Praying for Church Planters in a Foreign Nation!

Dear Beloved in Christ, ...Greetings and blessings from Frosinone, Italy! :-)

God willing between Oct. 15th and Nov. 30th, I will be traveling in the USA to raise our monthly support for our church-planting ministry, and depending on where you are located I might be able to come to your church (if you would like to), or perhaps we will be able to meet at a different time. ...In any case, even if we will not meet at this time, you can still pray for us and partner with us in reaching new communities with the saving message of the Gospel, with your prayers and with your financial support.

Unfortunately, since the advent of the Euro, we have been losing between 35 to 60% or our original support, on the exchange alone. In addiction to that, because of this present recession, just last month we lost $ 400.00 of monthly support, due to a church closing down and a lady who had to quit her job to take care for her baby.

Also, on the 10th od April we need to fly to Boston MA for one of our son't wedding, so we need to spend some $ 5,000.00, so you can see the bad situation, but which God can turn into a great blessing!

Many believe that since we are in Europe, we are doing well, but when we consider that Italy it's the nest of Catholicism, and a very expensive country to live in, we need more than ten times the support other missionaries need in other nations.

Needless to say that this has been a big blow to our ministry, and although we don't panic like the rest of the world, still, even Paul had to go to work because the churches were not doing what they could. Unfortunately, at this time it seems impossible to fing a job, unless God works a miracle. Yet, we also know that God is faithful and He can replace that lost support with double of that. So, please, if you are in the central states, between MN and OH in the North and going south to TX and LA, let me know if you want me to come and minister to your church, or even to only greet the church and take a offering. But as I said, you can still send your support to help us.

Please write you check to "Operayion Italy", and mail it to: Operation Italy, 1405 Platt Ave., Cairo, GA 39828.

Thank you for your love and may God reward you a hundred fold for your seed sowing for the salvation of souls.

In Christ and through Cheist,
Apostle Abel Aureli

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