Preacher's Honorariums...When do we get to the place when unless you pay I wont preach?

Just a thought! We have come to a place when the name of Jesus is not as popular as our title and name? So if a preacher has a popular name this determines his/her worth of honorarium.

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Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 12, 2008 at 1:13pm
Amen Jube!

Think we need to write a book of sermons! LOL
Comment by Patrick D. Joubert on December 12, 2008 at 1:04pm
Perfect Storms

1, Correct

2. Perfect

3. Instruct
Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 12, 2008 at 12:27pm
Amen! Jube!

I just preached in St. Albany, NY for a preacher and let me tell it was wonderful. Not only did I and the other preacher were treated like queens we too receive home cook meals (Friday and Saturday) then took us shopping. The amount I received from the speakers offering was good but the hospitality was the best; from the Pastor to the church!

Souls were delivered and many came to the alter on Sunday. I did not do any hollering but I taught about the Perfect Storm (Life situations). a.) God Storm b) Satan Storm c) Your Storm But in the storms you got to learn something to be able to handle the next storm that comes your way. The next storm might be Katrina a catetgory 5 storm or it could be Rita catergory 4 or Hugo a category 4. It does not matter what kind of storm comes just hold on because help is on the way, if God is your source. Crack want do it, sleeping with Jane or Mary, being on the DL, want do it..... Its time to stop hustling for the world now it time to hustle for God. The Perfect Storm!!!

Because I care for the souls of the people and they understand where I was coming from I was ask to come back this spring.
Comment by Patrick D. Joubert on December 12, 2008 at 11:16am
I only believe the "SET CHARGERS" are worth it when at the conclusion of the worship there has been
2) DELIVERANCE/SALVATION - not just a prayer - line...LOL...
3) A REAL - RIGHT - RELEVANT word and not something warmed up to give to the people.

One of the things that I keep in mind when I'm traveling to share the word, (20 - 25 times a year since the 90's) is that I am a SERVANT and NOT a CELEBRITY.

Since pastoring I have had some "BIG NAMES - to include a the President of a National Baptist Convention - to come and preach for me and surprisingly they came without a set fee, thoroughly blessed the people and a few of them even sowed back into the ministry after spending time with the people at the church. Most of these men and women of God even asked for a HOME COOKED MEAL. I agreed to provide that for them because after a while you just want some GREENS. YAMS, SMOTHERED CHICKEN and JIFFY CORNBREAD...

It has been my experience that those who really have a NAME in the preaching industry are willing to come and be a part of what you are doing and more than willing to bless the body of Christ.

In closing, I have not had occasion to experience a GREAT, GRAND and GLORIOUS GODLY GOSPEL being shared by people/preachers who want the ENORMOUS set amount. It always appeared that I have heard them preach that SPEECH before.either on CD or DVD and I could have stayed home at observed it for free. It further appears that so many of them are preaching for RESPONSES and not RESULTS...

~ Jube ~
Comment by The Prophetic Dancer on December 12, 2008 at 2:35am
Now this is such a serious topic. I was going to post something similiar but didn't get around to it. I pray everytime before I minister that if this is where God wants me to be that he will make a way for me to be there. I have travelled outside of the state and I promis you this, I did not have a place to stay nor food to put in my mouth everyday. I have $4 dollars to my name. People would say, well you shouldn't go unless they paying you! What in the heaven? (I was bout to go there). But how in the world am I going to charge somebody for what I did not pay for?? How does that happen. When I come to deliver the word be it through dance or prophetic word, I am there on assignment. If I have to break my back to get the word to these ppl then I will. Why? Because if I let pride get in my way then the blood of those ppl are on my hands. Needless to say the Lord provided a way for my to get down there. Even the people that called me ignorant for going still gave me the money. Lets just say I came back with $400 more dollars in my pocket. You want to know why you only get $30 or whatever? Ask God if you were supposed to be there? Just because ppl were shouting and jumping all over the place don't mean you were supposed to be there. you just gave them an emotional ride. Hello somebody. GET BACK ON YO FACE! REPENT. Now if this don't scare the mess out of you, for you to get back in order, then I don't know what will. Matthew 7:21-23 verse 23 being the key verse. Be careful that you are not being successful at the wrong thing. It is biblical to sow into the lives that bring forward what the spirit is saying. But when you put a demand on it is when you are in the wrong. If the church never gave you anything can you walk away without a grudge, knowing that what God has spoken through may have saved just one life. Do you remember the day you got saved? The preacher that delivered that word...
Or what about the day you came to church and you were on the verge of committing you remember that preacher....didn't it seem like he was there just for you on that day, that you may live and not die? What if he never came, because the church didn't pay him. And you went home that day and killed yourself. That's your blood on his hands. How? Because he was supposed to be there. It was in order for him to be there at that moment. He was ordained to be there. Now what if it was your child sitting in the pugh of another church...but the preacher decided to let his pride takeover and not show up and deliver that word for your son or your daughter...I would be upset that the one who was sent to help my child was too selfish and not I have to bury them. You may's not that deep...oh yes it is!!!One last thing before I go. HOW CAN YOU CHARGE FOR WHAT YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR? In this day and time we call that PROSTITUTION!!!

Much love,
Sister Jasmine
I am up for any response. I ain't scared :o)
Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 12, 2008 at 12:22am

Amen! You said a mouth full, Farris! I agree totally that people will follow you when they feel that you teach/preach the word without compromise.

I agree the song (whooooooopa') and dance (The Holy Ghost Shuffle) oops! (there I go) does not save a soul but it does draws a crowd. (Go figure)

Deliverance is the key but most of them do not have the power to do nothing but collecting the money and slide out the door.

What's up with that!
Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 11, 2008 at 11:59pm
I agree with Farris "RAPE" is the right word. We should not measure someone's worth but they measure our worth but the size of the crowd and the size of their EGO.

I know a couple who should have stayed in the airport. OOOOOOOOOOps!

I believe after we paid them $1000 honorarium and up that should be all they get. No second offering.
Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 11, 2008 at 11:52pm

I got some oil for you! LOL!
Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 11, 2008 at 9:38pm
The measure of man or a measure should not be determine by us but God.
Comment by Patrick D. Joubert on December 11, 2008 at 4:47pm
Ok...Let me just throw this question on the table because I honestly want to hear opinions on it....

With regards to the ones who feel so inclined as to set an ASTRONOMICAL HONORARIUM request....

Do you find that these persons were truly WORTH what they are asking for...?...for instance...If their set fee happens to be $1000.00 per night plus lodging & travel; has it been anyones experience that they were truly worth the cost and investments...? And furthermore was YOUR congregation vastly better spiritually as a result of having had them come...?...I would hate to have to come up with that type of finance and the people that I serve not be MUCH better off when the meeting/conference was over...

~ jube ~

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