Putting the Body on high alert, for we have allow too much in and not putting enough out!!!

Grace and Peace to all believers we as the body of Christ have to replace the splendor of God's glory back as it was meant to be for the body of believers for too long we have just ALLOWED these things to go on for much too long and now we want to retro back to the basics of ministry. This call to the body is for us to close the gaps john 17:20-26 God reminds us he prays for us that believe and the glory the Father gave him he gave to us so ask this question "Have we ever heard the son talk against the Father or the Father talk badly about the son,NO well he desires us to be where he is (message translation)How can we make there as the body being unitfied and together and being both humble and sound in foundation and principal. Christ the hope of glory says The Father is in me and I am in you and the both are in us so when can we figure that it takes them and us to complete the circle that must not be broken church i am tired of seeing believers who seem to be on the losing side and the world looking as they are winning but if we THE CHURCH stop looking for people who owe us something and look toward the Father who gave it all thru his son then we can finally apply the rule "No believer left behind and that means no church shouldnt struggle when we are on the winning team!!!)I love to see more Fellowship and Teamwork concepts loosed in ministry to really drive the enemy out of our lives and jobs and churches we wont have the circumstances that arises but we have just come out of our womens conf-"WOMEN WHAT ISSUES AM I DEALING WITH" the answers is in the word and should be both expressed and properly dealt with in the church and in the home by true worship leaders who are looking the kingdom of God in the lives of his people,Can we come together and apply this simple concept and what the progress of all churches grow and mature to the things of God.GOD BLESS YOU AND HOPE THIS INSPIRES RATHER THAN OFFEND!!!FOR HIS KINGDOM SHALL REIGN IN HIS LAST HOUR!!!PASTOR JL BASS

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