Acts 17:11-12
• "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
• Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few."
More noble or honest, and that is why they searched the scripture with an open (all readiness of) mind to it, and thus came to believe.
When Christians ask why there are so many different interpretations in the Church, the answers are as varied as the Churches. Vain Church traditions or habits, sloppy exegesis, laziness, these are all reasons, but the lack of the Spirit of truth which would lead one to sound conclusions cannot be ruled out. Because without the Spirit working within us, we can pridefully (deceitfully) declare that scripture means anything we will.
Jeremiah 17:9
• "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
Even to the point where we deceive ourselves, because who can know it? Satan is the master deceiver not because he comes looking like a devil, but because He comes as an messenger of light, a minister of righteousness, or a wolf in sheep's clothing. And if professed Christians (which can include anyone) have not the Spirit of Christ, nothing of scripture will be sufficient to convince them of the truth, even when plainly written. The Word of God can only be truly understood through a personal communion with God, through the Spirit. The Lord first softening the wicked and hardened heart, preparing it for reception of the Word.
Ezekiel 11:19
• "And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh:"
The simple truth is, every man who professes to being a Christian, is not a true Christian. A true Christian will have the serious intention of doing the will of God, with a heart which 'receives' scripture honestly or nobly, rather than rationalizing it away that he may believe what he will.
The goal in inductive Bible study is to approach the scriptures with an earnestness that we not only read it, but are spiritually taught by it. Because if we are simply reading our preconceived ideas into scripture, or looking for justification of doctrines which we already hold, we are not seeking truth. We are merely seeking justification. True inductive reasoning in Bible study will eliminate this by having the starting point be one where the student confesses that, 'he knows nothing but the Biblical facts, and is willing to be taught out of those facts.' Thus we can get a legitimate God breathed interpretation of Scripture, rather than vainly reading our own personal beliefs into it.
Many theologians claim that the Bible is not a book of logic, however I believe that the Bible is the most rational logical book on the face of the earth. Not in man's definition of logic, science, or rational thinking, but in God's understanding of system, logic and rational thinking. The foolishness of man is the wisdom of God and the wisdom of man the foolishness of God. Indeed, how could a book be inspired penned by so many different prophets, whose lives are separated by so many years where they have no knowledge of one another, and yet have every word and teaching be in total consistency with every other prophets' words and teachings. How could such a unique, ordered and congruous book be without logic? It makes no sense. To come to such a conclusion would in itself be illogical and irrational.
Real logic and rational thinking is in understanding that if the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word from the mind of God (a Christian given), then it can only be interpreted by the author, God. And this is the 'key' to understanding Canon.
Isaiah 55:8-9
• "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
• For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Our thinking is not God's thinking, nor our interpretations God's interpretations. So although methods of inductive Bible study come in a variety of flavors and styles depending upon the theologian, one thing remains constant. The most basic principle of inductive Bible Study is that the scripture alone is the source, harmonious, and innerrant. For the test of any sound exegesis is it's order of invariables which bring about a consistent hermeneutic. All grounded in the only presupposition, which is that scripture alone is source and ultimate interpreter.
• Secular history (no matter how allegedly trustworthy) can neither define nor interpret scripture. Scripture in fact both defines and interprets history. Secular history and the presuppositions thereby, must be subordinate to Scripture.
• The Bible (thee inspired Word of God) is the final arbiter for Christian doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Man's ideas, whether scientific, historical, or archaeological, must in all areas be subject to the Word of God.
• Rightly dividing the Word means taking things both in context, and by the examples shown in comparing scripture with scripture. It is by the use of Biblical precepts and models that we discern what God means by any given passage.
• Besides being it's own interpreter, the Bible, compared with itself, can be used as it's own dictionary. Words can be defined by searching through the scripture to see how God uses the same words in other passages. With prayer and supplication seeking wisdom and understanding, we can set forth the meaning by the use and context.
• The Holy Spirit is the true teacher of what Scripture means, and by Grace of God it works within us to humility, and moves us to surrender to it's authority. It is by this working that we 'receive' what God has inspired written, and are persuaded to look honestly at scripture.
• Our conclusions are induced only from the Biblical facts and evidences of what we find in Scripture. Never by politics, culture, traditions habit, Church leaders or other outside influences.
• There is often a deeper spiritual meaning to scripture underlying the literal, which is only discerned by a careful and measured exegesis. A thorough examination of like-examples, in context, is a good sound basis for coming to correct conclusions concerning spiritual with spiritual.
This is all by process of a sound inductive Bible Study. It is in this way that we (from the specific facts) interpret the scriptures righteously, with sound judgment. In other words, rightly dividing, or cutting it justly.
2nd Timothy 2:15
• "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Rightly dividing means justly proportioning. Just as one would cut a pie in equal slices that everyone receive a 'just' cut. In other words, honestly judging. By comparing piece with piece. These are things which the wicked will not do, because they lust to do their 'own' will, rather than the will of God. And that because they do not have the Spirit of God to discern truthful interpretation.

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