Married ministers should NEVER minister to the opposite sex without your spouse being present! She begged me to spend the night with her. I gave in for two reasons: 1. Sexual attraction 2. The need to comfort her. Both reasons would have caused me to fall, but God intervened! Praise Jesus! There is no telling where my life would have turned out if I fell that night! When I got to Korea 2 days later (it’s a long flight), That was where I accepted the call to preach and also where God filled me with the Holy Ghost. Fornicating that night would have probably caused me to get off of the airplane in Seoul ready to have a one-year tour of “sexcapades”. I praise God for the Holy Spirit and the divine providence of God! I really believe God sets up spiritual roadblocks to help us live holy. We are lying If we think we live holy because of our “will” power! When we admit our flesh is weak THEN we can experience the willingness of the Spirit to help us. (Read Psalms 32, 38, and 51)

The devil knows that we (Christians) won’t just go out on a whim and commit certain acts of disobedience. The devil will attempt to get you to start small so to speak.

In the 80’s I was big into weight lifting and bodybuilding. I even won a few power-lifting contests overseas. I was proud of how I sculpted my body through hard training. I was a Karate Instructor on base and I ran 5 miles a day. I used to read muscle magazines to see how the stars trained and ate. I would say about 1983 –84 there was a big change in the magazines. In the early seventies the magazines were just filled with pictures of men training, diets, and articles on various topics related to the sport. As the eighties came more and more there were sexually explicit pictures. Women’s bodybuilding was taking off…and so were their clothes! I remember chastising a brother about buying pornography, and the Holy Spirit immediately hit me with “Aren’t those muscle magazines pornography?” I had to confess to God, myself, and the brother I was scolding that I was guilty too! Pornography is all around us! When I go to the mall in the summer and rest on a bench, I see pornography!

The women wear shorts up to their butt cheeks! I don’t have to go on the Internet to see something that will make me howl like a wolf! I like what Job said, “I made a covenant with my eyes…” Men are visual creatures and we have to guard our eyes as well as our hearts. I don’t care how strong a brother is, if he views pornography he will end up hooked and in need of deliverance quick, fast, and in a hurry!

Internet pornographers target web sites and addresses that appear to be Christian. The enemy knows that porno is a HIGHLY addictive force in his arsenal of evil tricks. I had a bad experience with pornography myself, I am not proud to admit it, but if it will help another man get free from it Praise Jesus! When I was about 12 years old I found a trunk that belonged to my brother in the attic, it was filled with pornographic magazines and photos. I guess my brother realized I found it, because months later it vanished from the house. The damage was already done! Those pictures have haunted me for years. I know I have a weakness for the stuff, (all men do) so like the scriptures tell us “flee fornication…” The word fornication comes from the root Greek word PORNEA. God is saying FLEE (run in terror) from PORNOGRAPHY! When I was in the military I was surrounded by it! I had to request a change in roommates on 2 occasions because they were porno addicts. If I stayed their roommates I would have fallen back into the love of it. Even now I have to deal with images from years past. Even past relationships linger in our minds because of the power of the sexual union.

Sex was meant to give pleasure to a husband and wife, but also it is a covenant sealer. When you have sex with someone you are really marrying him or her! The act of sex is the deal sealer! That is why God never meant for you to have multiple partners. If you recall your first sexual experience, good or bad you NEVER forget it! It becomes a strong image in your soul (emotions, will, conscience). The Lord tried to warn Israel about multiple partners, Solomon is the most tragic case. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines! The scriptures say he “loved them all”. The love for these women pulled him away from his first love, GOD!

Pr 7:21 With persuasive words she led him astray;
she seduced him with her smooth talk.
Pr 7:22 All at once he followed her
like an ox going to the slaughter,
like a deer stepping into a noose
Pr 7:23 till an arrow pierces his liver,
like a bird darting into a snare,
little knowing it will cost him his life. NIV

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Comment by Apostle Johnnie L. Gilliam, Jr. on May 6, 2009 at 11:10am
God bless you Man of God! These are some important areas of our (men) lives that we need teaching. Thank God that someone is willing to speak and help others with this problem. Reading your blog really blessed me, and it helps to deal with some of the things you were talking about, when you know someone else has been there to. Sometimes we tend to think we are the only ones who are dealing, or fighting with these kinds of things, but when someone else comes forward it seems to set the rest free from thinking 'I'm not the only one'. We must pray especially for our single brothers, because it is more harder for them. This is why I believe God said in Genesis 2:18, "It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him". Even being married the enemy still tries to make the grass look greener on the other side. Yes, brother it takes the power of the Holy Spirit as well as a made up mind to do what is right. I thank God for you, and I pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen you for your assignment in the Kingdom. Keep doing what you are's a blessing.

Grace and Peace...

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