With so much, anger, depression. stress and suffering ,that is when most of us have been guilty of saying some very harsh words. Words spoken out of anger can leave a lasting impression, that could hurt feelings, cause mental stress; break up friendships, relationships and marriages. These words we speak when feeling all these emotions are not very thought out and are said when we are not thinking correctly or with a sound mind. After the damage has been done and we realize what we have done, then most of us try to make up for ,it by asking for forgiveness, saying we are sorry or even trying to explain ,why those harmful words were spoken. But we all must realize is that once you say something, you could never take it back and the power of a spoken word can either help someone or they can harm someone. That why we all have to be very careful before we speak. So when you find yourself feeling angry, depressed or stressed out, take a step back and think about it, before you open your mouth. Ask God for the proper words to get your point across and say something useful, instead of something you may have to apologize for latter or feel guilty. Because its not what you say, its how you say it, that makes a big difference when you are trying to get your point across. Always pray and say", God I am angry, I need your strength and wisdom so I can say something constructive and positive to fix this situation". I know Lord with your wisdom you can and will help me resolve this issue, in a christian way '. So guide me oh Lord, instruct me in the right way , so that this conversation will be a blessing for the both of us and you will get the glory. Amen.

Have a blessed day,


Proverbs 10:19

When words are many, sin is not absent,but he who holds his tongue is wise.

Proverbs 11:13

A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret.

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