I Didn't Sign Up For All of This! Psalm 34:10 records the following words, Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. This verse should become a uplifting verse that promises the deliverance of those who ascribe to righteousness and living right. However; I humbly submit to you that there are just times that one might not always see the B Clause of this verse in action. Many of us that love the Lord are waiting for our various deliverance from our trying circumstances. Were we not told that all that we needed to do was accept Jesus and everything will be alright! The way the Gospel has been marketed over the ages would lead one to believe that coming to Jesus will put one on a lighting fast road of being free from troubles. I would like to apologize for all of the preachers who have led many to believe that after one comes to Jesus everything will be alright. Walking the Christian walk in a world that is diametrically opposed to the Christian Walk is a task that surely is not for the faint of heart. Many wonder about how they were going through in the world; now why in the world am I going through in the kingdom?

It is indeed amazing that others will consistently put your new found faith on trial when you make a decision to follow Christ. They hold up life gauges to assess your progress since you came to Jesus. This is especially tough for many new believers who are carefully measuring their first steps in this thing that we call the kingdom. God why does it still hurt? I walked down the aisle and it still hurts! These are amongst many of the cries that are sent up to God. Many in the kingdom are crying out in desperation for God to remove the pain from my life. How can I still be going through when I gave it all up and cleaned up my act? God please help! Take this pain away right now! God I didn't sign up for this! Child of the Most High I can boldly state that nearly every Christian has our special moments where we try to access our value to the kingdom because of the sheer Hell on Earth that we seem to be going through on a daily basis.

Why am I still in the church when the doctor is still giving me a bad report? What in the world is going on when there are still financial struggles in the life of many Christians? Did I really sign up to go through all of this? What in the world is the meaning of life? Why is life still sucker punching me? Why are my tear ducts kept in constant motion? Why are my nerves shot and I go to church each and every week? Well my brother and my sister I would first let you in on a secret everyone is going through. Pain much like our Heavenly Father is not a respecter of persons. All of those that you encounter on a daily basis have their own daily bouts with the weights of this world. Doesn't it seem like there would be a special password that we could mutter that would clean up all of our dilemmas by this time next week? Well child of God we just don't live in the world of the quick fix. One's life on this Earth will not be free from toil, and days of exasperation. Why would we assume that we could follow a man that the world hated so greatly and be forever free from the world's scorn? This life is not a cake walk, but I wholeheartedly believe that there are indeed benefits to following God!

Following God can and will take one into realms that will literally stretch and test the intestinal fortitude of any believer. One has to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the calm after the storm. There will never be a day on this side, where all will be well. In this world, one will simply have many trying days and wasted nights. Why can't my deliverance come before the angry letter that denotes an impending deadline on next week? Why are Christians often scorned and even sometimes the object of embarrassment? Is there a great universal injustice afoot somewhere? has life dealt me a card from a stacked deck? Why does it seem that others are floating through life on flowery beds of ease? How can these same folks prosper when they aren't living anything? Why is everyone picking on me? Can I hear one that's good today? Can I get one compliment today? Does anyone Else know that I am about to explode on the inside? Why am I the proverbial bull in the ring who is left to take on shots from every side?

One's trials and tribulations are not a badge of dishonor for those that love God. Trials and Tribulations simply comes with the territory. Your day of deliverance will come soon, but will you have the faith to hold on when so many others have let go? Can you face a job, a household, and a life that will present challenges on a weekly basis. The church has done many a disservice when we have marketed the gospel as a way of cleaning up your life problems overnight. Saint of the Most High you will simply go through on this side of Glory! Trouble has you on its internal GPS System and can readily find you at all times. God has promised to one day wipe every tear from the eyes of the righteous. Are there any tears left in your tear ducts any way? Why do I have to be left shaking and shimmering with fear when I took in a good word on last Sunday? Why am I seemingly on a battlefield when I thought I was headed for a fortress of comfort and relaxation? How did God let my loved one die when I so earnestly prayed for them?

Believe me I didn't write this piece as some negative comforter. I wrote this to touch the innermost recesses of your being. We all go through, but we serve a God that has promised to deliver us from our every affliction. Can you wait for the deliverance of God? We serve a wonder working God, but we also serve a God that can sustain you when you are literally going through the valley of the shadow of death. Things are going to get better. God is on your side! You are not the only commuter on this road that we call life that has seemingly ran into a traffic jam. Your weeping along the way is soon to pass. Can you hold on till your deliverance comes. God knows and God cares about you and yours! God did not create you for defeat. Don't covet someone Else's place, position, status, or life because believe me that person is going through also.

Underneath the fluff and the veneer believe me that person that seems like he or she has it all together is going through also. We serve a God that more often than not works with world for his own such as process, long suffering, and endurance. Do you believe that the only good and wise God will deliver you? God Can and God Will Deliver all that are his! We serve a God that is always on the job, and we serve a God that never fails. What our God Promises he will also provide. God has promised to deliver us from each and every one of our afflictions. You may have not signed up for the affliction plan when you took on this new assignment for Christ, but being a Christian entitles one to a great benefit plan. We serve a God that daily loads us with benefits, and we serve a God that is a deliverer that already is ready to send his Heavenly Delivery Drivers to your zip code to deliver you! Be blessed and don't lose faith in the struggle! God will break you through every inch of the enemy's defense! Keep on walking by faith, and I see you in the future looking and living a whole lot better than you are right now! God has victory searching each and every crevice for those who are his! Be blessed in the things of God, and I will truly see you at the top!

Respectfully Submitted,
Pastor Stephen F. Smith

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