expected end, and are sitting somewhere unhappy, unfulfilled, and disobedient to God, because of the spiritual "hitmen" that ambushed their destiny!

There is a remedy and an antidote for the poison of "haters", and it's known as the "glory", or the "presence of God. Haterism can only affect you, if you're too far removed from beneath the shadow of His wings, because the Bible says "They that WAIT upon the Lord SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH; they shall MOUNT UP with wings as an eagle; they shall run and not grow weary, and walk and not faint!" IT SAYS "They that DWELL IN THE SECRET PLACE OF EL ELYON , shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty!" Whenever David was about to be conquered by spitefulness, the Bible says that "THE LORD WAS WITH HIM"! David made it a habit to seek God out, when his haters and his foes came upon him to "eat up his flesh"! MOSES HAD THE VERY SHEKINAH upon him, and his enemies, were afraid. Christ, Himself, stayed near to His father whe He was surrounderd by His "haters"! Dwelling in the "glory" will make your "haters" look like bumbling idiots, and cause them to turn on each other, while you're enjoying, being blessed by, and basking in the "glory"! The "glory" isn't just for Sundays when the "service is high", and youvdon't "dwell" anywhere on a "part-time" basis, but you live wherever you ive, normally, everyday, and thst's how the gory of God should be in our lives, because no "hater",agitatot, or perperater can ome nigh the glory "zone"! The "glory" is to "haters", as "kryptonite" was to "Superman", and as salt is to snails. They may be able to observe you from afar, but they know better than to cross the boundaries drawn in the sand! You don't have to, don't need to, and are better than that, to engage in warfare with any miserable, "need to get their own parade", "mad at everybody because they ain't got it together", "mean as a dog without a bone", "need another baptism from the Lord", "don't even like their ownselves, "ain't prayed sincerely and repented since creation", folk, because it's their haterism that's compelling the glory to stay near ,and cover you! So whenever your personal "haters"nry to roll up on you to get you off your square, tell them to "wait right here, while I go reach up to my ABBA Father ,and receive a fresh saturation of His Shekinah, and when I get back, I've got something for you! Yes, wait right here, while I go yonder, to tap into the "Glory:!

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