There are millions of people who go from this church conference to that church conference and have never been healed, made whole, been blessed or delivered. There are many who get excited about the next big name coming to town and never once ask Jesus whose name is above all names should they go. What do you think?

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Comment by Lonnie Kluttz on August 17, 2009 at 1:52pm
You shouldn't be sick of the people running from conference to should be sick of the people giving these conferences. It's another way of making a bunch of money. I can't find one scripture that says to make sure you give church cinferences, charge people for it and then say God's behind my conference or so and so's conference. We always want to speak of truth and then we make up our own truth and not God's truth. Why do I have a healing conference that is supposed to be from God and then charge people for it. So now I'm charging people for the word of God and the healing that He has already said I can have if I become saved and born again. These are the people you should be after, not the ones going to the conferences. You said we need more teach that.

God Bless
Comment by Prophetess Yolanda O. Irons on August 15, 2009 at 9:24pm
Another hot blob eh Pastor Samuels ? I am sick and tired of these folks running from conference to conference seeking to be delivered by these big named ministries . Learn this ... your deliverance comes by the Word .. Iam in agreement with the sisters that have replied to this blob . The one we should be glorifying is JESUS and him crucified . Let us be mindful that thre is only one star , one deliverer , and righteous judge and His name is Jesus . Stop spending your hard earned money to support these folks and sow into your local church . Stop spending your money on outfits for these conferences and sow into a ministry for the homeless . I am really tired of the saints being so star struck by these conferences and who is at the conference . Please, I rather just go to a conference that will edify me and glorify God . And where the power of God is moving . Let me stop because I can go and on and with this .... another good one Pastor Samuels . Keep on cranking them out and make us think !
Comment by Eric Hancock on August 15, 2009 at 3:11pm
Prophet Minstrel Johannes John
great comment
Comment by Eric Hancock on August 15, 2009 at 6:31am
This is true
people will RUN to a Conference because Preacher or Prophet HOBO JONES is comming and give there life savings to hear a False Prophet,,,Prophet-lie.. at the same time wont support there owm assembly,,now I dont know if it is the name ,OR..the number of times that they see them on the WORD NETWORK?? they see there LARGE congregation and there luxury cars and want to be a part of it ,,but they are EVERYTIME THEY GIVE ,,,THEY'RE A PART OF HELPING PAY THAT CAR NOTE OR THAT NEW 15,000 SQUARE FOOT HOME,,NOW,,CALL AND TELL THEM THAT YOUR ABOUT TO GET EVICTED ,OR YOU NEED HELP BUYING A CAR,OR YOU JUST LOST YOUR JOB,,OR NEED HELP WITH LEGAL FEE'S AND SEE WHAT THEY TELL YOU...I HAVE NEVER SEEN OR HEARD OF ANY OF THEM GIVING BACK TO A PERSON WHO IS NOT A MEMEBER JUST A GIVER THATS THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY,I DONT WANT TO BE A PART OF IT..people are chasing the name instead of he who created him..
Comment by Pastor Michael Samuels on August 14, 2009 at 8:10pm
Point of clarity: When I posted this blog, I didn't want people to assume that everyone who attends conferences are not sincere in their search for God, but my point is that we must put people in their proper place and that is not above God. I however do believe that many people do not pray and seek God's leading and direction as to whether they should attend or not. Many people get the same, better or more correct teaching at there own home church and do not give their pastor the same respect as some nationally known pastors. This MUST stop! As a prophet and teacher it is my assignment to blow the horn and shout truth in all seasons.
Comment by A.W. Bowman on August 14, 2009 at 5:52pm
Love the clear thinking presented here. But, now comes confession time.

As it has been pointed out, we go to our Lord and ask for this and beg for that. Se seek help, deliverance, health and wealth and blessings of all sorts and kinds. Now, the truth is we are instructed to come before the throne of grace and make our petitions known, believing that we have receive that for which we ask, etc. However - - - - There comes a time when one should grow up, spiritually speaking.

