Proverbs 18:21} Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it.

Matthew 12:37} For by your words you will be justified and acquitted; and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.

Many of us don't realize and just don't plain want to think about the words we speak many times. Our mouth goes in overdrive before we slow down and think about what we are going to say first. Why does this happen? Because we let our emotions take over. Our common sense goes out the window. We have to remind ourselves that when we come before the Judgment Seat of God we will not only be judged for our works but we will be judged for every word that proceeds from our it good or bad. We also have to remember that the devil is prowling and sneaking around like a lion to see who he may devour. He is constantly watching our actions and listening to our words and when they are negative....he can and will pounce on them and work them against us. He is always seeking where we are the weakest. Whatever works to give us defeat in our lives, Satan will use.

Many of us, in these days especially, are operating in fear. We are afraid of losing our jobs, losing our finances, not being able to pay bills, not having money to pay for our homes, food etc.....The list goes on! What will it take for us to come to higher ground with the Lord and operate in the supernatural? Whenever I get into any time of anxiety like this God is always there to encourage me and reminds me of one thing: I took care of My people in the desert for 40 years. Their clothes didn't wear out, they were never sick, they didn't starve....and they were still under the curse. How much more will I take care of My children now that they are under My grace? We really need to get a revelation of this in our spirits. God can and will take care of us supernaturally no matter what is going on in this world.

We really need to be careful what we speak out of our mouths at all times. So a man thinks, so he is. That also means we have to be careful on what we allow to come as thoughts in our minds. If we keep speaking we will be poor all our lives, we will be! If we speak we will be sick and never be healed, so it will be! Our words have power! That is why it's so important to know the Word of God and to continue to speak it out and stand on it. But it takes more than that! We have to believe with all our hearts that God's word is true. Why? Because He spoke it, He promised will come to pass because He is not a man that He should lie. Also He loves us with a love that goes deeper than any human being. Too often we speak out of fear. The only thing that moves God's hand is faith! And in this time we need to develop a violent faith. We need to stand firm and not allow anything or anyone to shake us. My favorite prayer is "Help Lord!" I've come to realize without Him I can do nothing.

The greatest praise we can give God is to believe Him and come to Him with our needs. We cast all our cares on Him and trust Him to bring them to pass. After all, God promises that He will provide all our needs according to His riches in glory. Amen? It's also important not to keep our needs a secret. We need to let the Body know so they can pray and believe with us. Too many of us have walls of defense up and refuse to trust anyone because we have been hurt. So we keep our pain, hurts and even our needs in secret. Believe me, I'm ministering to myself today. The only one who likes to keep things hidden is Satan. It's important to bring things to the light so that it has no power over us. I have found that even in my greatest hours of need I need to stand firm on God's word no matter what my emotions may be trying to say. The more the devil tries to put fear on me, the more I speak out God's truth, and believe me I don't do it in a quiet way, I want to make sure he hears it. Whatever we meditate on will come out of our mouths because it is stored in our hearts. So we need to focus on the positives and not the negatives. God's word is filled with positives....positive and true promises for His children.

The greatest weapon against our enemy is our praise and worship towards our God. When we get into praise and worship mode, the enemy flees! Resist the devil and he will flee! That takes an action from us! We need to speak things as they should be and not as they are! His Word never goes back to Him void. It will always set off a chain of reactions. Just as if we speak negatively all the time that too will set off a chain of reactions in our lives that the enemy will use to destroy us and bring us down. God knew we would have days of hardships, days filled with anxiety and fear. But as we determine to cast our cares on Him and trust Him, He will bring us through victoriously and faithfully every time. The only time fear will bow is when we bite that monster on the nose, face it, and go through it. I know that I have had to cast my cares on Him over and over again daily because I keep taking them back. Sound familiar? Well, the good news is that practice makes perfect. Keep giving it to Him. In the release the answers come!

Another rule we need to follow to the T is to be obedient to God in all things. We all know what we should and shouldn't be doing in our lives. Any form of disobedience is sin in God's eyes and that can really stop our blessings from coming in. I have often had people tell me: Boy, God really takes care of you, you've really been blessed. Well, I pray that by my walk they will know why that is. I've been faithful to God, the moment He tells me to do something, I do it and I try with all my heart not to do things that will displease Him. Procrastination is a big problem in the Body of Christ. We are in this world but not of it. That means we are to be radically different from this world and not indulge in its lusts. We are to be the salt of the earth and a light to the world. It is the faithful and obedient children of God who will be blessed. Not those sitting on a fence or being cold or lukewarm in their walk. Food for thought!

Many Christians today are misbehaving...they are drinking to the point of drunkeness, giving in to fornication, not meeting needs of others, manipulating people to get what they want, not attending church to be blessed by the corporate anointing, excusing the homosexual lifestyles, making promises and giving their word yet breaking them and not seeing them through, and the list goes many things that are being accepted which is displeasing to God. Love the sinner, but hate the sin. I've always said that you can tell a true Christians by their obedience, faithfulness, love and their giving hearts. Do any of the attributes describe your walk? Let us begin this new year with a new attitude.

We all need an attitude adjustment, and Lord let it begin with me. Let us determine to reflect the true image of Christ as never before. Remember, we will reap what we sow, be it good or bad. We cannot receive if we do not give. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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