The Prophets Blog; Apostle Ken Cox, The Modern Day Jumper

The Prophets Blog; Apostle Ken Cox, The Modern Day Jumper

Greetings in the Name of Jesus, Prophetess Cox and I continue to be in awe of what God is doing. I want to encourage each of you to fight for the best life has to offer, it is worth it and you are also.

When I was a little boy coming up in the church I used to hear the term Church Hopper; today with our technology, we call them “jumpers”. “wild ass”,and a variety of names that fit into your local vernacular. Earlier in ministry, I had a Bishop; and he used this term “church hopper” quite a bit. The term was dedicated to others as they strived to find what they needed along their journey. I used to watch my Bishop smile when other ministers came and complained to him about this person or that person. He knew something that they had not learned, a valuable lesson about people.

Loyalty is deep. Real loyalty to a cause, a movement, or a faith is within a person. For most people it is easy transferred so it’s hard to imagine or experience the genuineness of real loyalty to what we attach ourselves to. Real loyalty is simply being obedient to what you say you believe in. Our walk with Christ would be the best example I know . Are you faithful to your walk with Christ? or are you jumping and hopping here and there to validate who you feel you are? I find out that in walking with the King of Kings, my knowing who I am keeps me focused. This is a full time endeavor.

There were two things that always troubled me with my Bishop; first why he would allow me to sit in on his meetings; with other men & women of God, when at times I clearly felt they did not want me there as they spilled their guts. The reality was that I had not been mentored to be there but was put in the situation to learn some valuable lessons. The second thing I wondered was what he wanted me to see that I simply could not see, but was right in front of me. I learned the reality of the fragile sense of self worth many of us have in the body of Christ. While the Bishop is resting now, I thank him for what he done for me. He helped me birth the "Vision of Daniel" as he looked past the drama he saw in visions to see the response of God, (Daniel 7:2-4) This experience sustains me today in ministry.

What I learned, was the lesson of trying to take people where they don’t want to go, learning to focus despite the storm of unstableness that people will present to Spiritual leaders is priceless. Maybe by now as you read this I’ve got your attention and you’re thinking yeah, I know someone like that. Maybe you do and maybe you do not. This is for those of you who are trying to understand. As leaders we go though trials, tests, and seasons of our own doing. People come to us looking for comfort, peace and most of all direction. They sometimes are like open cuts with band aids; that heal, feel good but deep down there is still some small unhealed flesh which still hurts. For you real deep folks your blood pressure is normal under medication, you feel well, but one day hypertension knocks you off your feet, and you still have half a bottle of your medicine left. The Apostle Paul wasn't the only one with a thorne in his flesh.

The funny thing about people is just that. They are funny about who, whom they connect to. I am, and you are also, lets be real. Does this give us a right to jump from “house to house” or family to family”? Well many feel they have this right, to get what they can get and move on to another spiritual venue. We all have done this, in some fashion, but only a small number of us will admit it. We have moved with the ease of a wind storm and are regulated by our perceived acceptance. There is honor among thieves, why is it so hard to experience honor among the professing saints of God? Someone asked me recently is there honor among prophets? My response was it depends on who the prophets are. Even doing things with honor will not always make you popular nor will it be easily accepted by your peers; but those of you who are 5 fold ministry gifts, you are working for your creator, not his unfinished creatures, who demand the finished products that they promote themselves as.

Connecting to the wrong person or persons will feel like a lifetime, as the perception is always bigger when we are in the middle of it. The modern day church hopper / jumper is a unique individual. This person is diverse as the rainbow coalition of skin colors we see in today’s world. The woman with the issue of blood was a fine example. She went here and there for 12 long years. She never got healed until she believed that Jesus was her answer. She made up her mind that Jesus was it. This was her best chance for a normal life. Can any of you see why people jump from work to work in the body of Christ? Like the woman with the issue of Blood, until these people make their minds up they will jump like frogs, grass hoppers and hot grease waiting for some one to drop some trout in.

You as a leader knowing this, can't take it personal. You must remained focused, and understand that we are dealing with people all over the world now. People, are now using every means available to get where they feel they need to be, you nor I can judge the standard “God Said”, that they always say. We can however discern the actions that speak loud in the silent revelation of the Spirit of God. "They" will always tell you God said this and God said that, listen carefully as they constantly announce the unstable nature of “A god” that many of them confuse with Jehovah God. Jehovah God is stable and doesn't change with every passing wind.

My assignment has been to show and share with you on this cancerous behavior, that 5 fold ministry gifts take from fellowship to fellowship. This is not to embarrass, but to empower the gifts; to prosper, as well as the out pourer of God's Anointing within the budding gift, that's jumping. We need to understand the realm that we are in and keep focused on the Anointing. The Word of God; tells us that God is a Spirit, and those who worship him, must do it in The Spirit. We go up to His level. not Him come to ours. Following that example lets the Jumpers , jump; but if they choose to land in your yard of assignment, then they will exist by the rules of Gods Words, which you as a leader ,operate in with excellence. Somebody say "AMEN"! Remember the old saying that a dog that brings a bone, will take one. This is what undisciplined 5 fold ministry gifts do when they jump So if they jump because "they were told to again" give them a bone of excellence.

Beware leaders. Ask questions and be watchful. The biggest blessing is that they jump ,find a leader they will listen to, and become a standard that the Anointing will stabilize on. The Blessing of being stable is the best example of being who God has called you to be. Learning how not to prejudge and understand the generation we are called to is the key to being a leader who recognizes The Modern Day Jumper. Take a stand and understand that God still has not changed. We need to be the same way, yes our venues will change, our methods will change, and our means will, but our purpose can't. Our Foundation is still sure! (Ephesians 2:20)

Bless you all, comment directly on this website or to .

In The Anointing

Apostle Ken Cox

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