With the wide spread availability, abundance of, and versatility of the Gospel Truth of Jesus Christ, in every form, dialect, translation, and presentation, so much "Word" has been released, taught, preached, prophesied, and dispersed, that the typical church goer is suffering from maximum over-load, spiritual obesity, spiritual "diabetes", and spiritual "constipation", all of which render the people of God weak, sluggish, and unproductive. When one consistently consumes too much rich food and too many calories, and they don't engage in exercise or physical activities to "work off" the accumulated calories, and ingested unnecessary calories, thgey become "fat", obese, and unhealthy, which sets them up for a number of "obesity" and poor nutrition related infirmities. These same principles and truths apply to the realm of the Spirit as well, and we are living in the midst of a time of universal spiritual stupor, laziness, and an emerging inability to tolerate the latter rain Word of God, that is being sent to bless,STRENGTHEN, RE-ESTABLISH, RESCUE, loose, edify, guard, and manifest held-up and delayed blessings, because all the Word they've received and consumed up until now, is still just "sitting", undigested, unprocessed, and "un-worked"! In order for the Logos Word of God to "work" for you, in you, and through yopu, you need to WORK THE WORD!

Aside from the condition of spiritual obesity, a season of accommodating "hearer friendly", sugar glazed, unchallenging, unconvicting, sin justifying, non compelling, "no Truth having" , messages, sermons,and "Words" has left some of the household of faith in a state of unquenchable thirst, unfulfilled hunger, dizziness, blurred vision or inability to even "see" and recognize the Rhema of God, and all the other symptoms and manifestation of spiritual "diabetes"! This sort of preaching may have "sounded good" to the hearer, but it wasn't "sound doctrine", and each time it was received by itching, immature, unaware, and unwise ears, there was another detrimental impartation of health destroying "sugar", until those who were embracing such foolishness, found themselves in need of the Great Physician, Himself, and a strong dose of the Truth that you shall know, that shall make you free! Some, who were victims of this type of unhealthy spiritual diet, were able to hear the Truth, receive it, repent, and put themselves on a new "diet" of the irrefutable Word of God in it's purest form, and were able to determine and testify that "the Bible is still RIGHT!" Others were so far gone that they were in need of specialized "procedures", or spiritual "dialysis", because they needed the toxic poisons of "another gospel", and the doctrine of demons" purged out, so the the all powerful Blood of the Lamb, and the unfiltered Word of God could be infused in and the correct grounding, realignment, and purpose could be established! Still others, who had "supped" on such spiritual "food" were found "critical", about to go into a "diabetic coma",unable to recognize their own names, and not sure whether or not they were "absent or present". These are the ones who walked into the house of God lean and healthy, with great potential, and awesome destinies, who realized that what they were being "fed" was unhealthy, but they chose to sit, say nothing, and do nothing, hoping that it would "work itself out", or believing that if "Pastor" or whomever, said it, preached it, prophesied or taught it, then it must be "good", and alright for them to "eat"! Unfortunately, these souls don't always recover, because after years and decades of receiving "uncut sugar", gangrene begins to set in , often ending in "amputation", or the loss of some portion of their former anointing, and the "healing" process for their many wounds and "sores" is seriously compromised because of the presence of too much "sugar" in their spiritual blood streams!

Another misfortune of spiritual obesity, is "constipation", because anything that you take into your body, has to have a means of elimination or release, and when one receives the Word for an extended time, and there's no release, no evangelizing, no witnessing, no "working " of it, it will eventually become, "impacted", and nothing else can be ingested, and what's there is too hard, dry, old, and anchored, to come out. Spiritual "constipation" is more detectable than other infirmities because those individuals will, in a matter of time, "act out", as their discomfort, and distress becomes more and more unbearable, and they will begin to emit an "odor". The spiritually constipated "'wear" their condition in their "countenance", posture, and disposition, because they are usually short-tempered, distracted, irritable, agitated, restless, and obviously suffering! It's usually apparent that God has invested greatness in them, and they have something worth hearing to say, but for whatever reason, be it lack of opportunity, bondage by leaders, fear, disobedience or rebellion, they go on, filled to the point if being "stuffed" with all of that unreleased Word, doing absolutely nothing with it. Everyone doesn't take "constipation" seriously, believing that a couple of teaspoons of Milk of Magnesia, a glass of prune juice, or a few "Ex-lax" will handle the situation, but the truth is constipation, left unattended to, or that becomes a "chronic" condition, can put your life in jeopardy, should your intestines rupture, and all that "waste is let loose within your body and blood stream! We don't want the unattended Word in us to "rupture" or cause an eruption, but rather, that it would "flow" LIKE THE RIVERS OF LIFE THAT IT IS! We don't want to present ourselves before the Lord in a debilitated condition, with afflictions we didn't have to get, because we neglected our "diet", and were too slothful and lazy to reverence every download, and impartation of the Word of Truth, to actively and consistently "work" it!. If you recognize any of these symptoms in your own life, and up until now the weight of your spiritual obesity has prevented you from having the courage or motivation to do something about it , the Bible has a question for you, "Why sit ye here and die?"

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Comment by Dawn Davidson on October 7, 2009 at 6:31pm
You are just blessing me today girl! I could not agree more. The constipated state you describe is exactly where I would be, have even been, regarding issue surrounding the female in the garden, if I (and when I have) ceased to do as I know I am led by God.

God has given so much revelation overcoming the teachings rooted in the pulpit traditions only of men that not to release the truth about the female, as dictated in the Hebrew of the garden word, at times feels like it might take my very life. God is a consuming fire and to him I give my obedience.

What God used you so aptly to describe in detail above is exactly what happens when we "forget" the diet we are on as given by God, dry up, get angry and harden, hardly able to still hear a good word from God, and no longer for some even desiring the things in and of him . Yet we must stay in faith and "work" what we have from the Lord, even in the face of adversity, rebellion, and the apostate mind, not believing what man has said (even when that "man" is yourself) but only God.

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