The Prophets Blog, Prophet Ken Cox “Touching God’s Anointed"

The Prophets Blog, Prophet Ken Cox “Touching God’s Anointed"
Greetings dear Friends in the matchless Name of Jesus. We are excited about the journey ahead. Are you ready to challenge every yoke & burden with The Anointing? Now is the time and for those of you radical enough not to look at anybody else, this assignment has been directed to you. Let’s chat for a few moments.

It’s the Holiday season, and for some time, I've had a burden to share with you from this topic. While I know some toes may curl, and eye brows rise. That’s to be expected when God gives one a mandate to serve. I will now move forth on my assignment.

How many of us have ever touched God’s Anointed Ones? Some may see this as a physical thing I'm sharing on, let me say no. This is Spiritual in every sense of the Word. We touch people in many ways. Physical contact (laying on of hands) has it place and purpose, let’s put that aside and see the unseen. Let’s talk about words of power. Touching God’s Anointed with our words is the essence of my assignment. The words we speak have power. While it may not be realized by some readers of this blog, the power of a spoken word can be lethal. Let me be the first to tell you that it can and will affect some of the following instances and more that I list here.

A spoken word will:

* make some one feel worthless

*build up someone’s self esteem

*ruin someone who is not emotionally strong

*make someone like or dislike you, without knowing you

*bring honor or shame to you, depending how it’s received

*spread a lie, gossip or fortify a legend

While I've listed only a few, you need to know that there are more many more. Why is touching God’s Anointed with words important, because every reader along with the writer of this Blog have been guilty of putting our mouths in areas where we did not seek God, nor have adequate information. Can I talk about us for a few moments here? (The church says amen)

Some times we tell people things they are not ready to receive. We ruin them; guess what, we have touched God’s Anointed. Remember the woman at the well, she was a Samaritan and Jesus was a Jew. Those groups of people did not have interaction, especially on personal levels. Yet we see how Jesus interacted with her and showed her that he knew what others felt about her. But rather than condemn her, he offered her Spiritual rebirth. She was not ready to be condemned even more that she was. The story is still fascinating to me as I read it over and over. (John 4: 6-19) What are you saying Prophet, glad you asked! I'm saying that there were many things Jesus could have said to her, but she needed to receive salvation. In essence, the timing of how he spoke to her was more important than her personal situation. She prospered from the words he spoke. The Anointing that was dormant within her was stirred. She was thrust into Ministry. Lets call it “Come See a Man Ministry” (John 4:29) Jesus used timing in His words to her. Timing, the provincial oversight in one’s life that vastly exceeds our awareness. Go back and read this story again to make sure you see what Jesus saw.

The same can be said when we get upset with someone, especially a spiritual leader. Do we use timing when we speak with them or do we speak out of character? Do you really have all the facts? The leader can be wrong and you know the leader is wrong, but he/she is still God’s Anointed. Saul was still God’s anointed. He was wrong as the day is long, but David would not allow physical or spiritual damage to Saul. (1st Samuel 26: 4-25) He (David) had every right to be upset, mad, and vengeful; many of us in David’s shoes would have wanted to revert back to our “old” ways. At least we would have thought about it. Remember David was well able to handle himself, he had fought lions and bears (1st Samuel 17:34-35). One on one he could have dealt with Saul, but Saul had resources just as the enemy of today has. The enemy of today, your enemy.

I know many of you have been done wrong, we all have, and if we keep on this journey, Jesus said the world will hate us and despise us for His name. There are plenty of demonic resources available and many of them are your distracters. They love to know that you are mad, so they can take your irritation and take it to your new potential distracters (rumor receivers) and now this becomes a full fledged rumor, some may or may not be true, some out right false and by the time its gets back to you, you now have to be in "full defuse mode". Have you ever wondered why some lies sound so true? They have been fueled by demonic resources like Saul had at his disposal. The head (Saul) was operating under a demonic spell, and the resources became subject to the same spell. The resources that are coming against you are coming because the leader is operating under a demonic mandate. Friend you must take heed that all things work for Good of those who love God, to those who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28). This includes the forces you are dealing with that has touched your Anointing with hurtful words and actions. I feel someone shouting about now!

