To My Beautiful Sisters, my Precious brothers

I greet you in the Name of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I speak blessing over you and your loved ones. I pray that all is well. I thank God for you. Expecting God is to move mighty on this day in your life. Just this week, things have been happening that have blown our minds. I am expecting awesome and great things to come forth in the Name of Jesus! My God, My God. To God be the Glory for the things that he has done and will do. He really does know the plans that He has for your life, and they are plans to prosper you and to give you hope.

God is calling us to Holiness. I am expecting the manifestation of God to cause people to live the life that God has called us to and to run back to the Master. We want the blessings, but won’t travail. We want the power, but will not seek His face. We want to walk in the boldness of the Holy Ghost, but don't seek HIS guidance or directions and instructions. We want the anointing, but will not seek holiness. We plead the blood, but yet not know Him that shed the blood, really know Him.. My God, if there has never been a time, the time is now! We need Jesus! We need the Master! We must travail in order to prevail. God is calling us to Holiness. It's a lifestyle. It's the only way we shall see God. We are going forth in ministry to break the yokes of the enemy, the yokes of bondage. To break the back of the enemy tearing down his kingdom, To set the captives free. To tear down strongholds and deposit the Word of God into lives of believers and unbelievers. It's about souls. We are not here to give God’s people an emotional high. We are here to equip, uplift, empower, deliver, encourage, educate, love and help you reach your destiny. It’s about building the kingdom of God . Friendships are good to make and maintain, but we are looking for those that will go on to be made into disciples, those who will continue the mission of "Go ye". Will you travail with us? Will you touch and agree with us, we only need a few, not looking for the masses, just a few with the heart of God reaching for the lost? Will you be one? Will you intercede with us for the lost souls? Come be apart as we go before the throne boldly. We need you sisters, we really need you MEN of God to help tear down and demolish the rulers of darkness in this age. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For are weapons are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down strongholds. (II Corinthians 10:3-4) Will you stand for Jesus? Be encouraged, be bless, and walk in the power of the Holy Ghost. Embrace your destiny! Conquer the enemy, Fulfill your Prophesy!

With all the love of Christ abiding in me to and for you.

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