Why Presidential Prayer Team?

The Presidential Prayer Team was born out of the national tragedy of September 11, 2001. Since then, millions have joined together through PPT to pray for the President, his cabinet, the nation and our Armed Forces. PPT is the largest organization dedicated to praying for our President and our nation.

The Presidential Prayer Team harnesses the power of the Internet and popularity of e-mail to communicate with our members. You will receive up-to-the-minute prayer requests and information. PPT is widely recognized as one of the most innovative and effective users of electronic communication in Christian ministry today. The prayers of PPT members have had an untold impact on America for good and for God.

As a PPT member you will receive the most accurate and up-to-date information enabling you to pray with intelligence and effectiveness. Our website is updated daily and sometimes more often.

In moments of crisis we are able to alert our entire membership to pray within hours!

The Presidential Prayer Team is not a political organization. We pray for our national leaders in accordance with biblical principles, regardless of political persuasion. PPT exists in perpetuity to stimulate prayer for whoever occupies the Oval Office. We provide prayer resources and helpful materials to help our members pray more effectively. We also provide inspiration to pray, including informative articles and quotes about America's godly heritage established by our Founding Fathers.

The Presidential Prayer Team is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. We receive 100% of our financial support from donations from our members and others who believe in our mission of calling America to pray for the President, our nation's leaders and our Armed Forces. We are not supported by any political party or organization. And while prayer is free, it does require funds to update our members daily and to communicate regularly with millions of participants, as well as to operate important initiatives like Adopt Our TroopsTM, Pray the VoteTM, American Inspirations, and The Presidential Prayer Team for Kids.

Why Pray?
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

--I Timothy 2:1-2

Bringing our President and our nation before Almighty God is the very best thing we can do to support our nation and its leaders. Seeking to uphold our leaders and those they lead, patriotic Americans have found prayer to be surest way to bring positive change to our world. Together we are fighting the spiritual battle that threatens our religious freedoms and our personal well-being.

Many have wanted to pray for our President and our country, but haven’t known how to pray or what to pray. The Presidential Prayer Team provides you the most accurate and up-to-date information so that you can pray with intelligence, conviction and power.

The PPT website provides inspiration to pray and extensive information about the godly heritage of our nation. You will find information that you may not find elsewhere--information that will remind you of the faith on which America was founded—the same faith that sustains believers today.

Politics, events and popular culture can change and even alter the very fabric of our nation. But God does not change. When we appeal to Him in prayer, He hears us and answers our prayers in accordance with His perfect will. He hears and answers the prayers of his people for our country.

Praying with The Presidential Prayer Team enables you to build on the heritage of faith and prayer begun with our Founding Fathers—the heritage that continues today. Praying with The Presidential Prayer Team joins your voice with millions of like-minded believers as we praise God for our nation, our freedoms and for the protection and blessings He provides as we go about our daily lives.

For more info.or to join log onto the website www. presidentialprayerteam.org

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