There are many religious systems which teach salvation by works, or which try to mix works with faith, such as:

Believe + keep the Law of Moses

Believe + be circumcised

Believe + water baptism

Believe + confess your sins

Believe + give up your bad habits and fully surrender

Believe + make a public display or have great sorrow of a show of tears

Believe + church membership

But the Gospel is Believe plus Nothing!

Legalism in Christian Living

Here are some types of religious legalism imposed on Christians:

Taboos: thinking one is spiritual because he doesn't do certain things or follows a certain do's and don'ts.

Imitating Personalities: the idea that living the Christian life is conformity in dress, mannerisms, speech, etc.

Relative Righteousness: "your sins are worse than mine, therefore I am more spiritual" or "I am spiritual and you are carnal."

Ecstatics: spirituality by speaking in tongues, groaning, getting in a trance, fainting.

Asceticism: spirituality by self-sacrifice or extreme self denial; giving up normal activities or even necessities in the mistaken notion that God is impressed.

Ritual: idea that one is spiritual because he goes through various forms of ceremony or ritual. In the Apostle's day, the Jews promoted circumcision as necessary to the Christian walk. These days, baptism is used, or one of the other sacraments.

Confusing Means with Results: the idea that you are spiritual if you are faithful in praying, giving, witnessing, attending church, and so forth. But - these legitimate activities are a result of Christian growth and the filling of the Holy Spirit. They are not the means for spirituality or growth in Christ. It is important to distinguish this difference.

The Grace principle is this: when you are in fellowship, occupied with Christ, and controlled by the Holy Spirit, all of your activities bring eternal reward (gold, silver, precious stones). You are producing divine good, and the spiritual power for your efforts comes from God as a grace provision.

When you are out of fellowship (sin not confessed), you are occupied with yourself, you control yourself, everything is chaos. You produce human good (wood, hay, and stubble). There is no spiritual power supporting your efforts, and there is no reward for them in heaven.

Obedience to God's Word is not legalism. Remember the definition. Everything you do has the potential for reward in heaven, under the right circumstances.

But the legalist thinks that the good works he does for God will not only keep him in fellowship and walking with the Lord but will also make him more spiritual and a great Christian.

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