This is part of the web that is woven to get you to look un-Christ like. To portray you in a Non Christian character to your peers and followers is the reverse deception the enemy uses when God’s Anointed has been touched in an Un-Godly manner. In other words you can know “they, that person, that leader(s)” were wrong and you can still end up on the short end unless you know how to conduct yourself. David conducted himself wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him. (1st Samuel 18:15)

Many times we see in the body of Christ how relationships change, when a leader is not stable, or has low self esteem or personal issues. Saul continually became David’s enemy, over a period of time. (1st Samuel 18:29). Then that same type of leader will not want to destroy your ministry directly, but will use others as Saul attempted to. (1st Samuel 19:1). You must be keenly aware of the” who’s, who” In your life.

Remember all the people who have dug a ditch for you, some even have dug your grave, but they would be so ashamed if God showed you the punishment he dealt them, for what they done to you. Why do you think some people dodge you for months, even years, they are trying to figure it out. The, it is the punishment that God has dealt them, for touching his Anointed. You were and are God’s anointed and “they touched you” and God handled the issue for you. Some of us could write a Book about that. David did not see Saul’s destruction, but it happened. David continued on with his mandate. Look at David also, he was not perfect but his ways pleased the Lord when he was the object of Saul’s wrath. Saul was Anointed, David was Anointed, and yet there was friction and disagreement. Does this sound familiar? Can you find it within your self to pray for your Saul, one more time? I know you, may be upset and yes it was wrong but we are under a mandate to pray. (Matthew 5:44)

The wheat and the tares in our lives grow together, and while people spend time on the nonsense of killing someone with words and destroying a ministry with unfounded and well placed accusations, let us first look at Jesus again and see how he dealt with the Woman at the well. I still remember him saying that he would do the separating in due season. For some of you its now “due season”. Let’s look at David (A young David) and see how to handle ourselves when we decide if we are going to touch God’s Anointed. I hear so much, as I'm sure you all do, “touch not mine, my Anointed ones, due my Prophets no harm. (11st Chronicles 16:22), (Psalms 105:15). Friends this really does include you also, you are one of God’s Anointed Ones, don't allow people to tell you otherwise!

Watch the words you receive, sometimes they are meant to destroy you and what you receive, you will become. How you conduct yourself in the mist of your storm is critical. You are God’s person of change, so change sometimes has to come through you! Saul’s character matured when he finally figured out that while he wanted to destroy David, David had the power to destroy him all along. David had God with him. David operated in wisdom. Separation was a tool that God used in their lives to make each of them grow. What is happening to you now as you read this, to activate that dormant gift inside of you?

Look at your life now and see what God is doing to help you understand that his Anointed ones are just that, His! Right, wrong or indifferent, they are his. Sometimes to get a different result you must do something different, it’s fascinating how God will stir you in different directions. Prophetess and I are witnesses of this. This will also include ones in your life who don't see who you are! They know your Anointed, but just can't seem to accept it, because in their mind it gives you a step up on them. I know it’s enough to make you laugh, but our world is full of these type people. They will vary from venue to venue, organization to organization, ministry to ministry, and yes even family to family.

As you have read this, I pray that you know who you are, not an imitator or duplicator but God’s original creation. You're created in his image and yes you are anointed; so they really do need to be careful how they touch God’s Anointed.

I really appreciate hearing from so many of you! Your comments and revelations that you share are precious to us. We all have something to give, we are servants and we serve our gifts to the world. Prophetess Cox and I say thank you! If you have comments, post them to this website or email us directly at and we will respond as appropriate. God Bless you, Prophetess Cox and I are looking to see you soon when we come to your city or a city near you!

In The Anointing

Prophet Ken Cox

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