Has anyone noticed that in our alter calls, conferences, meetings, revivals, etc,. generally it only a very few that get their petitions answered (and for most of them it is only a temporary fix)? What is missing here? Why is the church so ineffectual?

So, I have started looking at my own life and walk with Jesus. Question: What am I missing? The truth? What I have been missing for most of my entire spiritual walk has been two very important things:

The first item is the exercise of the spiritual authority that has been made available to me as a child of God. The seventy that Jesus sent out exercised more spiritual authority than I ever have, even with the very Spirit of God dwelling within me (which they did not have)! Read Luke 10. Failure to exercise the God given authority He has made available is a serious breach in faith.

The second item is just as serious. It is the sin of unbelief. When was the last time you witnessed, or personally exercised the power that is provided to you in the Holy Spirit? Remember why the Apostles were instructed to wait in Jerusalem? Now, they has already received the Holy Ghost (John 20:22), now what? They were to receive the power of the Holy Spirit! (Acts 1:8). It is one thing to have authority, but it is also necessary to back it up with power to make that authority "stick".

Now, granted the authority and power of the Holy Spirit was not exercised (used) with 100% effectiveness in the scriptures. Paul had to leave team members behind sick while he traveled on. But if we look at the majority of the acts of Paul, Peter and the others, we see a church with authority and power spreading the message of salvation throughout the land and "turning the world upside down". What we usually get is a holy feel good message, an emotional "high", and in a day or two it back to business as usual.

Question: Do we keep asking, even begging God to do what He has already instructed us to do? Do any of us really know the difference between commanding a person to be healed and to move on, and the need for asking our Lord to intervene on our (or another's) behalf? Do we actually know the difference between stepping out in faith and acting presumptuously?

In all of these areas I have been remiss! Weak and ineffectual within the kingdom of God. Can anyone else relate - or am I walking alone in these failings?
Comment by Linda F. Smith on August 14, 2009 at 5:51pm
I understand what all of you are saying,but; I think you're categorizing everyone that goes to large gatherings to hear those so-called "wonderful" preachers are silly, undisciplined, thrill seekers. And, this I cannot agree with. Because all people do not go to such places for the same reasons. Some go to hear these great ministers of God for the ministry that God has infused or rather anointed them with. There are those who are such foolish persons, but not everyone. I do not go to hear great preachers because of their names. I go because I find that what God has already told me is confirmed through them and some more of what I may need. Not for show, but for my growth in God. How I may serve Him better. I find that in many churches, the leaders spend more time beating up on the people and not trying to properly teach them the ordinances of God in a way that allows true spiritual growth and renewal. People are not efficiently prepared for their ministry, so thay find someone who can help them identify with the gifts and their callings so they can become useful to the kingdom of God. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ. And I agree with what the Word of God says, "The effectual and fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Jas.5:16b.
Comment by Pastor Michael Samuels on August 14, 2009 at 5:07pm
@Pastor Jazz... I understand about being ministry for a number of years, anointed, appointed and serving the people as best that you can and seemingly underappreciated.God has sent many people to our church over the years to be blessed by the prophetic and apostolic teaching. These people have been blessed and have never returned to become involved with the church again, although I know that many should have joined the church to be healed, made whole and taught truth. Why did they not return? I believe because I am not a lime light teacher and that we don't have a thousand member church and etc....
Comment by MYBY/Moreh Yahoshua ben Yisrael on August 14, 2009 at 4:46pm
They have these "stars" on their page and having false teaching fill their souls...Don't worry sista i've been called worse from these so-called followers of "good"...
Comment by Alexis Michelle on August 14, 2009 at 3:58pm
@Pastor Samuels-I'm so loving this title
@Sister Jazz-You are right, our culture is driven by entertainment; and as much as we claim to be doing the work of Jesus, the one thing I know about Him for sure is He didn't let the crowd control Him and He wasn't fooled by the spotlight.

Mark 1 - 34. And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him. 35. And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out , and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. 36.And Simon and they that were with him followed after him. 37. And when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee. 38. And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth. 39. And he preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils.

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