My Notes from "Amazing Grace" (Disc 1):

Notes from "Amazing Grace" (Disc 1):

Monergism can be defined as God simply 'doing it all'. Synergism is God and man working together which is 'works-based' (Pelagian or Semi-Pelagian). Man can not please God through works - just faith which is freely given by Grace. " ...all our righteousness is like filthy rags, ..." (Isaiah 64:6).

One should ask: "Who gets the glory for our salvation?". God.
"And what % of that glory does He get or deserve?" 100%
Thus, the term 'monergism' was created.

We are dead in our trespasses b/c of the 'original sin'. God adds the increase. Did you know a seed must die b/4 it springs forth and bears fruit (i.e., resurrection). From the reformed faith, John Newton's song, "Amazing Grace", was written (background: Augustinian, Lutheran, Calvanist, Monergist, etc.).

Unregenerate man is not free in his mind to do what he ought to do (repent and follow Jesus) based on his heart and will. A suggested reading to go along with the topic of 'Freedom of Will' would be Martin Luther's book, "The Bondage of the Will". Also, 'dying to one's self' would never show up as an option on man's radar. Christ comes seeking the lost. In our natural state, we can not seek out God.

Likewise, John 6:44reads: "no man can come ...". "Can" is a word explaining one's ability to act. Until God changes the disposition of our souls, we'll never embrace or truly choose him. Our hearts are still bound up in sin. Matthew 19:26details how we come to be saved. Our faith does not get us 'born again'. When Christ was asked how a person can be born again if they don't already believe or have faith, He replied, "it was like the wind". Noone knows where it comes or where it goes; it's just something that happens & we experience it. We can't pre-program ourselves. The ultimate initiative comes from God above. What do birth, death and resurrection all have in common? The answer is "we do nothing to affect any of them".

TULIP was a response to to the Arminians' objections (Remonstrance) to the Reformed Faith:
Total depravity
Unconditional election
Limited atonement
Irresistable Grace
Perseverance of the saints (once saved - always saved)

R.C. Sproul: The Holiness of God (p.232) --> Christ made it clear that dead people cannot choose anything ... that the flesh profiteth nothing & that a person must be born of the Spirit before he can even see the Kingdom of God - let alone, enter it.

Being born again precedes faith. Words like "elect, chosen & predestination" are skimmed over because they are counterintuitive. Most see this as unfair or unjust for that very same reason (lean unto their own understanding b/c it's counterintuitive). All of the New Testament letters are addressed to the 'elect'; God found and saved us. Man has no room to boast; sovereign grace is the reason.

In Heaven, you would find noone to boast in himself; in hell, ... noone to blame but self. Below is a list of numerous verses that support the mandate that "we didn't find God - He found us": Amos 3:2; Malachi 1:2, 3; Daniel 4:25; Matthew 20:16,22:14,22,24,31; Mark 10:27,13:20,27; Luke 15:4,18:7; John 10:25-26,15:16, 17:1,2,6,9; Acts 13:48; Galatians 2:21; Romans 8:33,9:9-13,15-24,11:17; Ephesians 1:4-5; Colossians 3:12; 2nd John 1:1,13; 1st Timothy 5:21; 2nd Timothy 2:10; Titus 1:1; 1st Peter 1:2,5:13; and 2nd Thessalonians 2:13.

People can accept that God showed favor to Abraham and Moses (unlike that of Pharoah), but have a difficult time dealing with this in the New Testament (i.e., "I will have mercy upon who I will have mercy"). And too, no flesh may glorify in God's sight. This is the reason He chose the foolish(base) things of this world.

Because Christ paid the penalty for a 'particular' people (i.e., His sheep, those the Father had given to Him), "all" doesn't mean "all" all of the time as portrayed in John 3:16and 2nd Peter 3:9. Likewise, Jesus doesn't pray for everyone - nor does He pay the penalty for "all" men (see John 17:9& Hebrews 7:25).

In summary, free will is freedom from the original sin(full effects of the fall) and sovereignty of God. Free will in Arminianism leads to the downfall of the Doctrine of Inerrancy. The sovereignty of God does the work apart from man's free will as illustrated in scripture: Isaiah 46:8-11; John 6:44,10:27-29,17:12; Hebrews 12:2; James 2:6,20; Philippians 1:6; Matthew 7:21-23; Romans 4:2,4,5,7; and Ephesians 2:10.

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