The "Blood Covenant" of Marriage. Part 1

I would like to share something the Lord has laid on my heart, and
you first must understand that most of what I post, if not all, I
believe comes from the Holy Spirit of God..For those who you who may
think otherwise, pray about it and the Lord will tell you if He has
called me to teach the body of Christ on how to walk as true kings
and priests of the Lord Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter really what I
may think but what the Lord is thinking and this is where my heart is
at..I too must practice what the Lord gives me as well as what I am
presenting to each one of you. First of all, did you know that God
Almighty is a Covenant God? I have written a book on the Kingship of
the Born again believer but the message here now does not arrive any
teaching from it, yet, it does reveal on the subject of God's
Covenants to mankind. As God made a Covenant with Abraham, You do
realize that it was a Blood Covenant. A blood Covenant is the highest
form of covenant that can be made. God made His Covenant of Salvation
through the Blood Jesus shed on the cross of Calvary, whereby all of
mankind could be saved. Yet, as God made this Covenant with Abraham,
God told Him that He would make Him a Father of many Nations, and
Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto Him as righteousness
unto God. A physical sign of this agreement between them was the act
of "Circumcision. " Circumcision, the cutting off and casting away of
the male foreskin, this was symbolic of what occurs when God cleanses
the heart of a man. (By God's Spirit. He cuts off our sin when we ask
forgiveness. ) The foreskin represents uncleanness, and the casting
away of the foreskin represents the putting away of uncleanness in a
man's life. Circumcision was a matter of the heart first andof the
flesh second.If cleansing of the heart didn't occur first, then the
physical act would have no meaning..This is what I was pointing out
about water baptism, which a few of you wanted to disagree..In the
same aspect concerning Marriage between a man and a woman, The is a
blood covenant which is also made..Marriage establishes a covenant
relationship, sealed by their "SEXUAL" union..This is the reason why
God wants both the man and the woman to be "Virgins" when they marry.
The Marriage covenant, like other covenants God has established
begins with the heart. The love between a man and a woman calls for
commitment. Living together is involvement but getting married, is a
commitment and there is a difference. This is why...When a man and a
women get married, as Virgins and have their their first intimate
sexual experience, Her Hymen is broken. This causes the shedding of
Blood which flows over the man's part during their intercourse. To
God, this is the physical evidence that the couple has entered into a
covenant relationship together through the shedding of blood.It is
the external evidence of an internal work.. This is why Marriage is
sacred..It is a blood covenant..God made a rule for Israel in the old
Testament. If a man took a woman's virginity, he had to take care of
her for life. If a woman gave up her virginity outside of marriage,
she was to be killed. Does that leave any question that god expects
both the man and the woman to be virgins at the time of their
marriage? Because of the small amount of blood that is shed when the
hymen is broken, it is possible to prove the virginity of the
woman..If someone proved that a woman had lost her virginity before
marriage, her husband could have the marriage annulled. She would not
be his responsibility. . I will continue this in a second part
tomorrow. Understand the importance of knowing about Covenants and
how God has now made an eternal Covenant with All born again
believers in Christ Jesus our Lord and does this eternal covenant
have an exterior sign and seal proving a first changing of the heart?
Yes, and if you would like we will discuss this as well..God is
raising up kings for the coming of Christ's kingdom on this earth. You
are called unto His crowning glory..Blessing to all..

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