On Sunday night there was special on the news about young women who are kidnapped by pimps from all over the US who force them to work for them. There primary way to solicit sales is via WWW.CRAIGSLIST.COM
A lot of you are familiar with craislist. Its a place where you can sell commodities for free and advertise them in your area. Its a great place to sell your personal itmes. However, its a vice for those young women who sell themselves as well as their pimps who sell them. There is prostitution in every state on this site. The pimps actually take these girls from state to state to make money. The women can be as young as 15 yrs. old. We Must Pray!!!!

This is a all out war against demonic forces that cater to the fleshly needs of men and women all over the Nation. The Bible says in Is. 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder:" OK...somewhere along the line we have missed the prophetic picture. If the GOVERNMENT rest on the shoulders of Jesus, and we are His body in the earth today, how much more does the Government today rest in the hands of the saints....WOW!!! OK catch your breath!!! That's right saints the CHURCH is the government in the land....but we have gotten it twisted. Nothing should be happening that's against the will of God that we can not take control over and exercise the judgment of God according to His word. Now the question to us today is how do we do that? Through the power of PRAYER and prophetic DECREES. The word decree is defined as a "spoken enactment against time." There have been words that the enemy has strategiclly spoken that move in sync with time. But God has given us authority through Jesus Christ to speak forth DECREES that come against the words of the enemy over our lives. Its time saints....we must begin to decree a thing and see it established (job 22:28). We are the government, we set the rules, we establish the will of God in the earth.
We must pray for the women who are bound and being held hostage in our regions. This is a serous matter. Somebodies daughter, mother, sister, son, husband is bound because the enemy is looking to steel, kill and destroy in this season. But the enactment against time is IN YOUR MOUTH!!! Begin to decree the justice of God upon our enemy that these women and men may walk free in JESUS name!!! Amen!!!

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