After Jesus and the Disciples had taken an inventory of what they had, Jesus said, “Make the people sit down!” Right there, in the tenth verse (John 6:10), we see the 5,000 hungry men. If the offering wasn’t organized, if the bread had just been thrown out to them, then the strong men would’ve elbowed out the weak men, women, and children and would have eaten up all the fish and the bread.

In sitting down, you have a chance to logically arrange your priorities. I think that’s what Jesus meant in John 6:10 when he said “Have the people sit down.” All this fussing and fighting, mumbling and grumbling- sit down! All this back stabbing and backbiting—sit down! All this finger pointing and he-said, she-said, you-said, they-said—sit down! All this running here and yonder, trying to show up and show off, sit down!

Some folks runs day and night! You need to say to yourself, Sit down. Hatred, sit down. Envy, sit down. Small-mindedness, sit down. Racism, sit down. Self-centeredness, sit down. Doubt, sit down. Depression, sit down. Poverty, sit-down. We are in a spritual warfare. Don’t let any kind of thought inhabit your consciousness. Take evil thoughts into captivity. Take authority! Take an assessment! Sit-down and let God have his way in your life!

Be blessed!

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