I have just had to come to the stark realization that I am who I am, and for whoever don't like it because I wear too much pink, I don't sing like you, worship like you, dress like you, dance like you, pray like you, make the money you make, believe like you, I am who I am. I am living my life without apology. I will not apologize for being who God has made me to be. If he can take a doubter like Thomas and make him a disciple, a pauper like Saul and turn him into an Apostle, a peasant like Esther and make her a Queen, surely He can take the mess I was in and perform a miracle giving me a Ministry. He can take the pain of my past and propel me into my PROPHETIC DESTINY of living life on Purpose. So for that I will not apologize. Don't hate because my kids are grown and looks like I got it going on. You haven't the lyrics of my song. I won't apologize for my sons going to jail, and my only daughter too. I won't apologize, so don't expect me to. God has been good to me, this I know is true, so why don't you take the limits off but take them off of you. He who the Son set free truly is free indeed, I'm living my life with apology, I GOT the victory.

Messed up so many times, running back into and under the blood of Jesus. Wasn't planning but I failed so what, victory came, because I got back up. So I won't apologize for who God is MAKING me to be, because this same little girl is helping others that is coming behind me to be set free.

So I'll hold my head up walk in Spiritual Dignity, hold my head up, because of the blood I have been set free. I hear the whispers behind my back, yet you claim to be a saint. This thing you've done to me, won't make me bitter, only better, because the Greater One resides on the inside of me. So go on devil, tell your lies, dig your ditch, take your shot, hit me with whatever you got, know this, one thing I know is true, No Weapon you got will prosper and I plead the BLOOD OF JESUS against you.

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Comment by Apostle James Williams on April 6, 2009 at 10:14pm
Thats it Prophetess go rambo on that devil, you'll find out that he don't want to fight because Jesus has disarmed him Amen !!! Peace I'm Out
Comment by Apostle James Williams on April 6, 2009 at 10:11pm
Good morning Women of God,I tell you what, if anybody is in a fight, they need to get this statement and let it be the reality of their life and personally know what it mean like the writer to go through and whole on to Jesus and in the end no one can fight against you having in the end same testimony as the writer,that Jesus have brought them out and with power and authority,which mean there is no fight you win Amen !! Peace I'm Out
Comment by Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown on April 5, 2009 at 9:30pm
Heard it somewhere: It is not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog ... wroof wroof

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