The Prophets Blog; Prophet Ken Cox The Anointing of Persecution

The Prophets Blog; Prophet Ken Cox The Anointing of Persecution
Greetings friends in Jesus name. I'm excited to see 2009;we have just completed our First Fruit Revival and God blessed us through my great friend, Apostle Reginald Reed of Anniston, Ala. Prophetess Cox and I are preparing to come to your city or a city near you soon. We're excited about the journey God has on.

Recently I was in a conversation with a well known Servant of God and as we shared, God spoke to me about the Anointing of Persecution. I found the subject very peculiar as God spoke to me. Let me ask, who reading this has ever been persecuted? I have and many of you also. I do know that some of you will not admit it but that’s a self inflicted burden for you to deal with. Those who have been persecuted will know the unsure feeling of anger and confusion mixed together. You ask yourself why? Sometimes you understand and sometimes you don't. Here is where my assignment comes to the “Main Street” of Ministry today. Can we start to understand being tried by fire? Friends, let's now chat about the reality that we live in.

Jesus said that we would be persecuted just as he was.(Matthew 5:21) Why? As followers of Jesus we are subject to the same trails and tribulations He faced. John 15:18-25 says they hated him without a cause. Here is where the rubber meets the road. There are men and women of God who have been anointed to be persecuted and the still flourish. They are anointed to pass the tests. Have you ever wondered why some servants of God flourish when everyone is talking about them? They are still doing awesome undertakings for God in the midst of everybody with their “mouth” on them. These servants develop into mentors, because they have a “deposit experience”. Let me warn you that, this alone will not make them good mentors, but the experience itself alone is priceless.

This Prophet has seen too many men and woman of God spending too much of their lives criticizing other men and women of God. This now becomes contagious as the followers of that servant then inherit that same spirit. Wonder why you sometimes can't understand why people or people connected with a ministry act the way they do, for no reason at all. I submit to you that who ever controls your ear, will control your destiny. The voice you honor with your conduct will be the voice that imparts into you. The Anointing of Persecution will allow you to know they are talking, but you never hear them or better yet you never accept that spirit.

I really have learned to respect the ability to perform under persecution. God has placed people in all our lives that have this ability, this authority by his Anointing. These are the type of people who will hear and don't hear, they will perform because they understand that their very existence is a divine function of God. They see their gift as what God has given them to give to others. They realize people are talking but they understand that God’s mandate is more important than someone’s personal prejudice. That personal prejudice is a growth opportunity that their persecution of someone identifies in them. What are you saying Prophet? Thanks for asking. The one being persecuted, namely you must be able to focus on your mission, your mandate from God. You must become a 360 % thinker and still maintain your focus. These type leaders have grown beyond personal prejudice and seek people to work with of similar focus, “eyesight” and “hearing”, especially “hearing”.

This is where many will separate themselves in ministry. The enemy will use anyone, anywhere, at anytime. This is the reason, we need to self check ourselves and not get caught up in crap that will not promote or execute this gospel that we say we live and love. You probably know some one who has been caught up in the persecution of another servant of God. In some form or another, we all have whether we admit it or not. Jesus told us that persecution is a way of life for us in the Body of Christ. The scriptures tell us just that. (Matthew 10:22, Matthew 24:9, Luke 21:17, John 15:18-25 and John 16:33) We see example after example in the Word of God, and yet we seem to think that we are exempt. If you serve God on any level you will experience persecution. The way you deal with it will determine the height of your ascension in God's plan for your life.

It is very unfortunate to see those who will not take a stand on an issue that has a direct effect on our Christian way of life, because they don't want to be controversial. They shy away from the spotlight that being a servant of God generates and tend to want to be known for staying in a place of convenience, we'll refer to as a gray area. You should not be surprised that we have acceptance of things such as same sex marriages and merging of God’s principles to fit with the world views. Remember Nicodemus, (John 3: 1-21) who could have asked Jesus in the day light, but preferred the darkness of night so he would not be detected. Yet he was not even a servant of God. He was known as a man of influence, but his actions showed how he felt, that he would come in the dark to shine in the light. We have too many leaders who love to tippy toe into the darkness for the ability to shine in the light.

Persecution, most often is fueled by jealously. Jealously, lack of understanding and misunderstanding are the first cousins of persecution. It is so sad to see servants of God who want to be in the place of other servants of God. They don't know what that man or woman of God had to endure to get there, but they are “there”, where you may or may not want them to be. This does not give you ,me, or anyone the authority to persecute someone because God has moved in that ministry. We can find so much wrong with the individual, from clothes to personal indignities and yet we see them still “there” or we see them still climbing on the ladder of Gods Favor to the next dimension of His Glory. The wheat and the tares will continue to grow together and God's Word stipulates that for a reason. People will always talk, but is it productive in building that person or servant of God or do we tear them and the work of God down with our mouths. Thank God for the Anointing persecution generates in one's life to keep moving in him.

When people are jealous of you they will say, make up things that will sound true but will be sprinkled with lies, deception, and individual prejudices that reflect their shortcomings. Remember what you take in determines what you give out. As many of you read this on the Internet, know that it’s a wonderful vehicle of communication as well as one of deception also. Many will hide inadequacies on this medium as we so often see in the body of Christ. We should not be detoured though, because the Spirit of discernment is still alive and well. As leaders we should know that any time we are moving in God, we will see demonic distractions from whatever medium we use and understand that your persecutor's preferred method will always be used against you. Sometimes silence, facial expressions, or our actions give away our inner feelings of hurt, anger, misunderstandings in our dealings with our brother or sister in Christ. We are all human and none of us are exempt. God's greatest leaders all reach a point of no nonsense that they would not tolerate "(fill in the blank)" any longer. Remember Paul and the lady with the spirit of infirmity.

Do you ever wonder why people spend time in a medium, taking down, attacking someone who they don't know, or maybe have heard about through someone who is mad with that leader or person? It makes no sense, but we are faced with the persecution test, as we move in the Anointing that it manifests. This is transferable as we share with other leaders who are facing the same test, or will be tested soon. Every leader of merit will face this test in some form or another, but your focus in the storm is what's important. Often times mature leaders who spiritually see you in the storm will identify themselves and thus your persecution has connected you to your next level. You then experience a divine connection. TELL GOD THANK YOU! and now your armed to move forth with purpose!

God Bless you my friend today, thank you for your time that you shared with me today. I appreciate your comments and read them all. I will respond as necessary. Leave your comments on this web site or email me directly at

Prophetess Cox and I will look to see you soon in your city or one near you! Be Blessed because you know who you are in Christ.

In The Anointing
Prophet Ken Cox

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