Kingdom Finances - It's Time To Align Ourselves!

Greetings To All,

As God continues to lead each of us individually and collectively in this last hour, I am convinced that God would have us all to be concerned and well balanced in ALL AREAS of our lives. Sometimes as ministers of the Gospel, we have a tendency to overcompensate in some areas (our calling) while other areas lack (finances & family.)

I am currently seeking someone whom God has gifted in the area of finances who is willing to come on the teleconference line and facilitate a complimentary session strictly concerning Kingdom finances.

As a people of God, we must understand that in your daily lives as well as at some point in your ministry, you will need adequate & free flowing finances! God WILL provide to those who are faithful.

I have heard so many in the Kingdom who have stated that they are struggling financially. I'm sure we have all experienced financial challenges at some point and I have not been excluded. But I have always been a cheerful sower and continue to believe God for an increase on past GOOD seeds sown. However, until that time, it is a MUST that we (as people of God) align ourselves financially in the Kingdom.

Jesus Himself used a pattern of meeting the need of those who came to Him and then He ministered to their spirit. I can't speak for anybody else but God has spoken directly to my spirit to say, "Adrienne, there will be times where it will be necessary to meet a person's PHYSICAL need to be able to minister to them wholely." In other words, if somebody comes to me hungry, just "saying a praying" and sending them on their way won't do! It will be necessary for me to feed them FIRST and then pray! There is a balance in it all that many of us have not yet learned. God has revealed to me that as a believer, I can't always just believe with people ONLY for a miracle. But I have to allow Him to use me to BE the miracle in somebody's life as will all of us at some point. Without financial stability, we will not be able to accomplish this.

I believe in was in the book of Acts (Ch. 3) where it spoke of all the saints bringing their belongings together as a whole and dividing it among the people so that noone lacked. God revealed to me that this is one of the reasons why many get yolked up in the world's "systems" of the government (welfare). It's simply because we (as Ambassadors for Christ) have not quite grasped the concept of Kingdom principles when it comes to finances, sharing and giving.

As a people, we need to absolutely press into God concerning our finances and how we are to begin living by Kingdom financial principles so that we are TRULY able to advance the Kingdom of God. Aren't you sick and tired of being sick and tired????????

Again, if you are someone whom God has gifted in the area of finances and are willing to come on the teleconference line and share concerning the subject matter, please do e-mail me directly at I would like to schedule this session for the first available date that we are able to agree upon.

Let us all make a conscious and concerted effort to align ourselves financially for the Kingdom's sake!

Blessings be unto each of you!


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