I have had people to find it amazing that someone my age who has known a world of sin cannot be provoked to the use of foul language. I have even heard the words, "You are Holy for real." Now, exactly what does that mean? I do not and would never consider myself to be "Holier than thou" as some would put it. I do however do as our Savior did. I ask, "Whom say ye that I am?"
My ability to keep my conversation chaste is simple, and I would like to share this formula with you. Are you ready? . . . Here it is:


What does that mean?

It means this:

Be careful of what you allow into your ear gates,
And what you permit to enter your eye gates.
They determine how your brain operates.

Do you remember that saying from at least one person whom you heard trying to put you or someone else down? People use to say things like:

Trash in equals trash out.
Lie down with dogs, you are bound to get fleas.
If you eat with the pigs, you are bound to get muddy.

The same thing applies to your spirit man.
If you allow junk to enter into your ear gates and your eye gates, it will settle into the station from which your entire body functions. At some point, corruption finds a way of escape.

Each one plays an important role in the words you formulate,
and the defilement or beauty to which you can relate
as-well-as what your spirit man can tolerate.
Your understanding comes from the place which controls these gates.

The head is the highest place on an individual. It houses the brain and is the central station of the body's operations. If the head or that which is contained therein is damaged or destroyed, there is no need to conquer the body for the whole has been defeated. What you allow to enter your gates can either enhance or prevent your ability to enter into God's gates with praise.
Knowing that this battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, the powers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places, be therefore as wise as a serpent, but as harmless as a dove.

Have a blessed weekend as you meditaite upon the goodness of the Lord and ALL that He has done for you.

Much Love In Christ,
God's Anointed
Missionary Ann Banks

What you read is also something that enters into your gates.

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Comment by Ambassador Vanessa Ann on April 5, 2010 at 6:27pm
Love this word sister ~ profound wisdom! God bless you with more and deeper revelation to continue to guide and feed the followers of His Kingdom!
Comment by regi on April 4, 2010 at 9:01pm
Hello Missionary Banks,
Long time between chats. I am blessed by your sharing always and the gift of the poetic word as well. Each time I find I take it another step further. See Matthew 15:11: It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth."

Some people have a strong discipline and resolve and some people are very focused on various things, not like yourself, motivated by the love and gift from God. But the real evidence is the heart I know you agree from our conversations. When one's heart is turned towards Father and committed to Him, they are mindful of the light that exudes from them. In your case, how blessed you are to have many issues of the world conquered effortlessly, while some struggle. But it's all good, when Father looks at the heart.

But for those that might get caught up in what the outside looks and sound like, I steer them to the the evidence of the heart which only they and God knows.

Bless you for sharing your staunch committment to Christ. If all would desire to hold the standards high!
Evangelist regi
Comment by Apostle Dr. Melody Barclay on June 28, 2009 at 2:26am
What a wonderful word Missionary Banks,. Keep up the good work that you are doing and continue to get the word out as as the Lord and the Spirit leads you. You truly are a mighty woman in the making and the best is yet to be revealed and come! Lovingly, Apostle Barclay

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