Isaiah 42:9; Isaiah 43:18-19

The moves of God should not be worshipped. God’s moves are progressional, not stagnant. What is on our hard-drive that is stagnant and obsolete, that has caused us to miss out on progressional revelation?

On the Mount of Transfiguration, the disciples wanted to build tabernacles and stay but Jesus told them it was time to move. It doesn’t matter how glorious the move of God, we have to watch that we don’t hold on to an experience. God wants to give us a more glorious experience of who He is. He says the greater is to come.

There is provisional grace where God provides for us, but there is also transitional grace. A problem in the church is that we’re stuck in a mode, that’s why we have denominational barriers; we’re stuck in the experiences of men. We can get lost in a move instead of the mover (God).

Note that the former things are come to past. Moves don’t come and stay. “Move” speaks of motion. We need to lock into God’s frequency to understand what is on His prophetic calendar. If we as ministers stay at the old stagnant and religious experiences,where we will offer the people old wine or what I call pigs’ food. Remember the Israelites wanted to stay at Kadesh, at the first refreshing place they came to. Yet God was moving them.

God is progressionally moving us forward and releasing things to us, especially as a Caribbean people. We can become obsolete in our move if we worship it. Like so many personality that many run to hear but they teachings are Obsolete to what God is doing and saying in the world.

Jesus made one of the most disturbing comments in Scripture – Jerusalem, "would that you had known the hour of your visitation". Can you imagine being in the birthing position and don’t know it is time and you abort what God has inside of you for a moment’s pleasure? What if we miss our moment of opportunity? Can we afford to go another 40 years?

We have to see past someone’s seemingly flimsy exterior because that person might just have the key to open the door for us.

Our gift can take us but our character cannot keep us.
Where is our character in the scheme of what God wants to do?
Do we have the right attitude for ministry?
How do we treat the people we’re ministering to? Do we throw out anything to them and call it good food when you know it is not?
Do we understand our role in ushering in the people of God?
How do we usher ourselves into the presence of God?

If it’s people we want to minister to, God will give us people and we can keep doing the religious acts even though we are in iniquity. The ones who are more interested in ministering to people are the ones who stay in the outer courts.

We have a choice – we can minister to God or we can minister to people. Do we want to be known as persons that minister unto God? Do we want to realise that after 10 years we were ministering to people and not God? If we minister to people, we lose out. If we minister to God, we minister to Him and to people.
John 4
The woman had the opportunity to minister to the Master but she missed it.

In order to understand the move of God in modern times, we have to allow our minds to be renewed through the Word to eliminate ungodly beliefs. Colossians 3:14 says to mortify your members which are in the earth. We were not sent to repeat church, traditionalise and culturalise the people of God.We have learnt a culture and called it church.

The dynamics in the culture has taught us, and has taught us how to respond to the happening of the day in church. So we know what song go where .....We wear shirt and tie because that is how we were culturalised.
Jesus gave us the key: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness….”
Inorder words understand His Kingdoms' culture dynamics and live by them frist.
If we want to do God’s will then, we need to put aside our own agenda..

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